My best friend of around 10 years just came out as bisexual...

My best friend of around 10 years just came out as bisexual. The idea of staying friends with him is making me super uncomfortable and I'm thinking of breaking off contact with him completely because I suspect that he is sexually attracted to me.
He told me yesterday casually and it caught me by complete surprise. I always thought he was sort of feminine - not very masculine but definitely a straight guy. I mean, we would always talk about what female celebrities and chicks from class we thought were hot and would fuck. I know he dated some women and told me once how upset he was that this one chick he really liked basically friend zoned him.
Anyways, after he told me I realized that there were some things he said in the past (before coming out) that I dismissed as jokes that now are making me question if he is sexually attracted to me. For example one time we were playing video games in his room and he said he wouldn't mind if I watched porn and masturbated in his room. Back then I thought that comment was really weird but that he was just messing with me, like it was some stupid, bad bro-joke right? Now I'm thinking, maybe he actually meant it and actually wanted to see my dick? There are other instances too which I won't mention.
Now, I am sure pretty sure he is sexually attracted to me, and I pisses me off that our whole friendship might have been based off him wanting to hook up with me eventually. I'm not the type of guy who think "oh I should be flattered that gay guys are hitting on me." I don't want to throw 10 years of friendship out the window but I now feel uncomfortable with the idea of hanging out with him. I'm not wrong to cut off ties with him right? Any advice?

I fart and burp all the time. I seem to have gas constantly and I release it in some form approximately every 5 minutes. Apparently I do it in my sleep too.

If I'm on my own, surrounded by family or friends, I fart loudly without any attempt to conceal it. If I'm in public I still fart and burp but quieter. Even in work and in meetings I fart but I just do it quieter. They almost never smell, and even if they do its pretty mild and passes quickly.

There are only very rare circumstances in which I'll hold it in, the conditions have to meet all of the following criteria:

> I have eaten spicy food or drank lots of beer the night before
> I have farted a few times already and they fucking stink
>I'm in a social environment with people I'm not totally comfortable with

>Now, I am sure pretty sure he is sexually attracted to me, and I pisses me off that our whole friendship might have been based off him wanting to hook up with me eventually.

kek you mean like how women feel all the fuckin time about men?

checkerino'd nibba

yes I suppose you're right...but that's only like, what 2 months - 2 years?
This is a guy who I considered my brother for 10 years and now I can't even stand being in the same room as him

No longer your friend. Faggots need to FUCK to define their dumb choices, and you are now potential fuckmeat for your now-faggot friend. It's like he turned into a vampire.

>implying anyone would be attracted to a whiny faggot like you

My best friend does the same shit and he's bisexual too, but he actually has no interest in me, his personality is just like that naturally.

You are wrong, I won't deny it happens with some but the majority of women just like to friendzone the guys who aren't good enough for her.

If you are super chad you can be her best friend and shit, as soon as you give her the hint that you are into her she will fuck you for sure. That's why a woman can have a dozen of nice guys at her feet and say that she consider them her friends but at the same time complain that she is soooo lonely to chad as he fucks her.

If you're not comfortable OP, that's fine. You don't need to explain yourself.
I've ended friendships with people who came out. That's their journey, I'm having no part of it , especially when they creep on me. Have had a friend turn gay and practically beg to suck me off. That was the moment friendship ended, never gonna pick up again after someone does that. List all respect for him.

He's probably not. Js.

just let him suck your dick

you have no choice, it seems, but to break the rl... better cold turkey imo

its simple user. Just dont fuck your best friend if u dont want too. You gonn lose your brother over your own insecurites?

Yeah cold turkey. That's the way to go.

