So, Cred Forums, did you grow up in the stein universe or the stain universe?

So, Cred Forums, did you grow up in the stein universe or the stain universe?

Dumbest god damn theory ever even by /x/ standards. people just have bad memories from their childhood. that is it.

Its actually a real theory. It wasn't made up by James.
I went to go check my own books after I watched the video.

really running out of ideas

I think he just wanted a spooky halloween episode and this fits the bill about as much as Mr Bucket or Dream Phone.

Loved this episode. And I watched "Coherence" shortly after and now my brain is just about completely mush. Tiiiiiimeliiiiiiiiiiineeeeesssssssss

brains(esp developing ones) do a lot of filling in of memories, so when 99% of the time you see or hear the name stein its spelled stein, your brain decides it must be so on the berenstain book too.

and thats why you can't trust witness testimony

For the life of me I swore it was always Berenstein Bears.

I always pronounced it the bearnstien bears. Like with an een sound at the end.

>everyone checks
>they all say berenstain

dude weird!

It's called Mandela effect for a reason, a lot of people remembered Mandela dying in a different year, yet they all remember it in he same time frame.

cool film

this is just people with bad memories vs those with good memories nothing more there are no other universes


There's also other things like people not fully reading words or people who only read the books ages ago when they were kids and weren't sweating the details of how the name was actually spelled and later seeing articles or (in this instance) official media that made the same mistake and spelled it "berenstein", which only made things worse. It's a fully explainable phenomenon but it's still pretty interesting.

I know it's real and it is still fucking retarded.

>. people just have bad memories from their childhood
I mean not just children, also the parents that bought these books for their kids remember it as stein.

But do they remember who was president instead of Mandela? Or who won the Nobel prize in 1993 instead of Mandela?

it's a meme you dips

This is true. I called my mom after watching the video and she thought it was stein also.

im gonna settle this once and for all: here is a pic from a 1982 TV Guide I had in a box of old stuff for the last 34 years and it's clearly always been...

Pay attention you dunce.

It's like you understood none of the reasoning the video gives

I love James. I hope I get to meet him one day..

it's just a meme

>i'm only pretending to be retarded

I remember seeing it spelled with an e on the books

I know I did

I know what I fucking saw

None, since I had them in my own language.

Anyway, I'm glad AVGN has been much better this year than last.

No, you literally don't know what you saw.

As a species we fictionalise our memories.

holy shit, pretty sure it was bernstein bears. WE EVEN FUCKING CALLED IT STEIN NOT STAIN


It was always Berenstein Bears. Even the cartoon prounounces it with a 'steen'

He's just transitioning into the stuff he actually enjoys doing, cheesy horror schlock. That's what he always wanted to make really.

I very specifically remember as a kid in elementary school being scolded and told by teachers that I was misspelling as well as many other children were misspelling it often when they used, "stein."

We were told we were doing it wrong many times in elementary school and it actually got on the nerves of several teachers because we were all too fucking stupid to read properly even after we had learned cursive.

And I think that's where the problem lies. People remember "stein" and not "stain" because they remember them as kids and didn't learn cursive until it was already cemented into their brains.

Are you sure about that? can you prove that we are not in other universe?

I think it's more that stain is not a common part of a name, while Stein is, so bearenstein makes more sense to most people and is easier to remember than Bearenstain

James is actually periodically changing the title of the video between stain and stein

clever motherfucker

I grew up in a STEVEN UNIVERSE!

Some times I just go to the Cinemassacre site and watch a bunch of random videos. Right now I watched the Top 20 Window Jumps. Real comfy stuff.

go back to tumblr and stay there

great episode actually. instead of aiming for a feature film, he should start crowdfunding for low budged cheesy horror flicks.

when did people think Mandela died? I thought he died in 2013 and I'm right

Im with you bro! It was definitely an E

tbqh I think this was actually pretty good from James considering what his new content is like.

I laugher at AVGN video for thr first time since like EP 107.

I will find a way to return to my home universe where the liberals are sane and the republicans are the crazy ones!

i like how we all laugh at him even though he's living his dream while we have shitty wageslave jobs and hate our lives

we all love James though. Sure he's a pleb and a bit autistic but he's a good guy. Doug is the one we laugh at.

Anyone who actually believes in this theory must be a really arrogant piece of shit. You don't have photographic memory. You're not perfect. You just think you remember it being spelled "stein" because that's how it's often pronounced. It's always been "stain". Get over yourself.