'We can all hope the future will be more colourful than the past': David Oyelowo criticises Game Of Thrones for lack of...

>'We can all hope the future will be more colourful than the past': David Oyelowo criticises Game Of Thrones for lack of ethnic minority characters.


Wow, really makes you think.

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>race doesn't matter!
>omg why aren't there more black people in this?!?!?!?!

Hes right yall cracka asses

>He has played supporting roles in the films Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Now THAT made me think

I'm also a nigger and kstew is ugly


Things like that make me glad there's a massive push back about immigration and diversity in Europe.
Fuck Africans and their entitlement to be shoehorned everywhere.
Remigrate them already.

He has a point though, how many black characters are there in game of thrones?

fuck this stupid, whiny shit. let black people tell their own story about Hannibal or something.

>tell their own story

Mate game of thrones is fiction, it's not based on any real story therefore you can have any type if character. That being said the TV show is now beyond the book series so anything can happen.

Why not add a black character?

Nobody gives a shit you racist fuckhead.

yeah, i can see the point in this case, but i'm tired of people being shoe horned into roles because of quotas. fuck that shit.

>why not rape the source material
>who care lmao

Then what is the point of basis it on a book series?

I definitely agree with you quotas but there's nothing wrong with adding a black character at the very least it could help expand GoTs viewer base among another demographic. So long as it's a good character and somewhat follows the storyline I don't see what problem it would create.

>Then what is the point of basis it on a book series?
To cash in on existing name recognition and not having to write original material. Now that they pushed past the book, in story and popularity, they can effectively do whatever they want.

They had added colored characters and they keep killing them.

>expand viewer base

Yeah I'm sure adding a black character is really gonna pull in lots of black viewers for HBO

This sort of pandering is fucking stupid

Doesn't really hurt the source material when they are BEYOND the storyline of the book. There's literally no reason not to.

Because most of the characters in the ASOIAF books are white? And the story is written by a white man and is based off the War of the Roses?

Really makes you think...

Adding a black main character/storyline is definitely going to tap into a new viewer base. Did you not see the response Luke Cage got?

At this point I dont know what new characters they could possibly add. Some Summer Isles mercenaries?

Why is he criticizing Game Of Thrones?

It's a fantasy novel written by a white guy based on white people shit.

Oyelowo should get off his lazy ass and write a best selling epic fantasy series based on black people shit.

Or wait a thousand years until black people have done some black people shit someone can extrapolate into a silly book series with dragons.

And yet we are beyond the book series he wrote. It's not like anyone's saying change an existing character to being black, like people said with James Bond, all they're saying is just add a black character.

I don't see the issue.

How many books in the series were written by black dudes?

Seriously - It's a book. It costs you fucking nothing to write.

Then all you have to do is find some black guys with lots of money who want to set up a television network and/or production company and then find a few million black people who want to pay to watch dragons and swords and rapey rape shit.

It's not rocket science.

Black people can't be racist, user.

>It's good that art is compromised in the name of increased profits

Fuckwits like you have had their mind so warped by capitalism that it's unreal

>haha ya quotas are stupid
>can't we just add one black guy to make them happy?

Darkie has a whole fucking network all to themselves. Nothing is stopping them from making Da Game of Frones

>I like it when shit is made to pander to people!

Capitalist fucktard

Mate, what harm would it cause just adding a black character?

New characters are probably not going to be added, and there's already an entire continent of lightskins on Game of Thrones. I don't see the problem.

Wasn't there so exiled prince from the Summer Isles that was hanging out in Robert's Court, trying to get support to retake the Isles. You could probably do something with him if you wanted. That said, adding characters in Season 6 to try to draw in in viewers is kind of dumb. I think anyone who is interested in this type of show has already seen it at this point.

Don't black people have Empire?

The series is already established. There's no reason to add a black character now, because it's basically done.

If Oyelowo actually gives two fucks about the issue and isn't just whining for attention, he should go out and find a fantasy series with black characters and put together a pitch.

He's British and the BBC are actually required to have diversity quotas now, so he could set up a HBO/BBC co-production (like Rome was) and get something produced.

Or maybe even get a Nollywood/BBC/Netflix deal going, sort of like how Narco's was done for the Spanish language market.

>I hate capitalism

Socialist please go.

Without profit maximization and investors most popular TV shows/movies would never exist. Hell GoT wouldn't exist.

It's a show about dragons, tits, and fighting. The whole thing is pandering in the first place. Who cares if the sink deeper if they're already up to their neck in bullshit.

>I like pandering for money

They've already given several characters race swaps to Black, Jesus Christ

>expecting this kind of people not just to bitch and whine all the time

Will niggers EVER shut the fuck up about race?

>let's ignore all the interesting and mysterious plots of GoT and just sum it up as le tits and sword fighting xd

Nowhere did I say that you triggered fuckshit.

It would wreck the story (maybe?) to jam in another character in an already established, winding down series.

Any token addition now would just be a shitty role no one is invested in.

He should be doing as he said - looking to the future. It's not like Game Of Thrones will be the last TV series to be produced.

Just find one that's in development and shoe horn the diversity quota in to that.

I dunno - Black Conan? There is a whole book series there, a ton of the inspiration for that covered North Africa, the Middle East and the Steppes, so you have a ton of room for a whole range of brown folks there. They even had a non white guy for the role in the remake.

Makes more sense.

>what's the big deal with pandering?
>it's help them make more money!!!

