Anyone follows the Rubin Report here? It's a pretty good talk show and it's not even on television

Anyone follows the Rubin Report here? It's a pretty good talk show and it's not even on television.

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Pretty solid, but I wish Dave was a bit less predictable. Take a drink every time he says 'regressive left' and you'll wake up in the hospital the next day.

>butt hurt leftist detected
go apologize for some jihad faggot

>When he fucked up the sound literally three times yesterday
Lol. He's kino. He's deluding himself if he actually thinks that trashing either Clinton or Trump too hard will lose him an interview, as if either of them would touch him. His numbers are growing but even the young turks are still somehow growing by equivalent numbers.

Does anyone listen to Harris' podcast? I was listening to the ISIS one today from the other week
>Even ISIS hates SJWs

I do appreciate that he lets his guest talk without interrupting them.

>He's deluding himself if he actually thinks that trashing either Clinton or Trump too hard will lose him an interview,
He's voting Greg Johnson isn't he?
Anyway I don't see Rubin really trashing anyone that hard. It's not that type of show. He's more of a YT Charlie Rose as I see it.

>His numbers are growing but even the young turks are still somehow growing by equivalent numbers.
Yeah, because they're loud and one-note as fuck. They also host meme people with internet sex appeal while Rubin brings fucking Roseanne.

I watch C Span

I'm still waiting for Rubin to invite Ryan Dawson on his show in person to discuss about Israel and Zionism

Isn't TYT basically a conglomerate at this point? They also have TV and film reviews on What the Flick and sports talk and everything in between. They're bighuge. Which is slightly weird since Cenk is uncharismatic as fuck.

Rubin looks like donkey kong

Their Wolf Pac movement is funded by George Soros

TYT were big way before Soros became a thing in the US though.

He also funded Democracy Spring and Cenk like the good puppet he is attended

Ok, and?

It's fun until you find out every episode is the same.

>Yeah that's what I'm saying! These regressives are actually helping the muslims!
>Yes that is correct, that's why I started this show, just to have the conversation!

And pretty much everyone he invites is part of his choir.

>preach to the center
>invite a shitload of right wingers or extreme right wingers

I'm sure he could find one or two SJWs to come to his show if he gave a fuck about being fair. Nope, it's that fag Milo or that hyperfag Cernovich again. Hey man, don't knock yourself out trying to fight your political opponents.

I see your point, but remember SJWs have their own ghetto set up already (TYT and all those big names), so they don't need to branch out to new places and channels.

Dave Rubin is ostensibly a show about talking to everyone though, that's the point. I'm a Trump supporter, but I'd like to see Dave try and reach out to the left more often, or maybe facilitate debates between left wing people and right wing people or something. His format is getting stale.

Sure, but he's complaining about them living in a hugbox/echochamber while he himself is building one around him with these idiots that all agree with him. 100 shekels says SJWs started as a decent discussion on economy and other shit and then preachy fags and fagettes started talking about the right wing without ever coming in contact with it and here we are. The right is doing that exact same thing.

>not on television
>make a thread about it on Cred Forums

Really makes you think.

He does bring people from the left, like Jonathan Haidt and Stephen Fry and some other ones. They're not SJWs because again SJWdom is a ghetto.

Most of the left won't talk to people who question them.

Well he wanted Johnson to reach 15% so he could debate. He doesn't live in a swing state and I don't think he cares. He's repeatedly said as a politician Gary is disappointing but he likes him personally. But yeah he said in yesterday's stream from his ugly IKEA couch that he doesn't want to support either of the candidates out of fear of losing the other one as a potential future guest. He's optimistic though, which is cute.

Since I made this picture I've found even more tyt episodes with abysmal ratings. Do they just think people are like trolling them or like angry ______ supporters who are downvoting them as an organised thing? Do they not realise when their content fucking sucks? Yiannopolous did an interesting talk maybe the day before last when he said if he was a journalist and the comment section of his stories were full of people telling me I was wrong and proving me wrong, I probably would be re-examining my behaviour instead of labelling them as racists and disabling the comments. Whatever. TYT have pretty much dug their own graves at this point. Pretty soon even the Soros money won't keep them afloat. The sad thing is you can tell the hosts genuinely believe their idiotic rhetoric and aren't being coerced by old George. They're genuinely that delusional.

I liked that episode where Stephen Fry said how much he hated the SJWs that had established itself from the left.

SJWs do not want to discuss things. Sam Harris and Lawrence Krauss both fucking hate Trump and are voting Hillary and both have been on the show. He's probably invited on a shitload of lefties (just not angry SJWs) who won't touch him because Sam Harris and Gad Saad or whatever and the left are increasingly becoming isolationists. What extreme right wingers has he even had on the show? Fucking Milo Yiannopolous? He's practically a neoliberal.

>But yeah he said in yesterday's stream from his ugly IKEA couch that he doesn't want to support either of the candidates out of fear of losing the other one as a potential future guest.
Oh well he might get Johnson after November. Mite b cool.

He said his ideal scenario would be to sit down both candidates separately and ask the two the exact same questions.
I can imagine Trump maybe going for this. But Hillary? Lol fucking nope.

Bullshit. Both him and and SJWs are comfortable talking about the other party without ever talking to the other party.

>writes for breitbart

Since when does neoliberalism equate with neofascism?

I wish wasn't getting so bald and fat. He used to be pretty hot.

His opinions are a bit dull, but it's still a breath of fresh air in this polarized world.

Honestly watching politicians interviewed is the most boring thing imaginable, they pander and dodge like crazy and rarely say anything of substance. It also very much incompatible with Dave's high brow format. Maybe third party guys, or old school retired politicians, or SCOTUS judges, but presidential candidates?

