I feel like i have been drugged through my TV screen

i feel like i have been drugged through my TV screen

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With ambien?

How to spot a pleb

I liked it the first time and loved it the second. My second favorite Joaquin movie. I need to watch it again now that I've read the book. The book is even more disjointed and dreamlike.

I Loved it
Well played

Pleb filter

you failed

I liked it. Gets better with every watch. Something calming about the pacing and atmosphere, spiked with really crazy scenes.

I fucking love this movie and Pynchon in general.

Don't forget to watch the deleted scenes!


Is Pynchon a better writer than say, Michael Crichton or Steven King?

Waaaaay better



He's literally one of the few geniuses who spearheaded american literature in the second half of the XXth century.

but that doesn't mean he's better than King

He is in every aspect


Just saying he's a genius doesn't count as an argument. Fuck off pinecone

Yeah, just look at this shit. He's amazing.

>C S S I S A W E S O M E

C'mon at least post the page with the shit-eating

*cringes from reading this*

Why is Tolstói better than Rowling?

sure thing my man

fewer adverbs