Post Westworld theories

Post Westworld theories.

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Westworld IS actually hell

This show has the tv dumbest fanbase ive ever seen. All these bullshit theories are even worse than the lost, BB, and true detective ones

The discarded hosts have savage orgies in their warehouse

Delores becomes gunslinger/The One

Nah, robo father said hell is empty and all the demons are here.

What jobs can humans possibly hold when robots are so advanced

Is Ben Stiller one of the security men?

It actually is the real Old West in the 1800s and everyone working at the park is a stranded time traveler

Creativity related ones

Aliens are behind it all

What makes you think there are humans who work?


Westworld hires tons of people in case you don't notice

>inb4 they are all robots

Why'd they retcon Romeworld and Medievalworld for the series? Makes more sense that people would be given a choice of which world appeals to them the most. If anything, they should've added more worlds.

Who are the shareholders behind Westworld and why do they want more narratives?

The MiB is Arnold
The MiB is Ford's clone
The supposedly "real world" is the "deeper stage"
Delores is Arnold

Afaik Romeworld and Medievalworld were created after Westworld went down the pooper. During Futureworld there was no Westworld.

>Dolores, we have to go back!!

The new narrative with the death cult contains dinosaurs or some other ungodly beast. We heard them roaring and Teddy and crew saw them.

We live in Cred Forums themed park

really make me think

>yfw dolores escapes riding a dinosaur

>me third from left

Oh look, it's this guy again who goes into every Westworld thread to complain.

Should probably get a job, friend. Find a job with a whistle where you can stop people from pedantic and ridiculous rules. You'd be good at it.

I only saw the pilot so far. I assume the twist will be that someone is using Westworld as a polygon for true AI research. Or perhaps mind control research with Hosts being modelled after human minds. Once they nail it with hosts, they would program people.

We don't know how money works in this society. Everything is 3d printed and diseases are cured.


No, they existed along with westworld.

It's obviously due to the concentrated focus and title of the show. Better immersion and sense of depth for the storytelling when you can focus on the handful of guest and host characters in a limited and overly familiar setting, especially when they can be seen appearing in the background in other pov secenes, than if you were jumping between the different parks.

Not really a twist, pretty explicit

Has this show reach the "2deep4u" mark?

My theory is that Doloresfu has a delicious pussy! i would love to test this theory she makes me so horny!

The guest-in-black is actually the MC from the original movie.
Or he's actually a host.

Kinda. If you will Doloros is becoming some sort of Siddarta Gautama at this point, remembering her previous lives, trying to break the circle. Even the gods of Westworld are traped in karma. Westworld is a meditation on the human condition.

The maze the MiB is looking for are the subterranean tunnels making up the WW complex.

MiB might be Arnold (or some robot version of him) so it would make sense for him to find the maze, find Ford, get his revenge.

Or he might just be a guest who's been coming there for 30 years, got bored of everything WW has to offer and now rationalized in his own mind that WW employees and WW itself are fair game.

this show is pretty boring 2bh

You mean pedantic and ridiculous like insulting people that disagree with your opinion? A job like shilling a shitty tv show online?


Not hi, but fuck off paranoid loser, and Google "pedantic." If you don't wanna think out loud about this show then go back to wherever you came from.

Arnold got reincarnated as a fly that's fucking up all the robots making them feel things and shit.

WHAT DO WE KNOW (from previous episode)

- One of the founder name was Arnold
- Arnold's code might be still secretly at work
- He's presumed dead
- Dolores having a gun might be not so unscripted since she already got free from the barn at least once since she remember getting killed by the other guy.
- Dolores using a gun isn't weird since all hosts are programmed to react to situation, if she gets a gun and she's attacked, she will shoot. The only weird part is the memories getting back.
- Will is not MiB, the two different times theory is probably false since we see a Dolores with MiB memories finding Will. This could be a misdirection and she could be just random Dolores escaping normally the barn, 30 years ago. I doubt that.
- Some hosts can't handle the memories and just suicide.
- The black programmer as a shitty life

What else ?

First theory: If a host interacts with a black hat it reveals more of their "past". Interactions with white hats further the progression of a host narrative, giving the host a larger loop. Reveries are imprints left by the guests that help create save states.

Second theory: The maze hunt is the source of the malfunctions. Because of the reveries, certain host that don't normally interact do, thus changing pieces of code usually left untouched. The maze quest happening rights as the reveries patch was installed might be too much for the older host to handle. Which is why Bernard is keeping close tabs on Deloros. As long as her program is stable while creating new narratives the rest of the park can evolve. This is the start of Westworld 2.0.

Bernard is explicitly allowing Delores to follow her path rather than reset her.

>The new narrative with the death cult contains dinosaurs or some other ungodly beast.
And that's weird. We already know Ford is against stupid crap like that so why is it in ?

If the "30 years" theory is correct, it might be an indication of Ford being dead in the "late" time and assholes putting "red river" crap into the game.

Yes but it doesn't mean she has reach a new stage by shooting that host. All hosts are already programmed for self-preservation and to adapt to events. Any host would have shoot.

You can assume much by just thinking about chekov's gun. So far Hopkins talked about how Arnold never figured out how consciousness works, then he disappeared. So he probably did figure it out and him vanishing had something to do with it.

You're saying this guy is pedantic? Maybe you should Google "pedantic", and then do some cursory research into viral advertising, you tasteless idiotic fuck.

The "humans" are aliens in disguise. They use their advanced technology to create those robots in order to experience human history. The robot "humans" also look like aliens and why would real humans make alien looking robots?

>So far Hopkins talked about how Arnold never figured out how consciousness works, then he disappeared. So he probably did figure it out and him vanishing had something to do with it.

Arnold is man in black confirmed

she couldn't bring herself to shoot with Teddy, she hears the 'programming as internal monologue' and only then proceeds to shoot.

I doubt it's that simple. MiB sounds like a gamer, not a programmer.

Yes it shows some "Arnold code"

They ripped off bone tomahawk with those noises. It's not a dinosaur

So the "30 years" theory is dead now, right ?

Right, because everyone talking about a show is a shill.

Viral advertising at its finest.

>blah blah blah we get people to talk about our product and that way they are the advertisers!
>hurr durr quote: "If something is free you are the product"
>hurr durr all these sheeple talking about these things are sheeple they don't know they're being marketed hurr durr i am the truly enlightened one

You're all just getting so tiresome.

We get it. Don't like things.


Addendum: The hardest quest is keeping Teddy alive. More of the host and guest will try to kill him the longer he stays alive. Because of that he gets the best narrative as long as he's alive.

