Thoughts on HyperNormalisation (the new Adam Curtis doc)?

Thoughts on HyperNormalisation (the new Adam Curtis doc)?

Seems a bit schizo to me.

Other urls found in this thread:

Feels a bit like he is obsessed with the west and middle east and completely ignores everything else.

just like modern media?

Modern media is much more global

I'm about 3/4 through and I have no idea where this is going.

But that's not what it's about and how can you not ignore western culture.



Just watched it a few hours ago. I liked it, it was interesting how it tied various seemingly unrelated threads together. I also thought it was a pretty good history lesson on the middle east, but I've got to admit I wasn't that knowledgeable about that subject in the first place, so that might be just me.

He constantly shows that people do things with intent, as part of some larger plan. I can't help but think the reality of these things is that we all just stumble through life, doing things that feel right at that moment.

He's one of those people that thinks the left-wing "art" of the 1970s was some sort of driving social force.

If you liked the history lesson aspect watch Bitter Lake.

Dream Baby Dream

I'd like to live in the world presented in HyperNormalisation.

It's not ours, even though Curtis thinks it is. It's close, just in the uncanny valley.

>Ex-Russian theatre student come political strategist and mop haired yank billionaire use similar tactics to prosper in the post-politics climate
>The internet is a nursery for embryos of anti-establishment action, such as Occupy. In reality, it's always just some Facebook page that gets shared and it turns out lame.

Even if you disagree with his conclusions and analysis, his technique is pure kino.

Thanks for the suggestion. This actually was my first Adam Curtis doc, I'm not British, so I hadn't really heard about him until I saw that big thread about HyperNormalisation yesterday, which made me curious. Is there anything else he's made that's worth watching?

I don't care if it's infotainment, shit like this needs to be acknowledged more.

>Social media created filters
>Complex algorithms that looked at what individuals liked, and fed more of the same back to them
>In the process, individuals began to move, without noticing, into bubbles that isolated them from enormous amounts of other information.
>They only heard and saw what they liked
>And the news feeds increasingly excluded anything that might challenge people's pre-existing beliefs

The Power of Nightmares is good.

The Mayfair Set
All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace
The Power Of Nightmares

God I love that 80's aerobics/porn bitch look like the girl has in OP's pic

I love the dreamlike parts where it can switch between completely unrelated footage using ambient backing tracks.

I enjoyed the women crying after Brexit and the chaos montage as the leaders all looked confused.

That's Jane Fonda

Not in that pic bro
That's just some nameless gym bunny

I know I shouldn't think too much about our own shitty little site, but I do wonder what Curtis would say about Cred Forums, where there's complete anonymity and freedom. He's very caught up in the controlling aspect of social media that he ignores the place where there's genuine counterculture.

Thanks. I was looking through his filmography, and it turns out I've also seen Century Of The Self, probably more than five years ago, but I had no idea he made that.

The russian theatre guy political adviser is true user

>genuine counterculture.
It's exactly the same echo chamber hugbox here as it is everywhere else

It all comes back to MGS2.

I disagree. Anyone is free on this site to believe what they want. You might get shitposted, but it's not a place with downvotes or curation. My thread is equal to your thread is equal to all the other threads.

Much as I think it's a blight, the "alt right" would not have been possible without a place where you have complete freedom of expression with complete anonymity.

Only halfway in.

Depressing to be reminded of how stagnant the world has been in the last 40 years. Very stop/start. Or 2 steps forward, 1.999999 steps back.

Personally I think that opinion is laughable; there are downvotes and curation just in its own particular form. Go start a thread about how unfairly black people are portrayed in media then come back and tell us you're free to any opnion.

Every documentary is the same.

People fixate on a perfect system of control, get proven wrong.

They're still informative and well made though.

The Trap.

Century Of The Self.

All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace.

That's bullshit and you know it. You make that thread and it's going to be on the front page like everything else. You make a thread saying the opposite on something like Reddit and it'll be buried immediately, if not deleted entirely.

Just because people will disagree with it doesn't mean it's not there for people to see.

I genuinely can't see how anyone could say this site functions in the same way as other social medias.

Sounds like the new Zeitgeist.

Pop conspiracies for normies who will change absolutely nothing but want to feel like intellectuals.

Naturally you are truly enlightened by your own intelligence.

>I do wonder what Curtis would say about Cred Forums, where there's complete anonymity and freedom.

Are you really this naive? I hardly imagine he'd be slow to pick up on the extent to which, despite this "total anonymity and freedom", people like you are still hopelessly mired in conformist learned behaviors.

You give Cred Forums too much credit.

Wtf I hate feminists now

Is it like most of Curtis' docs as of late where he takes a few fairly mundane examples and tenuously ties them all together (somehow) to create a structural theory about the world *really* works?

There's good stuff in there, I'm sure. But I'm not sure I can get past the Curtisisms that surround it.

He briefly touched on the idea vaguely when showing how the young hackers pissed off the utopian obsessed baby boomer silicon valley guys.

But if anyone was going to do a good serious doco on anonymous/Cred Forums it would be him.

We have deeply codified societal rituals despite any sort of real or authentic centralized planning. We're actually like a Curtis thought experiment. You can watch us break every rule implementation and find a way to ruin stuff despite the best intentions of our mod overlords.

Like some digital mouse utopia.

He's right though.

You can start it and say what you want.

Bitter Lake famalam

That's actually the subject of the documentary, amusingly enough.

No I just think for myself instead of having documentaries do it for me

I didn't get the weird pity party about Brexit at the end. I thought he had a good chance to talk about cultural fragmentation but it basically came off like "if you do Brexit, the terrorists win". I get the point he was trying to make but it fell kind of flat with the criticisms of the rest of the mention of the Occupy-esque Grexit vote but somehow Brexit is entirely different and we must feel as cynical as the director because one country decided to leave a glorified bureaucracy.

