Childhood is idolizing Chris Hansen, adulthood is realizing that pedophiles make more sense

Childhood is idolizing Chris Hansen, adulthood is realizing that pedophiles make more sense...

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Amen, brother.

stupid Booposter

Man Drew Bree's is not looking to hot

it is completely normal to be sexually attracted to 12-13 year old pubescent girls but it is not okay to act on that sexual attraction in modern society where women are afforded as many rights as they are today to live the lives of men instead of baby makers and home makers

>in modern society where women are afforded as many rights as they are today to live the lives of men instead of baby makers and home makers

What does that have to do with anything?

because in modern western society women are expected to be independent contributors to society in other ways than homemaking and impregnating a 13 year old is a good way to preemptively sabotage their chances of becoming anything other than a welfare queen

Aaron Paul episode when?

Just use a condom?

>its another "pedophilia is totally socially acceptably okay and redpilled if you're white" episode

not 100% effective and not enforceable by law

being attracted to pubescent girls is not pedophilia. take that bullshit back to tumblr. even reddit knows this.

It is if you're a shitskin, according to /poltv/

converting to Islam and admiring middle eastern values is going to become a meme on Cred Forums after HIllary wins just watch.

Next episode when?

I mean, they're currently having a love affair with Putin because their God Emperor said some nice things about him, so that wouldn't surprise me at all.

they already pretend to be conservative Christian. pretending to be Muslim is just the next logical step.

>tfw almost everyone in the Western world secretly wants people like OP put to death


wtf I love pedophilia now

>>tfw almost everyone in the Western world secretly wants to tap that 14 year old ass
Fixed that for you

Yeah, that shit cracks me up. The Christian party has officially given rise to someone who is literally the antithesis of Christ's teachings.
>muh Christ teaches forgiveness
>muh God works in mysterious ways
>muh God used harlots as vessels
There's no limit to their intellectual dishonesty

>being sexually attracted to anybody aged 17 years 364 days or younger

Suspects should undergo a psychological evaluation before being charged. Alot of these guys seem like depressed retards and the bait may have legit been the only female contact they had in years.

This is akin to telling the school retard that a bar of shit is actually chocolate, then laughing while he eats the shit bar, and arresting him for stealing a bar of non-existent chocolate.

The Left will normalize pedphilia in the next decade. You don't know how unthinkable having a cross dressing man in the women's room with your daughter was 10 years ago.

That reaction pic is one of confusion, user... and I think you know that

Can you post your problems with Cred Forums on Cred Forums instead of safely jerking each other off here?

There's too many alcoholics on Cred Forums for that to ever happen

>it's an user forgets to take his medication paid for by the government episode

Why, so I can get called a cuck 150 times?
>problem with Cred Forums
>Cred Forums

I don't have a problem with Cred Forums pretending to be things they're not I think it's funny.

Really? You should take your arguments their and see what happens
Or stay on Cred Forums and circlejerk eachother!

Yes, since you both obviously think a lot about a board that only ever calls you a cuck.

>You don't know how unthinkable having a cross dressing man in the women's room with your daughter was 10 years ago.
I'm 24

pretty sure my memory is able to recall what things were like when I was 14

Wait and see, user. I am old and I keep seeing it happen.

Wow that's so smart of you!

What did he mean by this

Being a pedo is totally okay, just like being a psychopath is totally okay. Acting on your mental ilness is not okay. Pedos who act on their urges should be shot. Pedos who are able to control themselves and do not act on their urges should be pitied, since their lives will forever be a nightmare they can't wake up from.

Sometimes I feel this way, but even the most physically repulsive ones often have ex-wives or kids. Desperate virgins are very rare. Consider that a large part of landing a woman is to get up and actually to it. Low standards helps too. Even the guy with cerebral palsy in TCAP had an ex wife. Desperate betas are too scared and second guess themselves too much. Generally speaking, they won't show up at a girl's house.