Why Lando was wearing Han's clothes?

Why Lando was wearing Han's clothes?

Is it mean that it's not Han's style but official suit for pilots just like Tatooine's moisture farmers clothes are Jedi robes?

maybe it was han whom was wearing lando's clothes. ever think of that?

He did it so he would have Han's scent and Chewie wouldn't freak out

>he doesn't dress the same way as his friends

After Han was put in carbonite his soul transferred to Lando's body via the force only for Lucas to retcon it in Jedi after Harrison begged to come back.

The vest has an RFID chip inside it to keep the Millineum Falcon from freaking out.

its pottery

they both bought it at the same wal-mart

With Han out of the picture Lando stepped in to fill EVERY role in Han'a life.

it comes with the ship


Do you think Han was fucking Leia at the time already?

Yes. In return for spacecoke.

Actually if you look at the vest it's much more purple than Han's was, I think that's Lando's outfit and it just looks similar because that's the outfit spacers usually wear.

Lando was the triple threat of looks, game and money.

Of course he was wrecking that shit.

>Tatooine's moisture farmers clothes are Jedi robes
Lots of people wear robes in Star Wars.

He asked about Han, thicko

because he left cloud city without any clothes aside from his blue pimp suit, and i assume han had a few extra sets of clothes on his spaceship

Best answer

Yes and Lucas made moisture farmer robe into jedi robes.

>ywn own a freighter class ship that would be your home, transport, weapon, and a source of income

i think they look similar, but arent the same.

Woops, my bad.

They probably had one of those one time only one night stands that "didn't count" some time way back on Hoth.

Then they might have snuck one in at The Cloud City Hotel while Chewie was out looking for 3PO.

>while chewie was out
>implying she wasn't also getting HAIRED on BWC

This and I thought it had to do thematically with Han's role being passed on to someone new, considering he was incapacitated possibly forever

lmao holy fuck. I actually was taking a sip of water and spit it out reading that. I don't know why I found it so funny. but thank you. that was fucking hilarious.

they had to escape in a hurry he didn't bring luggage, then he probably wanted to show up and change, Han's clothes are what were available duh..

When Luke became a Jedi he wasn't though. He's saying George changed it to the Jedi uniform in the prequels for no reason.

both the President and the guy at my local bank wear suits..

its just a common style adopted by both groups, i don't see why people get so upset about this

SWTOR, set 3.600 years before Prequels and OT

Think about that for a second

Here on earth, 3,600 years ago we were wearing animal pelts and throwing spears at Mammoths, but SW universe already had hyperspace lanes, blasters and lightsabers, in fact the same tech and fashions that are in the movies

Here on earth we have made fantastic leaps but in SW they are stuck in a technological rut and wearing the same apparel from thousands of years ago

How come?

>Why Lando was wearing Han's clothes

You mean death powder.

oh lawd

Is Chewie a labrador?

The Duality of the Sith and Jedi, friend.

It's the Force; I don't have to explain it.

>This thread has already happened word for word
>Cant wake up

you mistyped "hole"

>This thread has happened before.
>This thread will happen again.


>All of this has happened before
>All of this will happen again

Cylon V Human
At least BSG tried to break that cycle of violence

The people in the SW universe are so dumb that they see Triangular Star Destroyers that can inflict massive damage and Moon size battle stations that can destroy planets and don't think,

>Hey, this sort of shit went down thousands of years ago
>Why is this happening again?
>Why is the Sith allowed to rise to power again and again and again?

With thunderous applause they hand over their sovereignty and freedom to an Emperor

Here on Earth people have decided that the usual political parties are bullshit, hence the rise of Bernie and Trump and the UK voting for Brexit

it's a video game. Time and story doesn't matter you shit fuck

It's Cannon, Mr Butthurt millennial

I completely forgot Han doesn't actually wear the vest at all in Empire

It's a good point actually.
The Falcon WAS Lando's ship. Maybe there is a wardrobe in there full of his clothes that Han would wear because 1. Han is too much of a Jew to actually buy new stuff, and 2. Wearing it and bumping into Lando would rub salt into the wounds of him losing it all in a game of chance.

or TFA

I mean, what can really be improved

>FTL travel
>fully functional bionic limbs
>bacta tanks for accelerated healing
>robotics advanced enough to handle most mundane tasks
>force field shields
>anti gravity

It's all there. And the tech on the more important planets/systems seems more refined, while everything on the less popular shithole planets is rugged and clunky.

>can really be improved?

SWTOR is still confined to the same galaxy, same systems, same planets

Here on Earth we are already planning trips to Mars in another 3,600 years we should be in another Galaxy, creating planets and / or plotting Time Travel
We should be literally Gods, provided we don't destroy ourselves in the process

My problem with SWTOR is not the game, it's the time frame
3,600 years of a prequel without any advances is ludicrous, especially when tech for learning and exploration is available

What SW lacks is that their populous lack basic curiosity and inquiry
No stretching the Final Frontier
No foreboding from previous Sith Empires as a warning when they rise again.