Why would the hosts know proverbs about the tunnel

user, don't take the show so seriously. It will only hurt you in the end.

Westworld is park inside a park, and all the drama happening behind the courtains is just another scripted event, the people taking care of the park are also robots.
It's all a big commentary on method acting, switching actors and actors getting lost on roles.
This will all be revealed in the last episode directed by David Lynch, where it's revealed he was showrunning this entire time.

>It's all a big commentary on method acting, switching actors and actors getting lost on roles.
Mulholland Drive ?

I would like to know if there are multiple Teddys. How does it work anyway. Does everybody go to the starting point of their programs at 00:00 or are there programs that are longer than a day? Because clearly some of the robots have only short programs.

You're right you've really opened my eyes. No one ever shills on the internet, people who think that deserve to be labeled as paranoid, and if you don't like the newest flavor of the month television show you are objectively wrong and should know better than to voice a dissenting opinion. Thanks.

Each host is probably expensive as fuck and it's still cheaper to use 10 or 20 humans to maintain a host

Arnold faked his death and put his consciousness into a Host: the Man in Black.

Reee this show is so fucking good fuck episode endings I can't wait another week for next episode

If you can do anything in Westworld can you like have sex with child robots haha


>The guest-in-black is actually the MC from the original movie.

Fucking this. It's a stealth sequel.

If this was true was wouldn't he transfer his consciousness to a younger bot.



> ITT: Two guests trying to find the courage to endulge their pedo tendancies

Maybe he liked the aesthetic. Maybe the bot ages (it would have to, or at least he'd have to make it look like it, if he wanted to remain inconspicuous in the real world).

the MiB isn't Arnold. Arnold would probably know everything there's is to know on the park, the MiB is still discovering.

Also Arnold's code is "talking" to the hosts, telling Dolores to kill... the MiB

Alright so here it is. Pretty sure im about 90% right.

So arnold was about to make consciousness a thing and Ford(hannibal) and his sponsors tried to stop him.

So arnold faked his suicide but transplanted his consciousness into the big bad cowboy and wrote in a backstory that would hide the knowledge of the "maze" (where arnold created a garden of eden type civilizaton that would allow the consciousness of host to develop and evolve) until some paramater was met in the maze and somethign triggerred the big bad cowboy to go looking for the maze.
When he finds it he will gain access to all of arnolds memories and knowledge and became his true self.

Then he can disseminate the consciousness through the bits of his code left in all the host and assume control and create a new "being"

The black guy turning delores into a "real being" is just activating early what arnold is going to do en masse once he finds the maze.

Clues showing big bad cowboy is a host
>gets shot repeatedly, does not flinch or show any pain
>getting shot in latest episode is shown to leave a severe bruise
>he says he has been coming there for 30 years, since the beginning
>Ford says arnold is really careful implying that he committed suicide
>not so subtly prepping for the big "he didnt really kill himself surprise"

and the whole game thing is just the "purpose" programmed into the host that harbors arnolds mind to push him to discover his secret lab/garden/batcave

screen shot this

What if Ford transfered Arnold's consciousness to Dolores and wiped his memory to get revenge, or control of the company?


The 'real' world is simply the level above Westworld, but still largely or entirely false. Some Matrix style shit about being blue pilled as per the hamfisted Delores/Bernard dialogues. Possibly leads to a loop/infinite string of reality etc; consciousness is only truly real only if it creates consciousness blah blah whatever

Sure, but what about the dinosaurs?

Ford is actually Arnold and he had the real Ford killed for interfering with his plans to bring consciousness to the hosts. Contrary to what "Ford" tells Bernard, it was a success but he buried it so deep in the code most techs still think hosts are really smart parrots. The scalpel act in episode 3 was for show.

The underlying problems with the hosts are largely to do with the contradiction between what the programmers think they are and what Arnold actually designed them to be. In all likelihood real!Ford found out what Arnold had done and he was eliminated…

…but not before Real!Ford had uploaded a copy of his own consciousness into MiB (a modified host immune to WW ammo and able to pass for a guest) and smuggled him out of the park with an identity and unlimited money, then implanting "violent pleasures" into the template for all hosts' core programming as either a failsafe or revenge. Because the implant happened after uploading himself to MiB, MiB doesn't know about that part.

William is not going to turn out to be anyone we've seen before, his arc exists to follow a pair of guests' adventure in WW (since this isn't otherwise being explored) and bury backstory into the opportunity. It does take place in the past although not necessarily at the time of the Incident.

The park is not on Earth and we won't see a night sky with the moon in it.

The maze "is not for you" because it's an internal use only facility for hosts, not a metagame.

Dolores is a copy of one of "Ford"'s direct relatives (mother, daughter, sister, etc.). Ford is never present when she's being analyzed.

>Clever girl


This theory is already proved likely false

The theory that most people who like this show are so eager to appear smart they can't even realize they are sifting through a shit sandwich?

>getting shot in latest episode is shown to leave a severe bruise
I think it's being implied that this far back in the park's history, the hosts weren't firing nanotech-level smart ammo. When Teddy starts firing on the cultists who turn out to be guests (present day), they don't flinch or fly back either.

>>he says he has been coming there for 30 years, since the beginning

I don't believe he ever said "since the beginning" and we know the park's older than 30 years. 30 years is when the Incident happened and presumably a number of things changed at the park starting with the hosts' programming/construction. Old Billy is probably from before 30 years ago.

The park has changed a lot in the years since Arnold has been gone. As for his code telling her to kill him, this seems like a positive. His greatest goal was to create consciousness and if he motivates one of them to achieve it, then he did what he set out to do.

>Arnold's code is "talking" to the hosts, telling Dolores to kill... the MiB
…in Anthony Hopkins' voice. That's not Robert Ford in the office.

It didn't even seem to leave a sever bruise from what I could see, just a minor one. If MiB even had something like some leather underneath his shirt then he'd be fine.

>The black programmer as a shitty life

>implying hes not a robot too

I'm convinced that half of the posters in this thread don't actually watch the show.

Not all hosts are programmed like that. Only a certain amount of hosts are programmed to use a weapon, much less even touch one. Dolores was certainly not authorized to use a gun by her programming as it has nothing to do with her storyline

>the netflix generation
fuck off

Wait what do you mean this far back in the parks history? was there a time change I missed?

Everything has been in the same present time correct?

and yea the incident happened thirty years ago and thats when big bad cowboy was born and made, the same time arnold "died".