This guys gonna have to accept his lifestyle choice isn't gonna be cool with a lot of people. OP won't be the only one reconsidering his friendship.

bisexual here. the reason he came out to you was because he couldnt stand holding it in anymore and he wanted to tell someone he could trust. I had this feeling for a couple years and eventually i couldnt stand it so i told my best friend of 9 years and he was fine with it. Im not sexually attracted to him, even though he is like a babe magnet, im not attracted to him because he has been like my brother for 9 years. I dont want to fuck someone that I see as my brother. as for the masturbating in his room, he just means that he wouldnt freak out if he walked in on you jerking off. Most straight guys would lose their shit if they walked in on another guy beating it in their room but he wouldnt mind because you two have been friends for years. if he sees your dick its not going to disgust him but hes not going to try anything because you two are like brothers to each other. I dont think you should cut ties with him, just talk to him about how you feel and if he really is attracted to you then you decide from there. Best of luck user.

just because he's said some controversial things in the past doesn't mean he still feels the same, people change and mature over time. but who the fuck am i to tell you to not to end a ten year (good) friendship. you do you. if fags make you feel uncomfortable then do it


Do you have female friends?
Do you find them sexually attractive?
Would you want to hook up with them eventually?

Would you throw 10 years of friendship because he finds you not ugly?

>lifestyle choice

>t. 17 year old republican

>being this uncomfortable around bisexuals
might wanna cut down on the soy buddy

one of my friends came out as transsexual, stop being a fucking insecure retard. i have girl friends too. they don't all fancy me. i don't fancy all of them.

he knows you aren't gay if he has to tell you and doesn't try to ask you out, faggot.

Would you be able to just bluntly ask him if he is/ was attracted to you? You could probably start from there and then hash things out as you go.

This. You sound like you're a little insecure about your sexuality, OP.

You talk like a faggot and you act like one too.

just take the cock OP. you (((KNOW))) you want it

yeah, but if this guy has simply been hitting on OP for 10 years, then it should end. i get where you're coming from though, who would want to fuck their brother. i mean, i guess some people would probably do it but ffs

You're retarded if you think what OP described was him getting hit on. Here's what happened

>dude is going through puberty
>curious about opposite sex
>due to hormones, he thinks he is attracted to his friend since they're close
>he makes a joke to gauge OP's interest
>nothing happens, he snaps out of it and goes back to being friends

Make him straight again by dressing up like a girl and sucking him off!

Itt. Degenerate fuckers trying to make their sex lives seem normal.

If you don't feel cool about it OP, that's fine. Go with your gut feeling. Sounds like this dude wants you. Steer clear of that minefield. You'll be doing yourself a favour and paying him the ultimate respect by cutting off the friendship.

I honestly can't see how he can proceed maintaining a normal friendship which a man who has just admitted he's attracted to you sexually. It would evolve involuntary into a sort of dominance-submission relationship, something very unpleasant.

but his friend did not admit that hes attracted to him. OP just suspects that he is. OP needs to talk to his friend about it before making any rash decisions.

Yeah I've been there done that. Had a friend try it on with me, difference was I knew he was a faggot. But I also told him from the start to never try anything because I was never gonna go there. Didn't stop him from looking me up and down and smirking like a 12 year old girl.

Girls fuck guys. Guys fuck girls. People who do otherwise aren't well. You could try help them get normal but not sure what's the point and why would you even wanna hang around someone like that anyway.

this is now a gay porn thread

Not all girls are attracted to all men. Why should all faggots be attracted to all men? There's a possibility he's just confused about his sexuality. Maybe he just couldn't go on without telling OP he is bisexual, maybe he just felt like he was being dishonest or some shit like that. There's not enough answers


How insecure are you? Just because someone is attracted to you doesn't mean you can't be friends.

Grow the fuck up.

It has no simple answer, it just alters the brain chemistry in ways science has yet to decode, and yet it does.

>The majority of women like to friend zone guys

Or maybe they just want some friends and don't care that they're guys and don't like them that way. You just come from a MGTOW convention?

you sir are missing the whole point of the post:
it is HIM not HER, and it is his friend of 10 years who want to bang(be banged by) OP

The only reason you'd give a shit is either he's trying to literally rape you, OR you're insecure in your own sexuality.

