Thoughts on this show...

Thoughts on this show? I've been considering watching it since it's easily accessible on Netflix and is massively popular, but it's really fucking long.

Does it get repetitive, or do they manage a compelling continuous plot?

1-5 seasons are good. After that it goes downhill real fast, with Sam, Dean and one other character as its only saving grace.

apparently the god arc isn't over yet

this show has one recurring theme, family is misery

Any specific reason why it goes downhill? Writer change? Bad ideas? Executive meddling? Goblins?

pretty sure i stopped watching around season 6

they played their best hand too early

watch it and you'll see what I mean

Love it I always will. Grew up coming home from school watching this shit after smallville. Feels good that all these yrs later I'm still on adventures with my bros Sam and dean.

Fuck the faggots that complain about Muh season 5 end. I'm with this shit till the end of the line and loving every minute of it.

It's formulaic monster of the week but as long as you know that going in you should enjoy it

Alright, I'll give it a shot. Even if I do only end up enjoying a few seasons that's still pretty solid.

Thanks everyone for all the posts so far. Helps to know a bit about what to expect. While I'm here, any opinions on the anime?

Everything you just said except goblins.

Plus it's way too pandering to the tumblr/internet fandom once season 7 kicks in.

Just watch seasons 1-5 and jump straight to 10.

The anime is really good. It's a pity they never made more.

The showrunner left after season 5. He said, he envisioned it ending, right around there. Basically his story arc concluded, and the show felt very much 'done'. Like the other user said, without spoiling, they built up the tension waaay to high, then it had a dramatic climax, and then it lost its reason for being. The following seasons couldn't live up to the dramatic story arcs of season 4-5. I think, there was even an episode in season 5, where one of the characters kinda broke the fourth wall and said, "there comes a point where a show jumps the shark" alluding to the fact, that the creative writers had no where to go, but down. And down did it go into the toilet.

I myself, despite being a HUGE supernatural fanboy from seasons 1-5, haven't seen anything since. I've read reviews here and there, and yeah, there's a few good episodes in between a lot of mediocre ones. I just don't know if I want my 'memory of the good Supernatural' to be tainted by today's version.

whatever happened to that spinoff about crime families?

bombed hard due to negative feedback

I see. Sounds like kind of a shame, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Out of curiosity, why jump to 10? I assumed it was a suggestion to start keeping up with the current season but that doesn't seem to be it.

That's good to hear though. I'll try that out too if I like the show.

Seasons 1-3 are great. They build to the god tier seasons 4-5. Completed story.

6-7 are bad. New show runner throwing ideas at the wall. Season 8 they get back some of the 1-5 crew and finally get a great idea to stick. Slowly build upon it.

9-10 are really good. 11 is back to being great.

If things trying to live up to and top the world ending for 5 seasons but failing fucking hard sounds fun then go ahead and keep watching after season 5.

My understanding (the user who hasn't seen them), is that the show started regaining some mojo back around season 9-10. Seasons 6 and 7 are considered the worst, and 8 is the come back.

Mystery Spot is the best episode of any TV show ever

And I'm not just saying this in THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT

I remember crying with laughter at that one
S3 best season

Gotta say I expected Cred Forums to be massive hipsters about Supernatural since it's a popular tumblr show. Happy to see that's not the case.