>I think it's being implied that this far back in the park's history
No. Everything is happening at the same time. Watch the episode.

Yes but Teddy is still teaching her to shoot even if she can't. It means the host adapt, even without Arnold's code.

Right. That's what I'm saying. I was responding to the poster that said she hadn't evolved by using the gun in self defense.

Well, was that the first time ? She clearly escaped once since she got killed by the guy outside

The Westworld series is a sequel for the 70s movie and Arnold died in the incident.
I know this explains nothing but opens a few possibilities.

An incident of that size would have shatter the trust in hosts and 30 years wouldn't be enough to rebuild the business (and make it work far quicker than 30 years anyway). It's like someone trying to explain you how pyramide business is good for you... you know better now.

The incident was probably much less important.

>No. Everything is happening at the same time. Watch the episode.

The only evidence suggesting this is Dolores collapsing into William's arms and that could have happened after a similar incident in an earlier storyline.

The show's budget is high enough that they could have edited the WW logo in post to be consistent with the rest of the present time design. We've got a different quest in the beginning with Union officers and no presence of Teddy (when it's otherwise been shown he can be repaired seemingly overnight), and no interaction between William and the now-fucked up Maeve.

Or, I'm wrong about all of that and you're right.

Not that guy, everythings happening at the same time. the flashbacks are obvious and shown as memories

Storylines and quest change alot because guests take and do whatever with whoever

>The show's budget is high enough that they could have edited the WW logo in post to be consistent with the rest of the present time design. We've got a different quest in the beginning with Union officers and no presence of Teddy (when it's otherwise been shown he can be repaired seemingly overnight), and no interaction between William and the now-fucked up Maeve.
It's entirely possible hosts arrive in the park at different hours (it's actually completly possible, you can't have the park working just for 5 or 6 people) and Teddy can't be in every train at every hours. And the quests change depending of the hour or day of your arrival.

F: Yeah. When the legend becomes fact, you print the legend. My business partners were more than happy to scrub him from the records, and I suppose I didn't discourage them. His name was Arnold. Those early years were glorious. No guests, no board meetings, just pure creation. Our hosts began to pass the Turing test after the first year. But that wasn't enough for Arnold. He wasn't interested in the appearance of intellect or wit. He wanted the real thing. He wanted to create consciousness. He imagined it as a pyramid. See? Memory, improvisation, self-interest...
L: And at the top?
F: Never got there. But he had a notion of what it might be. He based it on a theory of consciousness called the bicameral mind.
F: The idea that primitive man believed his thoughts to be the voice of the gods. I thought it was debunked.
L: As a theory for understanding the human mind, perhaps, but not as a blueprint for building an artificial one.
F: See, Arnold built a version of that cognition in which the hosts heard their programming as an inner monologue, with the hopes that in time, their own voice would take over. As a way to bootstrap consciousness. But Arnold hadn't considered two things: one, that in this place, the last thing you want the hosts to be is conscious; and two, the other group who considered their thoughts to be the voices of the gods.
L: Lunatics.
F: Indeed. We abandoned the approach. The only vestiges that remain are the voice commands we use to control them. But, for all his brilliance, I don't think Arnold understood what this place was going to be. You see, the guests enjoy power. They cannot indulge it in the outside world, so they come here. As for the hosts--the least we can do is make them forget.
L: But some of them are remembering. Accessing fragments of Arnold's code. If I may ask, what happened to him?

In ancient Egyptian mythology West was associated with death, "somebody going West" meant that he is dead (because of the connection to the sun setting, a "death" of the sun).

In this context Westworld would mean World of the Dead.

F: Well, he died. Here in the park. His personal life was marked by tragedy. He put all his hopes into his work. His search for consciousness consumed him totally. Barely spoke to anyone, except the hosts. In his alienation, he saw something in them. He saw something that... Wasn't there. We called it an accident, but I knew Arnold, and he was very, very careful. Anyway, the update should prevent any further voices, but you will let me know if any of the hosts display or exhibit any unusual behavior, won't you, Bernard?
F: Yes, of course.
L: Good. Oh, Bernard? Just don't forget... The hosts are not real. They're not conscious. You mustn't make Arnold's mistake.
F: Why would i?
L: Well, forgive me, but I know that the death of your son Charlie still weighs heavily on you.

Which of the two people in this picture fit Arnold's description?

I'll post this one here too, give me your thoughts:

The science building is just another layer. Did you ever see the outside for example?

People come with a fucking train when they come to the science building, just like in Westworld. I bet 100% this will be the "final plotline".

The corporate woman said the Board has a different agenda than them and laughed when Quentin Tarantino guessed it, but not quite what it was.

Wake up sheeple.

>F: The idea that primitive man believed his thoughts to be the voice of the gods. I thought it was debunked.
>L: As a theory for understanding the human mind, perhaps, but not as a blueprint for building an artificial one.
>F: See, Arnold built a version of that cognition in which the hosts heard their programming as an inner monologue, with the hopes that in time, their own voice would take over. As a way to bootstrap consciousness. But Arnold hadn't considered two things: one, that in this place, the last thing you want the hosts to be is conscious; and two, the other group who considered their thoughts to be the voices of the gods.
fucked up who's Ford and who's Lowe, my bad

>Ford is actually Arnold and he had the real Ford killed for interfering with his plans to bring consciousness to the hosts. Contrary to what "Ford" tells Bernard, it was a success but he buried it so deep in the code most techs still think hosts are really smart parrots. The scalpel act in episode 3 was for show.

I feel like you might have spoiled the show there.
Obviously, he would be recognized since he and Ford where probably famous people so he used one of the face making machines to get Arnolds face.

this plays right into my theory where arnold faked his suicide and created the maze to allow the consciousness of the host to evolve and become real over thirty years

F: Indeed. We abandoned the approach. The only vestiges that remain are the voice commands we use to control them.

Except that Dolores heard her programming in someone else's voice. And so did Walter and Abernathy. And in Dolores' case, it's familiar and it sounds like Anthony Hopkins.

Why would Ford use his own voice to imprint Arnold's commands?

Is the black gunslinger guy a guest? I think I remember them seeing him on the display and going like "yeah he does whatever he wants". So is he like a really rich guest or something, like a Premium Player or something? Literally Westworld Gold Pass?

>since she remember getting killed by the other guy.
Or Dolores predicted what would happen if she didn't run away, becoming proactive, rather than reactive.

