Just watched this. So what the fuck was it about?

Just watched this. So what the fuck was it about?

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I honestly don't know. Someone said about a mans insecurities or something.

White people being weird.

Nah, it's one of the best movie to come out in the past 5 years.

Rewatch it until it makes sense.

>i honestly dont know
lol my exact thought aswell.

it was about dubs

Spider invasion.

I think the key to the film was the quote in the beginning: "Chaos is order yet undeciphered"

The film is completely embracing ambiguity and allowing the viewer total control over interpretation.

A man has two different personalities, abstractly and not medically. One is who he is, the other is his ID. Which one he would rather be? The one who stomps spiders or loves them? Stays faithful, or just ends up depraved and desperate, depressed, and a bit sickening.

Dude is just not having a good time.

Can you expand on what you mean by "the one who stomps spiders or loves them"?

You can't really tell on the first watch and I didn't really enjoy it enough to watch it more than once. Maybe it's great and full of meaning and substance, but you don't even seem to get a taste for that on the first watch, you're just left asking "What?" I don't really feel confident that it's as good as some people say.

What the fuck this isn't a (((slenderman))) movie is it?

It was about being your own worst enemy.

And giant spiders.

Do spiders represent good or bad? How come Anthonys girl turned into a spider at the end after Adam slept with her?

She was the spider queen leading the invasion.

He found out too late and she ate him.


spiders are women, the movie is literally out of order scene wise and is that way because our protag cant handle himself or his relationships so he severs himself into two differemt people who are both him, but the movie plays out to make it seem like its happening at the same time.

The funny thing is that this is probably not that far off base, and the creators are laughing at all of the lofty interpretations. It reminds me of Antichrist and all of the far-out theories about it, then Von Trier was just like, "nope, it was literally a film about earth being Satan's creation".

Women are the enemy

no it isn't you fucking idiot

The guy you're responding to is an idiot that takes everything at face value.

A lot of the subtext for art is serendipitous. That's what makes art so moving.

Or whatever.

>It was about being your own worst enemy.

spiders/ spider web represents commitment and being locked down

the wife spider at the end gets into a defensive posture because she's feared for her husband the whole movie. He cheated before and she forgave him, but she saw he was going to fuck up again at the end.

>first time it was a tragedy, second time it was a farce


Heh, I'm saying that sometimes that's the case. But I agree that if every film was taken absolutely literally without any exposition, that would be pretty fucking boring and lifeless.