I thought it was great overall but the ending just made me think it was all for naught because it closed with a bootlicker political Colbert, a late night talk show host, is really who he chooses to commentate on the "fake" system?

I think he was questioning the link between his and Trump's tactics that the documentary puts forth.
Yeah, I also got a similar sort of feeling. It's odd when you get such a condensed version of the last forty years, everything just seems to repeat itself. Like hippies from the sixties who turned into disillusioned observers in the seventies, then in the 00s you have the occupy activists who retreated to individualism and social media. The whole cyclical aspect coupled with the perspective of how long the issues with terrorism and the middle east have been going on with no sign of resolution, it left me with a kind of feeling of emptiness.

Like Bitter Lake there are big ideas with random examples drawn from current events and not much of an effort made to link them beyond their proximity in time.

Not as focused as his older stuff. Not much in the way of conspiracy theories.

Same hang ups as usual;

Systems of control broken by happenstance, no one actually knows what they are doing and the blowback from their projects only make things worse.

I thought the same thing watching this documentary. It hurts how genius that game was

> Whole doc is about how massively complex systems always fail despite good intentions

> Muh E.U. :(

Seems odd.

>I genuinely can't see how anyone could say this site functions in the same way as other social medias.

It's not exactly the same, but people here definitely look for their own version of a 'downvote'.

Go on Cred Forums and say something that's not in favour of Trump. It will just get buried in memes and 'thanks for correcting the record'. It arguably has the same effect as just having it hidden.
It's still a kind of basic refusal to engage with anyone that has a different opinion

Is it true that angry liberals only ever talk to other liberals?

They have ultimate control over media.

This is true. But it's much less planned and centralized on Cred Forums.

It's basically a brawl.

Strongest mob wins.

It's what makes it interesting, because it's often the most arbitrary and retarded shit that causes brigading.

See the boxxy civil war, which almost destroyed the site.

It's probably why there are weirdo think tanks now monitoring us to figure out how and why certain things drive content when no central planning or control is in place.

He's just a typical leftard. This docu is all about speaking against stuff he doesn't like politically, pretending that they are some universal problems.

Of course the plebs are going to swallow it like semen.


The only time you should unironically be #withher

He literally shits all over the modern "left" bullshit.

>This crying remoaner at the end


Soundtrack anywhere?

Yeah but that's different because it's entirely user based, as opposed to upper level moderation on something g like Reddit
In a world where there's nothing that keeps you tied to a website, and people who interact for long periods of time tend to develop similar ideas, it's inevitable that certain attitudes would become accepted by a majority of the userbase, and many of the people who disagree with that eventually get fed up and leave
What matters is that you have the ability to post whatever you want and you have only strength of your post to influence how the conversation goes, how the people who see that thread at that particular point in time is irrelevant
A website in which people with complete anonymity and opposing beliefs but continue to stick around in an even amount perpetually arguing all sides of an argument doesn't exist

Then why are 90% of threads on the big "counterculture" boards full of people arguing and shitposting? At least here you have to struggle somewhat to avoid hearing opinions you don't like.

I know it's a jokey thing to say but I genuinely think of Cred Forums as an "antisocial network". It's people getting together with other people, but actively choosing to not talk to actual people. Just being part of a stream of consciousness.

This place is the best example of anarchy that exists on earth. It's also a great example of why it would never work.

You're right actually, Curtis would probably do quite an interesting documentary on it. The trouble is that it's impossible on a site where everything is transient and you'd need to have been here for years to truly understand how things work.

Some think tank just finished a 6 month study on us. Archived and analyzed 8 million posts on Cred Forums, Cred Forums and Cred Forums.

The conclusion - Australians are very racist but they may be joking, and we post a lot of YouTube links and pictures of frogs.

Mild kek.

Seriously though, I'd have thought that Cred Forums would be a very interesting topic from a psychology point of view. Instead people just write everything off as being "edgy teens"

MIT did one several years ago on Cred Forums.

I'm sure you must be very intelligent if you don't take in any outside stimulis and information to form your own resolutions. More people should be like you, user. Completely reliant on their own "wisdom".

Why do you keep posting in the thread? You clearly didn't watch it and you've been called out on your hypocrisy multiple times. Go back to listening to your Mike Cernovich podcasts, pseud right-wing stigmatist.

It hits on interesting topics but it focuses on a narrative that seems very conrived, Like most of Curtis' docs. Still it's really well made and despite it's lengh it's worht checking out just to rase awarness about the themes it touches on.

It was london university I think, 800gb of frog pictures

they want to predict and control memes

he tried to tie too many things together (something he's been having noticeable trouble with since all watched over by machines of loving grace), rehashed ideas/footage/music from older docs, atmosphere wasn't as good as usual

felt bored watching it desu

Filter bubbles make me fucking paranoid.

my problem with this is that you could make exactly the same argument about news papers, tv channels, football teams etc, yet it's only recently become a thing with social media

i think we're all secretly aware of the extent to which social media is utterly trivial and we try to hide that with false concern, so saying social media divides people makes the problem division rather than social media as a platform/concept

if you don't want to escape into a little bubble then social media has literally nothing to offer you, so why do people say "the rise of social media is dividing people into bubbles" and not "people want to be divided into bubbles, which has led to the rise of social media"?

Like all Curtis stuff, even if you think he's far too reaching with his links, there's still lots and lots of information there.

The things about the content filters reminded me of this article about the "tribes" of modern west.

Quantum mechanics.