Just got my first girlfriend Cred Forums what do you guys think?

Just got my first girlfriend Cred Forums what do you guys think?

She has shit taste in men

Who's the father?

shit for a second I thought you were ice poseidon lul

Can i fuck her

Who are those people?

Kek same

Bad bait

I think she has a pretty thick mustache, could stand to wax the beard, and she should probably get pierced ears like you. But, she does pull off a white T-shirt effortlessly.

ice got banned tonight on youtube haha

Roast me

do the arm thing

nah you're a qt pie. fuck your faggot ''bf''

Girl be looking like a bag of milk! Wtf

You're cute, ditch the landwhale

how many black kids does she have?

comon bruh

Girl looks like she fucks cousins, guy looks like a Mexican ostrich

Fag detected

You look kinda old for a first gf lol. And she looks like she could be your mom.
