How ugly am i? Feeling like 2/10? I can only imagine being overweight could make it worse worse

How ugly am i? Feeling like 2/10? I can only imagine being overweight could make it worse worse

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You are about as average as a guy comes. Overweight would drop you down more, but you are about a 5. There's plenty of guys i know that are average and have normal lives.

i know him this is his you tube channel

you aren't ugly

Grow your hair out and maybe darken your eyebrows 1 shade darker if you can and I think you could be pretty good looking really. If you get in a really good physique like an 8 is possible. At the moment I’d say 5 neutral

grow a hair and a little beard, this makes like 99% of people way prettier

Uhm no thats not me?

Idk i feel like subhuman sometimes and a female friend said i could have body dismorphia cause i told her i see no chance in dating so i wanted to check here. Please real ratings, seems bit unreal for me to be average. I got into random fights and shouted out off from driving cars etc.
I went to gym after that pic was taken and gained around 8kg including some fat but stopped so this is around my state now. Dont like taking pics so dont have recent ones

femanon here, you're about a 6/10

That's because your beta aura. A lot of people always try to beat me and some shout at me, pointing fingers at me and laugh, but I look like a typical average guy, so it's all beta aura, and those bastards see it or feel it

traps are not femanons you filthy fag

Do you guys think i could get away with coloring my hair brown?
I am so unsure about it. Also i look like an albino skinwise. My face is the most tanned area of the body

just grow a long af fucking hair and play some grunge music and stop crying about your looks

You look really normal to me. I live in Ohio and I see guys who look like your twin brother every day, and most of them are married with kids. You are what an average guy looks like, and that's a good thing. Probably would look better with dark hair and/or some facial hair.

What are you, a woman? I've got dark circles under my eyes and I don't wonder if I look good enough. Most average guys just have to look somewhat cheerful to be good enough.

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5ish. Easily workable. looks are like 30% of what attract women.


I just wondered why i dont get any matches online and never got any attention irl
Maybe i start to put some more weight/muscles on and color my hair? I am really unsure if that helps because i fear it would look too hard. Should i try blonde instead? People with brown hair never have this pale skin i think

Another pic (had someone with me taking pics this day)

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If you really have body dysmorphia and that’s you understand that you are not bad looking at all. It’s just a thought pattern that manifested in you. You look fine, like average basically. Maybe it’s just because there’s not very many gingers so you feel a bit different but gingers look fine it’s only a meme they look creepy. You look completely normal, there’s nothing unusual about you

Be proud of who you are and this will likely attract some women. If you are healthy, appreciate that and stop giving a fuck.

13 or 30? Stop worrying, go to the gym, take care of yourself

I've you're going for online stuff, show what you do rather than what you look like. Women want somebody interesting or exciting. There's a million average guys just standing there. A new coat of paint won't fix the fact that you're just standing there.

You look okay not into men but I’d say 6/10. You kinda got a cuckish kind of face tho

But so far it only reflected my observations irl. I think even if i took steroids and colored my hair or something it would be the case. I saw that there is some kind of spray tan but i dont think that would be healthy for the skin, also it will probably make messy cloth.

But it is subjective right? I mean if you arent attractive you cant just say "i am fine", i never really thought about my looks till recently when i thought about try dating (which happened super late) and i feel it didnt help that i looked so young that i got my id checked so often

How tall are you, OP?

Thr break down:
5'6" - 4/10
5'9" - 5/10
6'0" - 6/10
6'3" - 7/10


Look at all of the absolute virgins ITT.
Height is huge and not a single one mentioned it.

That's what I thought looking at your pic. Hit the gym and you'd be pretty servable just physically speaking. Add being funny/smart and you can do pretty good for yourself.

Don't let the manlet in this thread talk you down. Remember they HAVE to lower your confidence if they have any chance at reproducing in their lifetime. They fear your superior height. And this is coming from a manlet.

Fuckin' fake. OP is not this dude!

Not sure yet. I rather enjoy outdoor sports and dont want to spent much time around people till i have the feeling i changed something. I will try to eat much and just do some sports regulary

I'd say 6/10. Grow out your hair a little bit more to cover your giant ears, maybe dye your hair and eyebrows darker and you'll do just fine Cred Forumsro.