LucasArts picked a number, 3.5k years in the past and transplanted existing tech and fashions with no thought on how to Reverse Engineer it.

Yeah, he changed it. Back in 1983. You'd think you fags would come to terms with it by now.

Bioware fucked up when they just copied movies aesthetics in KOTOR. That's why it looks like there was no visible advancement in thousands of years.

But you have to remember that KOTOR, TOR and the rest of EU is not canon. And in canon the little snippets of Old Republic that we see (weapons, clothes) suggest that the galaxy was different thousands of years ago.


Where was he in episode 7?

Yeah, I kinda understand and half agree with you. It's just a common practice in all fantasy universes. It triggers me more in all those quasi-medieval settings, because when I see people fighting with swords talking about people fighting with swords 2k+ years ago it just doesn't make sense. It somewhat more justified when we're talking about galaxy wide playing field, where FTL access is probably limited, there is almost no contact between systems and everything becomes so spread out it's hard to keep the concentrated progress going.
And well, I think you overestimate our capabilities. Currently it's unlikely that FTL travel is even possible, especially in that form. We may be stuck in this shithole for quite a while with no real prospects to escape.


He will be in ep 8 on sky planet to fullfill poetry

>He will be in ep 8 on sky planet to fullfill poetry

Well, Luke is wearing the same tunic shit only black.
Shit even Yoda wears that allegedly desert wardrobe on Dagobah. People complaining about what the Jedi wear in prequels are just nitpicking.
It's basically streamlined medieval Japan type clothes. Yet, nobody is saying that Kurosawa dressed samurai and peasants in the same shit.

>3,600 years ago we were...


My ancestors weren't. WE WUZ KANGS

Labradors are good friends


Go outside, you depressive cunt

>go outside
Why do you think I called our planet shithole?

Because a galaxy far, far, away was really hell

Same thing all fantasy worlds like Middle Earth for example. For thousands of years they lived and have not even gotten out of the steel age. They haven't even discovered electricity.

I read it in his voice

>George Lucas toyed with the idea that after Lando removes carbonated Han's clothes, he puts it on, proclaims "Now I am Solo" and turns to make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs

because if the government turned against bankers tomorrow, mr.shekelstien wouldn't go into hiding still wearing his 100k suit

Lukes wearing something much more reminiscent of dojo attire, its a tight fit so to allow him full range of motion without tripping him up. not rags like obi-wan and uncle owen were wearing.

yes making vader also grow up on tatooine was a mistake, there were many such lucasisms in ROTJ, but seeing as he already fucked that up, having him dress in tatooine robes isn't proof that its a jedi uniform.

Lucas is just a hack that couldn't come up with an idea for what kind of armor space samurai should wear. Or he thought the audience was too dumb that they needed to see all jedi dressed the same way as obiwan to know that they're jedi

Star Wars has been science FANTASY from day one. Not science fiction.

By your logic they should be driving cars and watching TV in Middle Earth.

Obiwan wasn't

he had crisp fancy expensive robes in the prequels

he had worn peasant robes in ANH..

oh fuck

A subtle allusion to what was in the early plans for the next film: search for Han, he dies at the end, heartbroken Leia leaves the rebellion to rejoin the remnants of her people, Luke leaves to finish his training, story continues to episode 7-9 with a new character Lukes sister NOT LEIA introduced in 7, second fight with Vader in 8, showdown with the Emperor in 9

Thats the whole reason why Lando was introduced, he was Hans replacement.

And then comes the But.

But Lucas got angry about the delays and cost overruns of Empire and having to ask Fox for money to finish it, and blamed Gary Kurtz for the problems and they parted company, and saw what a big success Raiders of the Lost Ark was and decided people just wanted a roller coaster ride so decided to just end things quickly with what we got, Jedi.

>Is Chewie a Labrador?
He's a Mamaluke

Creating strawmen rebuttals is worthy of Cred Forums

Cred Forums what is behind lando?

It was his clothes. These were the clothes that belonged to the captain. Lando was the captain.

>cracker ass Empire fuckers take over your sky city looking for one of your old cracker ass friends
>put your ass on the line trying to free your dumb cracker ass friend
>get forced to run for your life with nothing more than the clothes on your back
>borrow some clothes you found on the Millenium Falcon so you ain't got to wear the same stank ass shit you been wearing since you had to run for your life
>get accused by crackers of "stealing" clothes

This is why I hate white people....

you might have schizophrenia, thats some very wide pattern matching


Why did Lando have to wear Han's clothes when he piloted the Millenium Falcon? Easy, because George Lucas is a high-functioning autist, that's why.

Pretty stupid to say because Luke's entire outfit is Jedi gear just black. It's identical to Obi-wans

Only in the EU. It's very different now in new canon. Also blame that on Bioware being unoriginal. Look at TCW and Rebels for a look at how ancient Star Wars looked. Even the prequels expressed this. Those small ships needed hyperspace rings to move. Technology changed in the Clone Wars