Those are basically the only two explanations. Which one is it?

>It's like he turned into a vampire.
definitely this

how much would you like to bet it's that OP is insecure about his own sexuality

pretty high chance

>I'm not the type of guy who think "oh I should be flattered that gay guys are hitting on me."
Why not? That's the appropriate attitude if you're actually straight.

All I know is that you are one shitty ass friend.

Feel bad for this dude who's had to deal with OP for ten years if he's this bad of a friend.

Nobody wants to fuck you.
Men or women.
Climb down off your high horse.

Yes, this exactly.

>any man that's nice to me is only trying to fuck me

It's really annoying.

OP is this what you think he wants to do to you?

Fuck off. That's offensive.
Anyone tried that with me they would get a punch in the head.
Chicks are told not to accept unwanted advances from guys. What the fuck makes you think a guy should casually accept it when another dude tries it on him.
This is why people have low tolerance and real doubts about faggots and their true motives. This is gonna be why OP is freaking out.

you have a hernia, go get checked out.

>Anyone tried that with me they would get a punch in the head.
Ooooh, big tough guy, are you?
Getting mad when someone finds you attractive?

Why don't you punch out an ugly chick that hits on you then, since you're not attracted to her?

Same logic, fucker.

You sound like a real shitty friend, he's lucky you're going to stop talking to him.


whats their number yo

yep, you're a fuckwit OP, go find some closed-minded people to be friends with, leave this brave person to find better company


Op asks about gay advise on b.

That's what you've done wrong dude. Theyll flock to this thread hating on you for having an opinion that doesn't match theirs. They'll all be triggered because you've reminded them of the time their best friend rejected them when they came out and tried to suck his dick. They'll be in tears as they type out their responses

Worst place to come for advise bro.


Trust your judgement OP. If something doesn't feel right about it, it's gonna be the vibe your friend is giving off. Nothing to do with any latent fears you don't even have. Don't second guess yourself. There's a red flag going off in your head. Trust it. Trust yourself over trying to be the nice guy. Nice guys get screwed over. Gay guys are manipulative self centered and emotional, they will use you if you let them. Every time

OP here. I've read your posts and have decided to stop being friends with him, I'll just be direct with him and tell him why. In the end I think it will be best for both of us, it's better than me lying to him, right? And I can't just change my mind on this issue, even if we stayed friend I'll still feel this disgust towards him internally.
Also I'm 99% positive that he's attracted to me, but even if he's not I can't bring myself to accept his bisexuality. Calling me closed minded or insecure is fucktard logic btw.

Is he hot?

Good call. It won't be popular with lots of anons, but they can't be subjective about it.

By ending the friendship and being open about it you are treating this guy with respect. Trust me, there's nothing worse than drinking with a gay friend when you know all he wants to do is get you drunk enough to make a move.

You've done the right thing.

>I can't bring myself to accept his bisexuality.
Literally why?
Are you some religious faggot?

>Calling me closed minded or insecure is fucktard logic btw.
No, it's fucktard logic to be close minded about something that doesn't directly affect you (assuming he's not raping you) and yes you very much are insecure. Insecure fucks don't abandon friends just because of what they find attractive. Fuck you, you're a grade A piece of shit. I hope everyone finds out what a bigot you are and abandons you in favor of your ex-friend.

well if you get desperate you can always fuck him up the ass

>You've done the right thing.
He's literally doing the wrong thing.

You're just as much of an asshole. Kill yourself.

if he is your best friend support him you dumb nigger. you sound selfish as fuck


dubs of truth
i'm not gay, but i was kinda annoyed when even my mates gay friend said he didn't fancy me
not that i asked
fuck you nezzie !

OP should either
A. Learn to be a better person, more accepting, less assuming.
B. End the friendship for both of their goods. If OP is too uncomfortable, it's an unhealthy friendship. If OP is too much of an asshole to accept people for who they are, then his (soon to be not) friend is better off without him.