Idunno he's got that dad thing going.

He is a literal faggot

Bullshit. Trump avoided answering every question at the debates while Hillary actually did provide answers.

Milo doesn't even have coherent political views from what I gather.

So what if he writes for Breitbart? He has repeatedly said that the editor in chief has never censored him except for one joke about black guys on grindr. He's their star reporter and writes whatever he writes. His criticism of Islam is essentially that it is antithetical to western liberal values. He's repeatedly said people should be free to do whatever they want, do drugs, have degenerate relationships, say what they want and please, how is that even remotely close to any form of fascism?

You either don't understand what an SJW is or you've never met one, but if they're interested in engaging with people in discussion, then they're not SJWs. The two are mutually exclusive.

Dave Rubin has an open invite for Ben Affleck to appear on the show any time he wants.

Say what you will about SJWs, they have a coherent platform at least. A shitty and sometimes terrifying one, but coherent nevertheless.

>Coherent platforms
>Willing to engage in conversation
Literally the most wrong opinions on Cred Forums ever.

I don't give a shit what his opinions about Islam are and if they're correct(probably are for the most part) because he's a neofascist retard that would undo the fabric of our society. Same with SJWs: I don't give a shit about the fact that they want to provide welfare for the poorer classes when they want to ban free speech and do other heinous shit. Immigration is such a minor topic in a grander scheme today that agreeing with someone on it and it only does not even quantify.

My point was that the reason he criticises them was because they're against his liberal views. It's mutually exclusive for him to be for liberal values and free speech and pro fascism. Fascism is literally antithetical to free speech. My point wasn't he's anti Islam. It's why he's anti islam and if he has those reasons for his views, he cannot, mathematically be a neofascist.

>coherent platforms
They're socialists trending towards communism with a dash of mid 70's Negritude, 3rd wave feminism and whatever rhetoric they poached off the Nation of Islam and Mugabe.

>willing to engage
Well, I never said they do. They probably don't.

Milo does not have liberal views.

Yes he does, with regards to freedom of speech et al. The rest of the stuff he just doesn't give a fuck about.

>literally the most wrong
kys yourself

>Entire career is built on advocating for allowing people to do what they want as long as it doesn't negatively effect other people
>That's not a liberal value

He likes freedom of speech because he's a journalist so it's his bread and butter. The minute he got to wear the boots he'd stump anyone who disagrees with him.

>The rest of the stuff he just doesn't give a fuck about
Of course he doesn't because he's a neofascist.

What a retarded video title. Neck yourself tripfag.

I skimmed the thread and an obnoxious tripfag is trying to defend Milo I think so I'm leaving the thread.

What a shame.

>The minute he got to wear the boots he'd stump anyone who disagrees with him.
Well to make a claim like that you'd need to actually prove it...

He actually allowed a young woman from the NAACP to attend his talk a few days ago, allowed her to ask a question, thanked her for her question, told his audience not to boo, answered her question, and then when she wanted a third question he said he'd love to talk to her off stage afterwards.

>i no everfing milo think and says

>The minute he got to wear the boots he'd stump anyone who disagrees with him.
I honesty don't see any indicator for that in anything he said or published. And I'm not even remotely a Milofag.

>He actually allowed a young woman from the NAACP to attend his talk a few days ago, allowed her to ask a question, thanked her for her question, told his audience not to boo, answered her question, and then when she wanted a third question he said he'd love to talk to her off stage afterwards.

I'm sobbing, I can't stop. Milo is a persecuted gay man, in a cruel cold liberal world, where nobody can have opinions. I'm sobbing so hard, bless his little gay heart. He is so gentle and kind and sincere.

Well, if the Huffington Post is Marx Boulevard meets with Mugabe Alley, we can hold Breitbart to the same rigor of analysis, right? They're fascists and alarmists. No one, and I do mean no one, that writes there can be in good conscience liberal. Same goes for HP.

Breitbart is trash, but Milo is absolutely not a fascist. Admittedly the whole Trump thing he's doing is a bit awkward, but I guess come 2017 he'll grow past that.

You know, he probably isn't and you're right. He's a merc working for fascists.

Why do you even like Milo in the first place. He has the most punchable face on the planet. I don't understand his popularity.

He says contrarian shit and has a punchable face and is gay?

The extreme-right is composed of closet fags and the extreme left is composed of closet heteros. They're both ashamed of it.

That doesn't really answer my question.

It does tho: they wanna fuck him.

He's not even hot. He has an uneven smile and his lips are a mess.

I don't like Milo that much, see But calling him a fascist is just demonstrably false slandering.

I suppose people like him because he gives voice to young anti-SJWs who still haven't been exposed to more serious commentators and authors. He's great at pandering and rallying his supporters, that's for sure. And the shitstorms he regularly causes are obviously a point in his favor to those college types.

Gays are all about money and status, and he's got both.

>tfw you realize he's gay and it surprises you and makes you a bit less homophobic

>the young turks are still growing

Hey man, when you're a closet homo anyone that doesn't look like Elton John is gonna be your Tom Cruise.

I wasn't the dude calling him a fascist I just hate his face

One word: Trump.
He's been a boon to any liberal media platform, the more obnoxious and one-sided the better.

I retracted my point actually, he's just a merc. His employers are neofascists tho.

It all collapses in 20 days. I wonder who'll survive.

You mean 40 days, right?


Is that when they finish counting the votes? I was talking about Nov. 8 election.

28th of November, don't forget to vote.

This show is just a stupid echo chamber.