Yeah you fucking did

No. They're entire existence and purpose of their life is based entirely on that. They're the definition of a 1 dimensional character.

The dragons and tits and fighting shit panders to powerless neckbeard white males - The soap opera crap panders to fat white women.

If they're pandering to blacks, they have to find a different angle.

It doesn't amount to much more than that. The whole thing is really immature.

Oh boy, just piss off back to tumblr if me pondering what black characters they could even add at this point sets you off.


The what is the point of adding a black character if only overweight white cishet males watch it?

Why not add King Dew instead?

It's immature if you see it that way. All summed up, the sex scenes in GoT are probably less than 30 minutes, and some of them don't actually reveal shit.

It's nobody's fault you missed the point of sex scenes, which isn't actually "dude dhey are fugging :DDD" but showing that matchmaking was an important part of court life.

>they should add blacks to expand their market!
>I'm not a capitalist apologist guys!!!

Fucking lel

Zero integrity shitter


We are just discussing the idea. A lot of anons have made good points against it and for it. We've been having a good discussion.

You've been triggered for no reason.

There is no point. His suggestion is fucking stupid.

That's why I said he should be looking at putting together a new series for when GoT is finished.

If he actually means anything he says and isn't just attention whoring.

>using capitalist as a buzzword

Fat whites males aren't the only audience it's wildly popular with a lot of groups. The amount of people who would be pissed about a black character would be minimal.

Yeah, its an interesting thing to consider. As I said before, I don't see any way for them to work characters in at this point regardless of race. Season six seemed to focus on wiping out every plot not related to Dany,Jon and Cersei. Jalabar Xho or whatever his name could come back, I suppose.

Got is literally the most normie show out there. See

See now THIS is a reasonable point. They are winding down the story so a new character wouldn't be the best idea. Unless they aren't winding the show down in which case I say why not.


>showing that matchmaking was an important part of court life.

yeah man. That's totally why we see so many boobs and asses and dicks. It's educational. Kek


Then why mention that the show is pandering to fat cis white males then?

Can a show succeed without explicitly pandering to people? Hmmm

I never said that. Another user said this and I disagree. The show can be popular without fat nerdy tv neckbeards. It's already popular not because of them of because of literally everyone else.

>Cold continental climate, low temperature, low sunlight, particularly for months to years at a time
>"Why aren't there more black people??"

>1st season
>blonde chick got brutally banged by the STRONK BARBARIC BROWN MAN
>other season
>mother of Dragon proceeded to lead a horde of thousands of shitskins into mainland

Why the fuck are they complaining?

Hannibal is white


Ooga booga we take over whitey

I thought he was a Berber, ethnically, but my ancient history knowledge isn't impeccable.

Why is his head so big compared to his shoulders?

Carthage was a Phoenician colony

Either way blacks didn't live in North Africa

They always want white people to do shit they should do for themselves. Fucking lazy shits should write their own books and tv shows. Nothing is stopping them from doing this.


So he wants Hollywood to lose money?
sounds good.

Direct descendant of Big Head Yakub.

>Mate game of thrones is fiction, it's not based on any real story therefore you can have any type if character.

Then why can't it have a white cast?

he's big headed like the original black man yakub, aren't you woke my nigga?

>David Oyelowo

I can't remember the last time I went "Literally who?" this hard.

So how many white actors are whining in public about the "lack of diversity" in shows like Atlanta and Empire?

>therefore you can have any type if character.

Then why can't it have white characters?

>future will be more colourful

nigga there has always been more shitskins than whites

There's plenty of negroes in GoT??

Fucking two of the main characters are black. In the GoT world, Westeros and northern Essos are where whitey comes from, south Essos is Arabic types, southmost part of Westeros is Spics and the Summer Isles/Sothros is where niggers are from.

Not many people leave the Summer Isles.
What is the problem here.

>Why not add a black character?
You mean like Greyworm and Missandei? Two main characters?

The problem is majority white countries have too many white people in their media

Blacks make up 12% of the us population? Well then you need a major black character, if not several, in every movie and tv show.

>really makes you think

Why are Cred Forums posters so easily brainwashed into repeating shit? You're fucking retards.

North Africa was Mediterranean types back then.

Have you ever seen any piece of US media?

There are blacks in literally every TV series, commercial, movie, etc. It's actually much more rare to find one without. You don't "need" people of any race in anything. It's entirely up to the creator

This guy and everyone involved with Selma just can't drop this shit.

So would communism just be everyone eating dirt and some cuck liberal in the back shouting "Its not my version of socialism. Ours will work"

socialism will never work as long as liberals allow lazy niggers to exist. If everyone worked hard it would be one thing but why should hard working people pay for niggers

And dont say "buh you may for roads n shieet". Yes but people need roads. People dont need niggers

And phoenicians were jews
Hannibal was brown

I completely agree with him, I hope the future is more colorful than the past

White people have brown hair, red hair, blonde hair, orange hair, and black hair, green eyes, blue eyes, grey eyes, brown eyes, and every shade in between, pink lips, red lips, and soft peach, snow, or light bronze skin depending on the time of year.

Almost everyone else is literally just shades of brown. Asian folk come close with their different skin shades, but even they unfortunately don't have much in the way of eye and hair variety.

kragerposting is the worst thing ever

>Medieval Europe has to have diversity because entitled niggers

Damn i hope LOTR never gets remade