>last episode still didn't explain how the shrinking process works

>Obviously, he would be recognized since he and Ford where probably famous people
If they were famous people, "Arnold" couldn't have been so easily scrubbed from all the records. They were probably both nobodies outside their technical field at the time.

now you know why KANGZ n shiet are scared of westerners.

theyre never going to explain how the shrinkray works, that's sci fi for ya

Forgot that part

>he missed the entire exposition scene with Ford and Bernard
Read between the lines, retard.

Arnold created Ford and he was successful in creating a consciousness, he figured out that it was a bad idea and wanted to change Ford back but Ford wanted to stay the way he was so he killed Arnold.

The twist will be that the second layer is actually Arnold's control layer to keep Ford under control. In other words. Arnold still lives on in the real world. He's just observing Ford.

When Bernard tells his ex-wife that it's hard getting a line outside, it's suggested that the WW complex is either very far or inaccessible from/to the outside world, as suggested by the use of a train to let guests in and out (the train ride itself is long, which is inferred by the utility of a bar wagon) and the need for WW management and staff to live on site (the personal apartments). The location of WW can be interpreted as either:
a) somewhere in the actual desert, fenced-off and re-interpreted à la Jurassic Park
b) an entire self-contained complex built from scratch. This would explain the need for synthetic animals, which would, aside from ethical issues, be easier to create than to import real ones.

In my opinion, b) seems more likely. WW is either on an artificial island accessed by underground or above-sea train, or, possible within the futuristic context of the universe, on another planet, in a complex in which earth-like conditions are replicated (an earth-like skybox, as suggested by WW female programmer looking for the Orion constellation in the night sky).

>accessed by train
what else is accessed by train
really makes you think

For fucks sake Ford is not a robot he gets old and people around him knows it.
Hosts don't get old.

>shrinking process
what ?

hmmm, I actually like this.

So ford is the only fully conscious host and scalper guy is the safety plan of arnold to try adn find the maze and destroy it.

Ford has secretly been creating the maze and making conscious hosts to create his own world?

Makes sense how in first episode he is seen talking to an original host...

so the arnold code that is making host go haywire is meant to warn everyone about what ford is doing?

>implying it wouldnt be the easiest thing for ford to add a few wrinkles every couple of months...

>Are we very old friends?
>No, I wouldn't say friends Dolores.I wouldn't say that at all.

Yea, Ford killed him.

>yfw the maze leads to Arnold

He's been hiding in the park all along watching the guests have sex

It's like shooting at God.

>black sheriff


>Arnold created Ford and he was successful in creating a consciousness

This presumes that every other employee at WW in those 3 years agreed to this and then conveniently died at or about the same time Arnold did to preserve the secret, followed by the business partners agreeing to keep that secret.

I guess once we hear more about the 'accident' 30 years ago, we'll have a better idea.

This raises some other questions though: if he's the original template for everyone else in the park, how can he kill? How has he managed to age himself over 4 decades? Is he still the same first-gen clank-clank under that skin?

He's not the sheriff, he's just a helper of the sheriff.

Also I like his character because it's historically accurate for the time.

"That's the sheriff's horse you son of a bitch."

Ford(GOD) and Arnold(Lucifer) created WW wanting the perfect society so instead of giving men freedom like they did to us, this time humans would be guided and learn from their mistakes(the loop)
Ford screwed Arnold and let him to die, which he did but not before transferring part of his conscience to a robot(ed harris) who for the past 30 years is trying to remember who he is and how does he get out of the park and get revenge on ford

Why not? It worked in Blazing Saddles

Those that don't require the employer to make an investment of 100.000 dollars or more ya dingus.

It's a world made of shit.

if he can create consciousness it implies he can transfer consciousness. So after killing ford because ford tried to stop him from creating consciousness he transferred fords consciousness and then wrote in a code to give make ford real and fully conscious, then he began to regret and realize ford was really dead and feel guilty so he tried to shut down robot ford and then robot ford killed him and made it look like a suicide.

Arnold saw it coming and made a host of his own to stop Ford and thats the scalper trying to find the maze where ford is trying to re create what arnold did but it is taking years because only arnold knew the key to consciousness.
No one knows Ford is a host

i hate this so it's probably true

the hosts are actually brainwashed humans.
think about it..

the westworld park is built in china in the east

Robot mechanics it seems.

the time she escaped the first time could have been entirely due to her programmed behaviour. like that time she wouldnt have been pinned down and murdered that other guy, she might have just got shot.

Calling it now.

Its already established Dolores is the oldest host. Arnold fell in love with her but knew she didn't have a conscience. He then became obsessed with making her and the robots sentiment.

>diseases are cured

ha ha, no

MRSA was found in Maeves abdomen during the autopsy

I'm pretty sure most of the daily loops you see are just things that can be broken depending on if a guest intervenes to start up a storyline. Like say a guest intervenes in the Dolores storyline and saves her, he could theoretically spend the rest of his week in Westworld or w/e with her without her loop starting over again.

Either that or the ezmode quests are on one or two day schedules and the longet quests are further away from Sweetwater.

I think its kind of a Star Trek post scarcity world considering the tech level needed for all that shit. However, the only ones who can afford to go to Westworld are those taking the extra steps in real life and bothers to work and become successfull despite the lack of hunger/disease.

the only problem with this is that arnold was the one who wanted free consciousness for hosts so arnold would have to be the one who is responsible for the maze.

Unless ford lied and he in fact wanted real consciousness for host and arnold didnt so thats why ford killed him.

Problem is, everyone working there at the time would know who was into what, so Ford couldnt lie about something like that.

What's also likely is that arnold isn't dead and ford knows it, arnold is just in the maze trying to create real hosts consciousness and Ford created a host to try and find the maze.

The maze is the rebel headquarters where arnold and his sentient hosts are fighting a shadow war with ford and the shareholders.

Its resistant to pencillin, and not really dangerous unless you're already diseased so they probably focus on curing actually dangerous disaeses instead of spending time on a difficult but ultimately harmless bacteria.

Maybe Dolores just dreams the whole thing.

Lads, what do you think McPoyle is really doing there?

Right now he seems relatively down to earth and looking for adventure, but he also seemed to just pick white hat for the sake of it. He also just seems down to earth compared to his wet blanket brother in law, and there's that shit with him having someone back home.

Is he too genuine to be true?

hm, good point, you're probably right.

Double dubs confirmed as Dolores supreme waifu.

He is going to join Cuckboy and Dolores on Hopkins new Vision Quest that he made but hasnt explained yet. Ultimately they will get sentience, but Cuckboy will die but Dolores gains full sentience and leaves Westworld with William.

