Mfw Big Al died

>mfw Big Al died

I watched this recently (loved it as a kid) and I seriously teared up.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Record it
>Rewatch the episode then play the game.

Had no idea there was a game. I would have definitely had that as a kid if I knew about though, but from the looks of that screenshot 8 year old me would have been too dumb to play it.

Still have this on VHS.

So do I. Walking with dinosaurs was the coolest shit as a kid. There was nothing like it at the time; a CGI documentary about dinosaurs, as opposed to the action movie dinosaurs Jurassic Park had given us. For some reason I was more fascinated with this as a kid because it tried to give us a simple realistic look at dinosaurs.

You and everyone who likes this show and its shit tier cgi need to fucking kill yourselves. The ONLY dinokino is Raptor Red by Bob Bakker, literally anything else is garbage.

Be careful with that edge, user. You might cut yourself.

The Dinosaurs remains my favorite Dinosaur Documentary.

>Today's National Fossil Day

Good timing for a thread

Big Al was a dumb dinosaur without any complex emotions
You are wasting your tears on him.

This is the only Dino Doc you need friends...

Loved that game. Seems to have disappeared off the web though.

Damn shame.

I tear up everytime Giants of the Skies plays
such a sad song for a sad story

We're reaching nostalgia levels that shouldn't be possible

All he wanted was to get laid one last time.

Shit really?

The tone did it. Music + narrator made it a lot sadder. The whole special set Al up like a character with a personality and everything. You should have grown to like him.

>its shit tier cgi
It was fantastic when it came out. Get the fuck outta here

Shit man way to make me feel old, I played the shit out of that game and the similar primate evolution one they had up.

>Big Al dies

Thanks for the spoilers you fucking shit REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Cool webm