I'm watching the Doom movie on TV. Never saw it before

I'm watching the Doom movie on TV. Never saw it before.

Why'd they do this? Why'd they make it have a really dumb plot instead of just being about a marine slaughtering demons on Mars? Why are there all these other people when it should be about a dude who's all alone and isolated and struggling to survive?

This is just disappointing.

Certain personality traits where pathological lying may occur include:

Narcissism or self-centered behaviors and thought patterns
Abusive attitude
Obsessive, controlling, and compulsive behaviors
Jealous behavior
Manipulative behaviors
Socially awkward, uncomfortable, or isolated
Low self-esteem

Funny, I saw it on TV a couple of months ago as well. It was really strange, maybe they should've just extended the whole FPS sequence into a whole movie. Anyway, I only watched to the end because of pic related.

the studio were advised to remove all the Satanic and Hell stuff because of America being a mainly christian country. they thought it would damage ticket sales.

Probably because it would have been way too expensive, since the legions of monsters that Doomguy slays would require an absurd amount of special effects, stuntmen, choreographers, etc.

Who would you want as the Doomguy? My pick would be Kurt Russell, though he's too old now.

>it should be about a dude who's all alone

nobody wants to watch a movie with no dialog.

you Cred Forumstards really are "special".

It's also boring as fuck to watch. Nothing happens for the most part.

>le all films must have a narrtive meme

I get that, and they could have just made them zombies instead and that would be fine.

It's all this forced plot shit that I don't get. I'd probably be more forgiving if the story were good, but it's not. It's not even "so bad it's good." It's just shit and I wish they'd have scrapped it.

Then how about not make a movie taking place in hell killing demons?

I thought christians liked defeating demons and the devil

>le I enjoy student art films


Problem is, you're expecting people who aren't thinking logically to use logic.

Just because the movie has little to no dialogue, doesn't mean it's a pretentious art firm.

Case in point, this is what the story-telling philosophy of a DOOM movie should have been.


I'm not atheist or anything, and people who freak out over demons being in a movie aren't rational human beings.


There was a priest that claimed the original game promoted satanism, despite the fact you play a guy killing demons and stopping the forces of hell.

And then Columbine happened and since the shooters used a custom made doom map to plan their assault of the school, people thought the game promoted school shootings and random acts of violence.

Lets just say the American public during the 90's and early 00's was really fucking stupid when it came ro vidya.

How'd you get a picture of me on your computer? Did you download me?


studio execs are all alpha males who hate nerds and anything nerds like. so they release movies based on things that nerds like, but make retarded changes to them to upset the nerds.

Please stop downloading me or I will tell your mother.