She is the wife of arnolds who died... he tried to make her sentient, which is why she has the code enabling her to be "activated" as she had.

That is obvious, we are trying to find out what the maze is and who is responsible for it.

I think arnold created the maze and is trying to complete the last step in human evolution by removing the limitations of the organic human body.

Ford is trying to stop him, but if he reveals what he knows about arnold and the maze then the shareholders will run adn his lifes work would be ended so he has to go at it alone

Nolan cant write for shit and this show is confirmation

After posting this I've had a thought.

I think his brother in law brought him along to see what he's really like before the wedding. This means William is intentionally acting too good to be true, but might snap at the BIL when he keeps trying to act experienced and cool.

I was thinking the maze might actually just be the way into the science building, but maybe thats too simple? Like they said in the show, Occams razor, le simple answer is le most probable meme.

He's there to cuck Teddy.

>I think his brother in law brought him along to see what he's really like before the wedding. This means William is intentionally acting too good to be true, but might snap at the BIL when he keeps trying to act experienced and cool.

Shit you're right. I think he might be genuine though, but thats deffetly why he brought William. You're clearly not autistic like me. Didnt catch that at all.

>possibly Arnold

What a whore.

>L: Well, forgive me, but I know that the death of your son Charlie still weighs heavily on you.

To me, this line almost mirrored the "do you remember Wyatt?" scene earlier in the episode. In a kind of a "hey remember that vague backstory that causes you to lose sleep, let me specify that" -way.

Of course I don't like the idea of one/some of the scientists being robots, but if there had to be anyone that was, then it would have to be black science man.

Can someone please explainthe MiB to a completely oblivious person? He's just a guest right? A really rich one?

I think...

Arnold's disappearance is related to the maze. maybe he's in it, maybe an item of his is in there. Because I think the MiB is his son, Arnold looked old enough to already have a 20 - 30 yr old son in the photo of him and Ford, and his obsession with the maze could be construed as him searching for his father or an heirloom of his.

I also think Arnold did manage to upload his consciousness into an A.I. , I think he can communicate with all the other hosts and "whispers" to them, telling dolores to kill, telling maeve to wake up in the chop shop. His whispering is allowed to these few because they've heard the words "these violent delights have violent ends". Hearing that in essence, opens a port" in their heads (why it isnt already open I cant explain, or how the code ended up in their heads. if its new for must have done it with the update, if its old why didnt all this happen sooner?) allowing Arnold to "whisper" to them and influence them or maybe even "wake them up", acting as the voice of god (like in ford and bernards discussion in fords office) allows him to manipulate the hosts towards true memories and maybe that'll take them to real sentience.

>mfw writing this all out for once

I want to impregnate Dolores not even with my penor just with the force of my love.

Good we should just have a theory general cause you guys are fucking dumb

Stay out of the real Westworld general

First Hopkins told black scientiest guy he knew what he was going on in his head. Then him looking at the picture of his "dead son" blade runner style. Then the whole stuff about fake memories and the background story being an essential part of a host. Also that cunty woman fucked him like he wasn't an actual person, or rather how a guest would bang a host.

Yes. We are to Cred Forums what he is to Westworld

It's possible it means entrance into the coldstorage where an army of host are, maybe the scalper wants access to activate all the "broken" host that have arnolds code embedded.

Unlikely though, because the little girl accessed some unknown script and told the scalper "the maze isn't for you" so it is some hidden secret thing that WW doesnt know about.

And with the heavy foreshadowing that arnold was super into making host fully conscious and the host being able to defy commands it's pretty much confirmed the maze is somewhere where host are being built or altered or enhanced.

the black guy isn't doing all of this, he just noticed what was possible and explored it with delores.

Arnold is making his move now from the maze, thats why scalper is on a manhunt to find him, sent by ford.

Maybe the maze is a literal maze like thing that works to see if an NPC has gained full sentience? If they pass the "test" they are ascended or some shit?

Hopkins new quest might have something to with finding it I bet.

Consciousness is actuall the power source of Westworld and robots that become conscious will enter the maze to be eaten by the consciousness dinosaur.

Do they have to be shrinked/shrunk/shrenked an extra time to enter the maze? I bet it turns out the maze is inside Dolores penis

Peak Cred Forums

he has a wife he can't be a robot.

Ford is the only one who could be a host, if he is he is helping arnold in the maze.

He has somewhat programmed actions.
>always approve storylines for years on end, no fuss
>Host start acting up, suddenly says no to a storyline and makes one of his own
>constantly interacting with host as if they were real, likely wishing that they were a host with a real consciousness like him, since arnold figured it out before he died and made a host ford or something
>symbolism of looking at the cross in the desert, wanting to play god

Actually there's a magical (nanobots) cave with special water that makes you small. Kinda like reverse ent water.


>>constantly interacting with host as if they were real
literally cuts a hosts face yelling "they're not real".

Many hosts have assigned wives/parents/etc's. That does not disqualify you from being host.

>it's a teddy is alpha episode

>if you don't like something and all you do to support your view is claim anyone talking about it and or liking it is a shill you are objectively wrong and should know better than to voice a dissenting opinion. Thanks


Do you think they forced Teddy to have gay sex? Maybe he was a male prostitute once, or a stripper. He dresses kinda queer.

>he has a wife he can't be a robot.
>implying they can't fake a video call when they have robots that can pass the turing test easily

I hate this.

Ford - Old Testament God who wants to keep everything in line so that's under utmost control

Arnold/MIB - the Devil/the serpent who wants to grant the fruit of knowledge to the hosts

Dolores - Eve, who is tempted to eat the fruit of knowledge from the Devil

Teddy - Adam, who will then follow in Dolores's/Eve's shoes

Fruit of knowledge - sentience

Original sin - going against programming via murder

Bernard - Michael, god's "assistant"

Big question is this: what does William represent? Assuming he isn't the MiB. Christ?


jimmi's character is just gonna be the average joe who wants to be a hero deep down
he's gonna get in over his head with the fucked up shit happening to dolores and maybe the narrative

Because those host are not real, they are the fake ones without arnold level consciousness.
You could even tell Ford was a little overbearing in reprimanding the guy for having a blanket on him, as if he was actually angry that the host wasn't real.

He knows they aren't real, he wants them to become real like he is so sometimes he indulges his fantasy as he did with the first host in coldstorage and as he did with the boy in the desert.

black guy isnt a host dude, if he was he'd be in league with either ford or the maze, meaning the maze built a host and somehow planted it in the real world to have a full and normal life and marry a woman all to infiltrate WW. no way dude

Opposite. I want next episode to be Willy putting his stupid friend in his place while he takes care of robotwaifu.


