Who can guess my job?

Who can guess my job?

Protip: bet you can't

i dont even wanna try faggot

but my guess is that you're unemployed.

basement dweller

Posting on Cred Forums from you parents' basement.

>i dont even wanna try
>but my guess is that you're unemployed.

doesn't wanna guess.... guesses anyway...
you stupid fucking retard

stop making it absolutely zero fun to be in online imageboards

>stupid fucking retard

i think school is starting soon, better get ready user!

Screwing your life is not a job retard

A professional autist?

You are a Fixik

HVAC Technician. Or an assembler at a sheet metal fabricator.

Gay porn fluffer? Anal lube tester?

a pimp for obese mexican gay midgets.. am i close?

Don't give a fuck.
Who are you, again?

A gay porstar becuse the screw means you screw guys. Not a nail becuase you are not nailing women

Town Rapist?

A gay pornstar becuse the screw means you screw guys. Not a nail becuase you are not nailing women

you'er mom gay

Steel stud installer.


A gay pornstar becuse the screw means you screw guys. Not a nail becuase you are not nailing women

Since you posted a picture of a 10-32 Stainless Nut, I would say you are a Roofer.

BTW: If there was ever a graphical representation of why women can't be Navy SEALS it is this single photo. Could you imagine the sea-life that would grow inside her vagene after swimming ashore in the dead of night in full combat gear?

They can be Navy SEALS.
You just have to keep reducing the standards to qualify to placate entitled pussies and their politically ambitious puppeteers.

Human trafficker

Dog Rapist?

Child Pornographer?

prison guard in uk?

Homosexual prostitute/professional aids spreader

You give handjobs to the homeless for your community outreach program?


Analingus instructor.


> srew (male) = porn performer


> srew (you are screwed) = all the other jobs outthere

Prison Warder.

I have a few screws like that and I'm puzzled where they are from.

Protip: better check those French fries, the oil looks too hot.

Do they have french fries in Central?

See Eye Aye goon?