Tell me something scary

Tell me something scary

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If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.

It is statistically more likely for you to find a dead body under your own bed, then in your garbage bin.

Yellow stone exploding is likely what killed the dinosaurs and its overdo, and could explode any minute. The ash could cover the sun causing most of us to die, if not all eventually.

all the conspiracies you hear about are fake. The real ones you will never find out about.

The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

An average persons fast food intake contains atleast 12 pubic hairs per year

The only way to escape death is to never be born

in 2040 the artic sea will have its first summer without ice.

The most popular profession to become serial killers, or be serial killers are doctors.


Something scary

Idiot lol

Very funny.

Lol shut up your retarded fucking idiot lol

Idiot retard

The earth and life on it is a total fluke brought on by sets of perfect circumstances,we are alone in an infinite universe and when the earth goes its just a cold lifeless universe .

nuclear winter wouldn't be worldwide, wouldn't even be too dangerous if we seriously prepare. anyone more than 2-3 thousand miles away will be fine. we'll only really lose some of canada, california, and some of the midwest. all in all a positive event.

a cold lifeless universe is the norm. we're just particles that tricked ourselves into thinking.

Democrats are communists and want to steal your freedom

You’re going to die from a zoonotic Chinese virus

Statistically unlikely. Life didn't arise from "perfect" circumstances, just a set of very particular circumstances.

These circumstances are statistically likely to be replicated at multiple points in the universe. There are a hundred billion stars in our own galaxy alone, and in the short time we've been searching our own galaxy we've already found numerous planets revolving around various stars which contain conditions very similar to our own.

Given that we've barely explored even a fraction of our own galaxy, and there are a hundred billion galaxies out there each with a hundred billion stars in them, the chances that there is no life elsewhere in the universe is incredibly unlikely. Will we ever find it? Probably not, but I have little doubt it's out there.

>Want to steal your freedom

You're thinking of republicans.

You obviously don't know anything.

So Yellowstone won't end the world? Lit

capitalization and full stops dont make your point more valid, fat redditard

being born black

Listen I'm glad you're having fun giving your opinions out, but no one wants them. Even if it is the only thing that makes you feel good about your pathetic little existence.

Not the poster you're responding to, but you're delusional if you think anyone cares more about your opinions than his.

Theres a huge pack of niggers ready to invade your town. And they smell the wimminz

That race, religion, sex, or nation aren't the reasons why your life sucks. The wealthy are fucking all of us. Just think about it.

He is the one that talked to me, not the other way around. Just like you no one, talked to you.
It goes
in the scale of people whos opinion doesnt matter. so shut the fuck up.

Don't be such a petty faggot.

The ENTIRE purpose of this website is for people to talk to one another and, accordingly, share their opinions. If you're not interested in conversing with someone don't bother posting at all, you moronic troglodyte.

That's what you just did, but alright! I love hearing the same insults from you little dick Cred Forums boys. I get being a incel is hard but maybe you should solve a puzzle and not obsess over this site, even if the attention your receive is the highlight of your day,

>That's what you just did

That statement makes no sense. What, exactly, did I just do as described in my original post?

>I get being an incel is hard but maybe you should solve a puzzle and not obsess over this site

Ah yes, because you obviously know some anonymous person well enough on this website well enough to deem them obsessed with this website.

Based on the sample size available (that is, one thread) I could just as easily accuse you of the same thing.

I know logic doesn't seem to be your strong suit, but perhaps you should try to think a little bit harder before posting stupid shit.

no matter what I post, or how stupid it is in your opinion. It's still equal to the shit you post. You are too sensitive for Cred Forums obviously. I take it you got the attention you needed though. I'm done replying to neckbeards, pro tip cover your camera.

Lol, I don't give a shit what you post faggot, I'm simply informing you of your retardation. It takes little time and effort and amuses me to see anons like you get so triggered over people's opinions.

Also, I don't have a camera, so...

Awe someones big mad. Im sorry for hurting youre already little ego. Try not to cry to hard about it. :c

>Being this mad

You're embarrassing yourself.

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Embarrassing myself? that would mean that I gave a shit about your opinion, which I don't. :,c
Keep coming back for more attention though. Autistic kids need that.

You sure are keen on responding to me for someone that doesn't care about my opinion.

Stay mad, though. Your tears nourish me.

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Double posting, huh yet I'm the mad one. lol, just because you don't have a username, doesn't mean you don't have a IP dipshit.

Lol, I'm not even double posting retard. You can check the IP and I'll guarantee you'll find it increased from before.

Anyways, it is obvious the user that responded was showing exasperation with our conversation.

Stay mad, though.

having a static ip

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