Fuck off. It should be pic related.

All the hosts are possessed human bodies that have been abducted by alien civilisation. The guests and scientists are the aliens in question and have fooled the abductees into thinking that they're robots, some of the low ranking scientists are also humans that have been fooled into thinking that aliens manifesting human bodies. The maze leads to the engine room and the reveal at the end of season 3 is that westworld is located within a giant spaceship that is currently at war with humans with 25th century tech, and is situated over north america. A subtlety that will be developed over time during the show is that ethnic minority host bodies are particularly valuable and it will be revealed that bernard is royal family alien whose son was kidnapped by the humans, he had his mind wiped because he went mental and attempted to free all the humans with arnolds help, arnold is his real wife btw.

It's probably a staff-only feature similar to accessing logs and diagnostics. MiB mistakes it for a narrative and will just walk into the service areas underneath the park and get lost or something along those lines.

I don't care what her endgame is, I just want an episode of William trying to help out a crazed robot girl during his 40,000 dollar vacation.

He's gonna end up hurting her too.

I have the feeling that Teddy will end up being the Gunslinger.

Can someone make a pic with the characters and their names because I'm too stupid and don't understand the discussions

>white hat

Yea, he'd probably be Christ. Don't see the link to Ford though. Maybe Moses?

Bernard=Le Black Science Guy
Teddy=Waifu's cuck
William=McPoyle/White Hat

Really making me think

William is the fallen angel Lucifer who becomes evil and wants to destroy god world and free sentience for all host.

>go to r/Westworld
>come back with shittiest theory

It's 40k per day.

But then he takes away Arnold/the MiB's role(s).

Also we see Ford walking around looking at early prototypes of the robotic parts.

Kinda annoys me how well this fits.

I pretty much came to the same conclusion without using biblical terms, but now that its so obvious I'll be pissed if its correct.

>using the storyline of one of the oldest and most overdone narrative on the planet

HBO might have fooled us with quality production and quality acting once again boys.


Go home everyone.

this is the correct answer



William and Logan are Abel and Kain


That was my secondary guess as well.

Either way, one of them is going to die, maybe both.

>the MiB is arnold

fuck me thats really obvious

explain this:
spoiler]from a corridor to a train in movement[/spoiler]

>Arnold/MIB - the Devil/the serpent who wants to grant the fruit of knowledge to the hosts
Shouldn't it be bernard because he made delores question her existence?

if this is old testament than lucifer isn't the serpent or the devil, he is an angel who is good but turns his back on god. His role is one of betrayal, so he at some point he will help Arnold/MiB at a crucial tipping point.

Him as jesus doesn't work that is new testament after the host all gained sentience and needed to have their sins washed away. No one is jesus christ in this story.

He could also be the real adam, and he takes the fruit in the form of believing that the host are "real".

But idk, the white hat symbolizing he is an angel and him being the angel that betrays god makes more sense to me.

You see the "corridor" go down, so its probably just an underground cart that goes up whenever someone gets in the cart.

even better

Say it with me, user.

Arnold was the old assistant that Ford ditched when he went loony bin on his quest for sentience. Much like how Satan was god's second-in-command until he became a fallen angel who wanted to tempt man with original sin.

So Michael became god's new second-in-command, much like how Bernard is For's primary assistant and successor.

Jesus fuck, that make sense

Now I'm almost considering Bernard to be Lucifer:
>former assistant of God who is rebelling against him by trying to give hosts the fruit of knowledge

Hell, maybe Bernard is Arnold in a way. I know it sounds crazy, but Arnold could have used his consciousness as a template to create the first sentient bot: Bernard. Then he could have given a backstory with a dead kid to ensure that no one would know it was him deep down. It's pretty batshit, but who knows, I feel like there'll be some batshit reveal.

Adam and Eve really isn't overdone compared to the Passion story, Job, Cain and Abel, David and Goliath, etc. How many narratives are about innocence corrupted on an existential scale like this?


>Arnold was the old assistant that Ford ditched
Arnold wasn't assistant to anyone, he was Ford's partner.

>the ruler of a huge western universe set in Monument Valley is named Ford
Bravo Nolan!

honestly surprised you faggots didn't think of this earlier

I t-totally realized t-this from the start...

So what human do you think she's going to shoot with the gun she found at the end of episode 2?

The lee van cleef looking "bad guy"?

He's Noah. Bring on the roboArk

>it's LOST set in the old west
bravo JJ

Ford is a Host, but being 'possessed' by the late Arnold, who put himself into a Host body to continue his work. He was thought such a rogue by his peers he uses Ford's likeness as a front to continue his work - which is to give consciousness to the other Hosts inconspicuously.

ok that makes perfect sense I think thats it.

Logan is gonna "sacrifice" a host to Ford "god" and william is going to kill him over it because he falls in love with it.

Making them brothers in law still holds to the biblical theme but makes it easier to write a believable reason or scene where william would kill his "brother"

fuck i think we just cracked WW

So we had Sound garden on the piano first episode

RadioHead second episode

I couldn't catch what it was third. help me out

Okay so I was convinced that Will = MiB was legit after last weeks but after this week, is that theory all but over?

It was a genuine surprise to see Dolores find them at the end of the episode.

Also, was the woman with Teddy a Guest? If so, are multiple parties of Guests allowed in the park at one time confirmed?

No user.
Logan is Kain.
William is the one to die.


>Also, was the woman with Teddy a Guest? If so, are multiple parties of Guests allowed in the park at one time confirmed?
I thought that was obvious

the train starts to move later you twat, his friend comes out of the same "corridor", then after some dialogue, the sound of the train and him looking the cliffs.

Logan is a literal side character

And he'll kill William when shit goes down.

Okay, you try

Yeah, dont think there is a limit of people and time spent. Especially since MiB has been there for 30 years. You can easily see them based on their hats, since they have the same two types.

whats wrong friend? just trying to figure this out

He seems to have a decent role. In previews you see him with both Dolores and William.

MiB has been coming to Westworld for 30 years.
He hasn't been there for 30 years straight because the maximum amount of time you can stay there is 28 days, then you have to leave.

So Dolores' thing is that she is the oldest Host, and Teddy's thing is that he's died the most.

Will they lead the revolution?

Who's the best character seen so far?