But really, this is just fucked up. This is someone who's been best friends for ten years. depending on OP's age, that could be more than half his life.

If you've been friends with him for this long, just ask if he is interested in you that way at all. No one can help you here + bunch of offended homos will say how insecure you are

Your advice is about the best anyone here could possibly give, honestly.

Dude. Just because your friend is bisexual doesn't mean he wants to pork you. Are you 12? You're a shit friend, either way. I'm a 28 year old, straight, married man and I'd still be friends with a full on gay guy if he was cool.

Assuming the guy will be honest.
He will freak out and just say no.

But OP has made it clear he feels certain his friend is crushing on him. There can't be a friendship if one person has an attraction to the other when both are males.

I'm surprised people here are telling him to put his friends needs over his own. That's not friendship. That's be used by someone. And dang you're all nasty about it, I doubt very much op is a fuckwit.

Fuck up soyboy

>muh bigotry, muh homomophobia
>found the leftist cuck

I understand where OP is coming from, but to the majority of us he just seems like an asshole because he can't accept someone who's is attracted differently.
OP is either insecure about his own sexuality or he isn't a good friend. He's especially not a good friend if he's ending a good (i assume it was good if they're best friends) friendship of ten years, for no specified reason besides "He's bisexual and possibly confused about his sexuality and who he's attracted to"

no one has to accept anyone for who they are

Not a religious faggot.
I don't know about you but there have been a bunch of girls I can remember being attracted to one week and then the next week I'm no longer interested. Then 1 month later I like them again. The point is, even if he's not attracted to me right now (which I'm essentially 100% sure he is), who's to say he won't try some shit in the future? Like some user said I can't even drink beers with this guy anymore because who knows what. Is it wrong that I don't want to associate with a guy who wouldn't mind getting drilled in the ass by another guy? If he wants to do that, fine, but I don't want to, nor do I have to, accept his new lifestyle. I know he's my best friend of 10 years but this is just something I can't bring myself to accept. If instead he came out as a pedohpile or a serial killer I seriously doubt you'll be trying to convince me of staying friends with him.
It makes no sense to stay friends with him, it won't be a healthy friendship for either of us.
>if he was cool
Does that include him hitting on you? Some user here said he cut off ties with a gay friend who begged to suck him off. You'll still be cool with that?

yes, but not accepting something can either make you an asshole or a good person. it depends on what you're accepting or not accepting.
you're logic is like "i don't accept MLK because he was black"
"i dont accept M&M's because they taste bad"
the first one would make you a good person, the second would make you a horrible, terrible person.

there's a difference between who someone's attracted to and whether or not they're a pedophile or serial killer. :)

Trips of truth


Been a good thread. Positive outcome too.


>assuming asshole

I'm bisexual but have only guy friends and I'm not attracted to any of them tbh, they're just my buds.

Of course I haven''t told any of them I'm bi because they'd just make fun of me anyway and it's not that important to me if I tell people or not.

I doubt he's attracted to u personally although there's a chance that he has thought about it but that shouldn't ruin a good friendship.

>Fuck off. That's offensive.
It's offensive that someone finds you attractive? That's pretty silly. Now, if someone makes a pass and you say no, and they continue, that's a different story. But threatening violence just because someone glances at you admiringly is pretty autistic.

i often times contradict myself for some fucking reason if i was paying attention to the shit i was typing i probably would've caught that

>Calling me closed minded or insecure is fucktard logic btw.
OP, I can understand that you struggle with an inner disgust. I personally just can't imagine being sexually attracted to a man.
That said, it really doesn't affect you. Even if he were attracted to you, if he's been such a great friend for ten years, he would never subject you to attentions that you object to.
I've seen families essentially disown their children just because they couldn't accept who they were, and it's pretty sad.
If you disown your best friend just because he's wired differently than you, then I don't think you every really loved him 'like a brother'.

yet again, good advice

your friend will be a lot better off without you, trust me.

Let him suck your dick and post pics