You can give this girl one command she has to follow everyday for a year

You can give this girl one command she has to follow everyday for a year

You have a weird fetish.


Be positive. I know alot of you zipper heads pull a Chester Benington whenever life throws you a curve ball

she has to give one boy or girl age 12-16 an orgasm each day

how would she accomplish this?

Clean my house

She has to thoroughly clean out my asshole with her tongue.

what about her asshole?

Love me

Command: "Do what feels right given your experiences"

Be naked 24/7 and at my every service.

Abort a baby. I don't care if it's hers or not.

I'd be willing to return the favor.

what would you make her do? what about her classes?

Whip them titties out on demand.

Might not be used everyday but there's quite a bit of potential.

what kind of potential?

My only demand: blowjob

are you fucking 10? what kind of potential? give me 5 bucks to see her titties? christ that's fucking stupid

go rob a bank for me

Get on all fours and show your asshole any large dog you see

Be the best person you can be.

Fist my ass while sucking my dick

Kill every person who makes these gay threads. Seriously, why do fags like op want to know about the fantasies of other guys

Be available to have sex with me every day and at any location.

Do everything I say.

Boom loopholed. Now you have free labour and can save money like a good capitalist.

this. only this. always this

"Seize the means of production"