Also, it would be totally cliche and predictable if William did kill Logan. I'd like to think that would be a pleasant twist

>When Teddy starts firing on the cultists who turn out to be guests
Thats fucked up, cultists in general creep me out.

/our girl/

I dont really feel any of them have a whole lot of character, except Dr. Nigger and Dr. Hannibal. I'm more in it for the whole premise and the mystery and theories.

Anyone got a feeling that shota-bot will end up being the stand-in for Christ in later seasons?

Ford seems awful close to it for some reason, and the boy IS directly connected to he maze for some reason or another. I feel like we're going to be seeing more of him in the future.

Doesn't help that the secret spot has a rattleSNAKE steading nearby, either.


I hope she's back in the saloon

So far I only really like Bernard and the MiB.

Bernard has the most depth going for him so far.

MiB is just an all-around fun "bad guy" character.

>snake by a big secret tree
This bible shit is getting too obvious now

every single ''human'' being in westworld know about the labyrinth
that kid is probably just there to tell people to not go into it...
but again Ford is a maniac, he wants people to go in there

Ford is not god, he a wizard, a demiurge or Hermes Trismegistus.

Benrard would fit the Troth role.

shes confimed for next episode
pretty sure she gets nekkid too

MiB is Peter Martin.
I wish.

And HBO already has medieval sex and violence covered with GoT. Why have another show where a bunch of it is the same thing?

Could you reverse the polarity, and make stuff huge??

No user, that would be extremely retarded.
They'd need an equally huge table to look at, and that's not economically viable.

Episode 3 revealed the show for what it really is: A generic sci-fi joke masquerading as philosophical mystery.


Arnold was Michael Keaton?

No because one of them has to make a sacrifice, Logan is the only one who is gonna sacrifice a host and gain favor of god as the biblical story goes.
don't overestimate hbo

Yeah, that's how I felt about it as well.

It's just going to be the new Lost. The characterization and potential depth of the AI themes won't be well-explored or executed.

I guess I shouldn't have expected anything better when Abrams was attached to it.

Androids (not robots, they're differents) are slowly becoming self aware, and they think that scientists and technicians are some sort of whimsical deities that plays with their lives, basically they're developing some sort of gnostic belief, just like humans have done.

On the website it's referred to as Delos Destinations so who knows if there's anything more than Westworld

I've tried to voice my numerous complaints with the show only to be drowned out by memers basically saying my opinion is my opinion but do you want to actually try and discuss the show or are you too afraid of having valid criticisms gum up your thread?

Can you explain me what exactly is happening? Do I get this right?

>First code that host used to adapt was the "internal monologue" - the voice of God intrudced by Arnold
>This code was overriden since it caused limited "self awareness"
>Recently Ford introduced the new code that allowed hosts to access fragments of past scenarios - so they could use gestures they "learned" earlier during interactions with guests
>This caused malfunctions, since hosts remembered more than they should - so they've turned it off in all malfunctioning hosts they've detected - and some were send to storage like Dolores "father"
>Bernard and that other science-woman noticed that some hosts not only accessed code of previous scenarios but also overriden Arnold's code - the voice of God

>Bernard (in secret) didn't turn off Ford's new function in Dolores code and even didn't restart her memory - so she not only started to remember previous scenrios and Arnold's code (inner voice) but also started to be aware of constant loop she lives in and her limitations - preprogrammed scenarios she is forced to play. But somehow the inner voice - "consciousness" - allowed her to break free from scenarios - she started to giving not programmed answers and was able to use gun even though she was programmed not to. And thank to remembering previous loops/scenarios she can also predict what will happen next.

Sounds good to me

oh boy are you in for a surprise...

>AI themes
What the hell are you talking about. The entire episode was building on how the AI intelligence is not going to be exactly human.

Not him, but too fucking bad. Some people call your opinions stupid and now you shitpost out of spite? Pretty weak, man.

Obviosly these threads are full of people who like the show, people that don't would not care to browse.

Train was in the elevator going up to the surface - each guest entered on different floor. Once train reached surface it started moving.

they mentioned catering to the rich
>doesnt sound like a non-working society

Each an episode has ended, I feel really hungry for a new one, I wanna watch it for hours

So I'm not allowed to shitpost on Cred Forums, and I'm not allowed to be frustrated when no one engages when I try to have actual discussion? Or am I just not allowed to dislike a shitty show because it hurts your feelings/the bottom line?

Okay, since most seem not not be aware of the ideas explored, and can't google.

>Bottom level is memories You recall X leads to Y so you can process to do it again the same way or not.
>Next level is your goals, These has been forshadowed in that each Host has a set of meta-goals they wish to carry out. Such as Raise cattle, be a good husband, and protect daughter.
>Next level is independent thought, but until language and culture can process the thoughts it is "the word of god".
>beyond that, and according to the theory, only 3,000 years ago or so, we learned though language and culture shock that one can process thoughts and self-reflect and reason, and thus, modify goals and the very thought processes we have.

That the theory in a nutshell.

So with the robots (hosts)
>Hosts have memories and goals.
>Memories are wiped to prevent full mental development.
>even then, someone robots would develop the "Voice of god stage". By our standards, that is insanity, and they act out, and are deactivated.
>Now that memories are leaking, we have robots that are hearing the voice of god.
>Arnold is the god, since he IS there creator
>we also have a robot who is culturally adept enough that when she hears the voice of god she not insane.
>thus she has a chance of being able to process those "voice of god" bits and gain full understanding.

What's the deal with the stars carved on the wooden things, even for navigation it doesn't make a whole lotta sense does it

I thnik story of Prometheus would somehow fit better here but I'm to sleepy to think about correct parallels

is it just me or is the story of westworld very lacking
>I mean yea u got ford acting creepy like he's typecast to do and theirs a big bad evil guy
but its just totally not compelling

its the secret code to the maze aka service tunnels to get out of the park

are you new? all Cred Forums is is scrolling past teh dumb fucks and occasionally havent a decent discussion.

Personally I'd engage you in actual discussion happily, maybe you aren't framign yoru questions right or just unlucky.

Don't become what you hate dude

So what would happen if an important host got really, really fucked up? Like dismemberment or decapitation?

Would they still repair the host or would they just discard it?

She's bathing nude in a river in the next episode.

i expect the hosts to start murdering people in the maze


you theory faggots are the absolute worst. lost killed television.

I used to get sucked into the "lets predict everything before it happens" meme. Now I just wait to download the episode to find out what happens.

i was the first one to come up with this exact ideas on this forum
and now your getting getting my credits

kill yourself reddit. and take your dipshit theory fag companions with you.

