Kill Fuck Marry

Kill Fuck Marry


Marry, Fuck, k

fuck, marry, kill

marry, kill, kill, fuck

fuck, kill, kill, marry

I'd marry them all.

Kill, Fuck, Marry, Rape

Take this sluts;)

Get out kike

Fuck all three of them and marry the girl on the right.

Fuck the two one left and right.

Fuck the middle girl

Fuck all three and marry the one on the left.

Man get off your high horse; bitches gotta die sometimes.

Here man, try a "which one". This might be more your speed



Fuxk, kill, marry

Too fat. Too ugly

Kill left
Marry middle
Fuck right

Doesn't really matter, I win no matter the choice :)


fuck kill marry (I like them blurry)
fuck kill kill marry
marry fuck kill
kill marry fuck

kill Obama, fuck one bitch at the end of the hall, marry all 3

Fuck kill marry

Fuck and marry right. Kill her friends. Make survivor watch so if she steps out of line she knows what’s in store. And burn that skanky trash bathing suit

pft marry Obama. Only right answer.

red heads are endangered species - can't kill one. would fuck all of them though..

>Kill Fuck Marry
That's a strange order.