Why don't they call them zombies?

Why don't they call them zombies?

It can be assumed that like most zombie media, zombies are not a part of pop culture in their universe.

>Don't say that!
>The Zed word!

No one came up with the idea of zombies in their universe?

Pretty dumb universe iyam

thats such a dumb reason tho

why do tv people hate the word zombie?

Because they're baaahters

It's kind of danced around a bit. It can be assumed that not calling zombies out as zombies is something of a trope for zombie movies/shows, since many universes seem to be practically the same except they have zombies and don't have zombie media.

>The dead ones

What will the next group of people they meet call them¿

Rotters or lamebrains

You forgot geeks

Butterfly effect my man.


That would be funny if they came up to a new group of people and were like

>so what do you guys call these things?
>zombies, I mean they're zombies right?

I'd fucking love that.

Slang for zombies would be determined by area and race/sexual orientation of the dead.

Rotten jigaboos, stiff niggers, flesh faggots, nipping spics, wondering wops, the list goes on.

Herd is already a twd term ya silly bitch.

I've heard that Kirkman requires that we don't call them zombies

Holy hell his eyeballs popped halfway out it's gross as shit! Is this really leak from the season 7 premiere or a fantastic fake?

In their Universe George Romero was never born thus the Godfather and creator of the zombie genera never made Night of the living Dead to inspire all other films to be made.

Some dudes on fear the walking dead were calling them wasters. Said the first one they saw they thought was some wasted dude. I liked that the most of what they've said. I say call them niggers.

I like this. I REALLY like this.

seems legit as he was wearing a red shirt last night.

It's the Z-word, only Zombies can call Zombies that.

Anyone remember the episode when someone called the zombies a "biter" or something and Rick got pissed and said they were walkers?

They refer to them as zombies often in the comics.

No they dont they call the geeks or something like that

they call them retards you retard

>What will the next group of people they meet call them¿

Gang Green

(get what I did there?)