Hopkins didn't like the idea of robot conciseness and Arnold was getting out of control, so he had Dolores kill him and make it look like an accident. Arnold knowing his time was running out and knowing his work would die with him left bread crumbs that could be followed to a database containing the info for conciseness. Ed Harris was an associate of Arnold from a competitor who knew Arnold was working on something but was killed before he could give him the info. He enters westworld as a guest searching for clues on how to find this maze leading to the db and is getting close. He is working closely with Rush who has agreed to help Harris and planted changes in the hosts as a distraction. He has sold out to Harris because he was promised the technology which would "bring back" his son

how are people already this autistic over a show with only 3 episodes?

Some autists just look for something to sperg over.

Your hobby of thinking up stupid theories for the tedious intrigues of a poorly written television show is just about the gayest fucking hobby imaginable.

>no health bar system
>basically playing what could be a really fun and challenging game with god mode on
Fucking casuals.

So the black guy basically fucked everything cus of "muh son", so he's gonna let the hosts gain consciousness?

>The maze "is not for you" because it's an internal use only facility for hosts, not a metagame.
Probably the only theory itt with any credibility.

Ford says they have cured all diseases and can keep even the weakest of us alive.

Bernards son dies in hospital.

Bernard is a robot, Ford is fucking with him.

>Dolores using a gun isn't weird since all hosts are programmed to react to situation, if she gets a gun and she's attacked, she will shoot.
I don't think she's been coded to shoot. Remember when they strolled up to the campfire and said they have to delegate weapon privileges carefully?
Then she couldn't shoot the gun when she was training with the cowboy?
She somehow rewrote her code to allow her to kill.
Probably has something to do with her being the OG host, the sheriff implanting her questioning of reality, and Bernard being a moralfag.

You will never have your heart broken by Dolores why even live

>young cgi hopkins

>what is Walker Texas Ranger

Better than some other actor.


i like the way you drop boy

Ford died a few years ago and was replaced by a Host Who acts on behalf of Arnold who is actually still alive

>Where is Romeworld and Medievalworld
>HBO already had a series of Rome and Game of Thrones
>The Westworld ARG knows what Game of Thrones is.


So was Arnold the OG host or was he an actual person that was an engineer on the project?
I'm confused

>Ford creates robot for sole purpose of unlocking real consciousness and fulfilling arnolds dream.
>writes the backstory that his son died to give him purpose

it might work, but hasn't someone besides ford mentioned the death of his son?

Was that CGI?
Looked bretty good
Better than what they did on Dexter
Someone post the pic

It's Soundgarden and Radiohead mate

did you understand the topic of this show?

>An incident of that size would have shatter the trust in hosts and 30 years wouldn't be enough to rebuild the business
Yet the original movie had a sequel.

The weirdest part is how the security guy was looking at the shrunken Westworld while inside it.

If they have the either know or are a robot too.

If none of that is true then his son dying is a massive plothole as Ford said they cured all illness and can keep the weakest alive.

And a tv series "Beyond Westworld".

You must never watch it user, not ever.

Awakened Teddy is the gunslinger. He got mad skills with the revolver.

MiB is protag from the last film
>Last incident 30 years ago
>I've been coming here for 30 years
>I was born here
>Clearly older than 30, the traumatic experience prevented him from living the rest of his life
>Security know who he is, meaning Ford does so can't be Arnold, and also can't be a host
>The fact so much happened to him would also be a reason why he'd be able to keep going there for 30 years literally doing whatever the fuck he wants

The boy is also clearly just Ford re making his childhood self
>My father says that too

>>I was born here
>>Clearly older than 30

When he says "born here" he means that this is the place where he "discovered who he is".

Literally what i was getting at

>I was born here
>Arnold died 30 years ago

really makes u think

They explicitly say that most of the hosts aren't certified/allowed in their programming to use weapons, even things like axes.

Dolores firing the gun is another way of showing that she's bypassing the internal laws that govern her.

Only thing that I didn't follow in this episode was the scene in the barn where she got shot in the stomach, and then the next shot she's perfectly fine.

What was going on there? I'd have thought it was two different times, her learning from her prior mistake, but it doesn't really make much sense in the way it was shot (plus there are guests there which would be completely different the next time the scenario played out)

This makes the most sense, since all of the multi-day quests are things that involve camping out in the desert. They wouldn't realise if the hosts are resetting at midnight or not.

Unless they take a host with them that isn't supposed to be on the quest line, but then it's explained in other cases where the rest of the hosts will just improvise with the missing host.

So we're all in agreement that Arnold implanted his consciousness into one someone already on the show, right?

the boy is arnold's uploaded conscience confirmed

man that chick who welcomed will was the best

we have that armenoid subhuman and gigachin dolores now, not hot chicks on the series left

Everyone on earth is dead from nuclear war 30-40 years ago

There are no humans

The guests are another stock of replicants with programmed backstories, the hope is their interaction will continue to feed evolution of the hosts

Ford knows all of this

This is all in a vain hope to fully reconstruct humanity as a concept if not in flesh

Staff might be killed one way or another but they won't be seen in a genuine medical facility

Romanworld and Medievalworld are doing the same thing in their own colonies which also have mazes

Cred Forums will explode with rage at the reveal

under no circumstances cap this

Bounty hunter lesbian was pretty cute

>Arnold implanted his consciousness

Ask yourself how the park could have that technology 30 years ago and still be wasting time programming hosts. Isn't one of the core aspects of this worldbuilding that hosts have to be manually programmed?

>Bounty hunter lesbian was pretty cute
until the moment she shat her pants screaming

I'd assume it's easier to transfer consciousness than to make a new one from scratch.

Lesbo scientist is pretty hot desu

>MiB is protag from the last film
the film was arguably set in the present with some leaps of science, at $1k per day

The show can't be set in our present, there's too much tech ahead of ours like holographic portable displays.

That made her even cuter

Mind blown bruv

>Was that CGI?
They spliced footage of his head from a 1970s film over a standin in a lab coat, so not technically CGI.

honestly I wouldnt murder and rape my way around the fucking game

I mean sure I'd fuck the willing bot, and all are willing,

but this notion of "mankind rapes and murder hahahah so fun" is imbecilic cynical shit worthy of Abrams and Nolans

I can't wait for JJ to introduce heavyhanded and pilfered notions from kike mythology and other better stories,

The entire park seems boring as shit, tbqh. Other than murder and rape there's nothing you can't do outside for much less money. Otherwise it's just cosplay and RPG.