Is it legal to take your cat into the cinema in your country?

Is it legal to take your cat into the cinema in your country?

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Nice photoshop lol.

me on the left

No you fucking degenerate

Not if it's registered as a Comfort Animal.

I don't know I've never tried. Also I dont have a cat I could bring with me. I guess I could just clean up a stray and bring it with me but it wouldn't really be MY cat. And if they didn't let me take the cat in I wouldn't get to see the movie and I'd be stuck with a cat I don't really want and don't know what to do with. Cats probably don't don't belong in cinemas desu.

Show me one (1) country where it's illegal to take a cat to a cinema.

Me on the left stroking my pussy ;)

I guess so but my falcon wouldn't like it

>Go to novelty cat cinema
>As soon as I open the door the burning stench of ammonia from all the cat piss blasts my nose
>All the employees are middle aged women or weird overweight guys
>Order a large popcorn
>One of the cats took a massive shit in the tub
>Try to get a refund by putting a cat turd square on top of the popcorn from the designated litterboxes in the aisles
>They saw through my attempt and threw me out with no refund
If I brought my service dog things would've gone a lot different

I don't know any theaters that explicitly say "No Felines Admitted"

Most theaters have policies that exclude animals(with exceptions for guide dogs), but OP said countries where it's illegal, and I'm pretty sure that animals being allowed in a private business is not the domain of the law in any country.

all you have to do is put a service animal vest on them, and no one will question you (since asking the owner about the function of hte service animal is illegal)

Here in the state of Maryland it's illegal to take a lion to the movies.

Have you ever seen this "law" enforced?

No, who the fuck brings a lion to a movie theater? You're crazy

>his local theater doesn't offer Fancy Feast
What else am I supposed to eat while watching my flick? Lobster legs?

What are you going to do? Have it wait in the car?

>first no singles policy
>now bring cat policy or go home
>grab a random stray cat from the street
>stuff her into my backpack and throw it in my trunk
>drive 3 hours to nearest cinema where I meet up with a homeless guy who agreed to watch avengers with me if I buy him crab legs
>cinema smells like shit snd cashier asks where my mandatory cat is
>throw the backpack on the table and say "its in there"
>he grabs into it and gets bitten and scratched
>grab my backpack, pay and walk to get some Popcorn and crablegs
>tastes like nothing because I only smell cat piss so I give it to the hobo
>the ads are running already and I go to my seat which is full of shit amd wet from all the catpiss
>there is also a cat sitting on it
>just drop with my 140kg on the seat and squash it into a pancake
>feels like sitting on a pillow
>10 minutes into the movie and hobo friend starts getting nightmares
>get thrown out of cinema
>forgot my cat backpack


You've got problems user.

>go to Cat cinema
>get out my laserpointer
>let the games begin.jpg

You could just take it back outside and let it go on it's way.



How are you supposed to use the showers when they turned them into a huge litterbox?
How am I supposed to use the boat renting service in the cinema when they dried up the whole fucking pool so cats can watch?
How am I supposed to know if its Caturday or Dogsday, I can't figure it out ffs and the movie plan isn't very helpful either.

And how the fuck is it legal to charge $57,99 while telling me that 40 dollars are for the cleanup (they never clean up)

Do you think a cinema employee would turn you away for carrying a small turtle?

I doubt it but the cats or falcons would probably get it.

how? it would go in its shell

>go to cat cinema
>watching spiderman
>cat starts climbing up the screen
>yell out "hey it's spidercat!"
>everyone in the theater purrs loudly in laughter
>get so much pussy later that night

>bring my usual cinema supplies
>grapple hook, custom anvil engraved by Tim Allen (signed Tim The Toolman), real butter squirt bottle, falcon repellant, seat quilt
>decide to sneak in some smoked salmon
>empty a few bottles of toothpaste, fill with fish, carefully reseal to look untampered with
>the guard dogs freak out as i pass them but I'm allowed to pass after a thorough search
>'is it illegal to take care of your teeth? Heh heh'
>they probably reached their autism quota for the day and only wanted to go home to their families
>I'm early so I find my seat and set up camp, snack on some leftover crab legs
>people start filling the place up, they all have cats
>realize it's Feline Friday
>everybody has their cats with them, some bring almost half a dozen with them
>the cats can smell my hidden bounty
>they slowly begin swarming me
>I try to laugh it off jokingly
>'gee I guess I get a lot of pussy, heh heh'
>the Searchlight of Shame focuses on me
>more cats are crawling all over me meowing, some begging, others clawing at my bag of toothpaste tubes
>the loudspeaker is almost deafening as it calls my seat number and orders me to wait for the guards to search me for contraband
>the guards find the salmon
>'I thought there was something fishy about this one'
>they all have a good laugh at my expense
>get put on litter box duty for two months and one month shower cleaning duty
>my custom anvil is confiscated as punishment for lying
>tfw still not banned from local cinema

I really miss my anvil though


What about bringing your snail to the cinema? I think mine will enjoy going out to see a movie at least once.

