Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything

>Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything

What did he mean by that and how will they adapt this line for the upcoming HBO miniseries?

It means smug Hillary thread


He means if you're rich women will let you do anything.


It's like "grab the bull by the horns," but for rich people



Trump is a clown, but in this particular thing he's right.


just locker room talk


Why do leftists always just end up stealing right wing meme styles, palettes and photos any twisting them to fit their agenda?

I'm not talking about dumb frog posting but all the "good" liberal memes are just blatant aping of styles and concepts that right wingers used first

Hell half the time those photos are made by a right wing person in the first place because they want to make bait for (you)'s

>says he hasn't released his taxes because he's being audited
>accuses warren buffett of taking tax deductions like him
>buffett tells him he's wrong and releases his taxes returns while under audit

because we are not sitting bored out of our minds in a 10th grade English class and therefore lack the time

Didn't the tax officials say there's no problem for Trump to release the documents while in audit?


Yeah, but he's too much of a pussy to do it.

It is, but people will bitch anyway or even more, besides, this is the same people who donated their monthly wages for Bernie and then he bought a 5 million dollar villa in Florida after he dropped out of the race

>right wing style memes

they literally steal all their memes what are you talking about

I don't know.

But it appears to be a trend that is catching on, even among SJW's.

These are really bad.

I wonder (no really, I do) if CTR hired Christopher Weston Chandler to make these.