I tried to take my felline fella with me once but then le faucon du kinómatheque came and picked it off to use it as fuel for the wood stove in the projector room, shit sucked

If it's small enough a cat would swallow it whole, if not the falcon would break the shell on an anvil.

what is this shit

Obviously someone had to do it once to make such a law.

>>the Searchlight of Shame focuses on me
lost it here

>tfw we all think these threads are works of mockery but this is the result of the servers getting caught up with servers from other dimensions

Kill yourself pleb

>>tfw we
where do you think you are?

fuck off back to your black hole cunt


No, the falcons get nervous

I've transcended time and space faggot.

Cats have been legal in Eurasia since President Hymie Goldberg enacted compulsory blacked breeding farms

only in pie form

The niggers are fucking cats? Savages!

Won't be long.

Fuck off reddit.

>The cat cartels are making me gay

Difference between rules of a cinema and the law.

>tfw your local cinema is also the town hall and police department

This made me laugh more than it should.

>and I have a copy of that pic, already

Perhaps the Barnum & Bailey Circus?
That's the only legit thing I can think of...

No, no cats allowed in the Kinoplex.

they had to stop letting them in because the cinema falcons kept gouging their eyes out. Mine didn't because it's so well educated and it's been with my family for generations, but you know how most people are

why the fuck would you bring your anvil?

does your local cinema not offer complimentary smithing?

>tfw allergic to cats

fucking liar, they don't even live 20 years.

Hypoallergenic cats might suit you.


>user, didn't activate his cinema falcon

Are you for real?

>in line for local cinema
>watchtower searchlight stops right above you

that why you bring an anvil, to smash a tortoise...or cat for the falcons!
It's like some of you have never been to a theater before!

Luckily for you, there exist so-called hypoallergenic cat breeds that may not trigger allergic symptoms just like other cats do. Therefore these low allergen cats may cause no or very little allergy reactions.

Hypoallergenic also known as low-allergen cats are those that typically produce fewer allergens than "regular" cats. The most important word here is "fewer." It is very important to differentiate the terms hypoallergenic and non-allergenic. The hypoallergenic term is not synonymous with the non-allergenic term. If there is something non-allergenic, it simply means that it does not cause any allergic reactions. On the other hand, the hypoallergenic term means there is very little likelihood of an allergic reaction to occur. Unfortunately, no cat breed is completely non-allergenic.

Is it possible to learn this power?

Did you complete at least half of your assigned cinema quests in the four regions?

I've been to the Kino Cinema in Glenrothes.

Not a single cat. Or any Cinema Asians for that matter. It was a really strange contrast to the typical American Kinobunker.

The highlight was choosing a fresh live haggis from a cage in the Snack Zone™. They slaughter it right there in front of you. Beats crabslegs any day of the week!


>(since asking the owner about the function of hte service animal is illegal)

No it isn't. You aren't allowed to ask the owner about his disability, but you can't absolutely ask the purpose of the dog. Might be a civil suit if you ask a blind man, but anything else it's perfectly fine to ask what the dog is trained for.


>tfw you make the exact opposite point than you intended because of a typo

I live in Dunfermline and am occasioanlly tempted to go there over the usual Odeon i live across the street from or the Cameo/Filmhouse. Is it any good?

No they interfere with the cinema falcons.

>thinking you can just grab a stray from the streets
The cats will see through your intentions and hide from you

My cinema doesn't have a separate spotlight. They just use the projector.

I completed all of them

Yes. We also have cinema snakes and falcons. Really handy when you don't want to get popcorn yourself.

Cats are demonic. They should be banned from all public spaces.

Where do I get hypoallergic cat?

There's nothing in the rulebook that says a dog can't bring a cat to the cinema.

Oh my!
That's even WORSE.
>if you're on the receiving end of the Searchlight of Shame...

>2016 not going to drive in theaters
don't care what or who I watch kino with
don't care what or if I choose to wear clothes
don't care if I fap to film

>guide dogs

Only reason I can think of to bring a blind guy to the movies is that they can bring one person for free, at least in my country

My guide dog has anxiety issues, so we have to take his comfort cat to the cinema. The cat doesn't like Kevin Hart and wails loudly every time he's on screen so we get thrown out of a lot of movies.

Is it legal for them to throw me out because my dog's cat was too noisy? Harlem Kinemapolis, in case anyone was wondering.

What? Your theater doesn't release cats to clean up popcorn and soda left on the floor? They're even dressed up in little maid outfits too.

It's not allowed, but it's not illegal either. I once took my kitten to the cinema since I needed to watch her constantly, had her in my pocket (jacket) until I sat down.

It's not illegal.

>One of the cats took a massive shit in the tub

I've been off Cred Forums for a while and this crab legs/smithing/questing/cinema memetry is confusing the shit out of me.

I'm allergic to cats but I still have one
I almost crashed my car while driving home with him because I could barely keep my eyes open

Turn down your volume, the video is really loud for some reason.