Yeah i know my ears are a bit large. At least my hearing is good lol. But i think there i a way to make it align more with the head, so they dont stand that wide out. But i wouldnt really like to get a surgery and that stuff weirds me out a bit

It’s a little subjective, but I think everyone would agree you at least look normal. There’s not a single discernible thing I could point out about you that is abnormal in any way, so the lowest I think anyone could possibly find you would be like a 4/10. I think most wouldn’t go that low though, and some would go higher

Like a 6 or 7

Like I said, man, just grow out your hair a bit more. Dyeing it wouldn't hurt either.

I think if you had long hair girls would think you were hot shit. Take some time to grow it out.

You look normal man, honestly. Just let your hair grow a bit more on top (not the sides) and be you!

Stay strong ginger!

I tried to grow it out but it is super thick and i will look like a mushroom if i just buzz the sides off. maybe i should try to get a haircut where they make it thinner but idk if that works cause i just buzz them down myself for like forever

Ok, op. Your neck is kinda long, so objectively that stands out a little bit, but it's not freakishly long for tall ginger guys though, it's pretty common for that group. Your ears are not *big*, they're proportionate to your head. You have a good hairline, and an ok smile. I would suggest you start lifting and focus on neck/shoulders, upper chest and arms. Don't wear beta sweatshirts like this one, find clothes that flatter your frame and add more to look at. Bland outfits that don't have many highlights or secondary features fade into the background. You don't look creepy and you aren't a 2/10 like you think. You're not subhuman and likely have most of the people in this site beat. Your self image is flawed and easily remedied, you just have to listen to what people are saying instead of what you think. Get out of your head and listen to advice.

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Just do push ups, pull ups and curl something

You're not ugly, you're a 5 or 6 imo. Just grow a beard and you'll be a 7/8

I know
So i normally i wear hoodies so it doesnt seem that long. I just thought maybe this one doesnt look like i wear sportscloth all time (i do tho lol)
Is it even possible for not steroid users to train the neck? I never saw that work on normal people

Same for me with the hair. Just be yourself, stop worrying about what you look like. Pursue your interests, find things you enjoy and work hard to achieve them.
You're a totally normal looking dude, far from ugly

It's absolutely possible, but you won't get ugly nasty steroid neck. Look up neck flexion, lateral neck flexion, neck extension, dumbbell shrugs, and shoulder blade squeezes. You work the torso/shoulder, the back of your neck, and the sides of your neck.

>Be me
>Flake on gym routine.

>Make a routine
>Stick to it, even though it may take months for you to passively notice a difference.
>Take progress pictures to see how you're doing.

You can see change within a week if you focus on certain areas, but don't be a pussy and flake on your workouts. Push yourself and make gains. Eat right/better, sleep right/better, and drink water.

Was a string bean and flaked on my workouts, then I started trying. This is an old pic, but this is progress. Make gains and build what is weak and small.

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>Listen you ugly 2/10 manlet, the good news is that when you do get fat, the worse you get down to is 1/10 or 0/10 so it's not such a drop.

Like i said i went to gym for over a year and trained every second day for 1.5 hours. I gained muscles but it didnt help getting noticed at all. I think if you wear a hoodie noone would notice or maybe they would even assume i got fat lol.
Strengthwise i think i was quiete good cause not many others used same weight. But after that year i became a bit depressed and lost it almost all within maybe 4 months...

You look like a discount Linus.

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You look EXACTLY like my older brother.

Maybe i am your brother?
Did he have a gf yet? :/

There's a dad vibe to you, are you an ephebophile?

I had to google that and NO

What would be around a good weight for me? I have around 180 to 185 pounds now at the 6'2

Would you fuck teens with daddy issues? Cause I think there's an entire demography out there for you

What are you even talking about? I really dont understand

Yeah, sure you don't

He's better looking that Linus. Linus is fun to watch but far from pretty to look at (his nose is way too big).

I'd say you are a pretty good looking guy.
Not fantastically hot but sure as hell not ugly.
If I was gay I'd date you

Start a tech company.

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Dawg, just get on a shitty dating app. Dont be weird, be genuine. Go on a couple dates to a decent restaurant. Quit cucking yourself with sad sap sorry bullshit. Also, dont shoot for 10s.

I got 3 matches in 6 months and the city has around 1.5mio people.
One unmatched me. One stopped replying and one didnt reply at all.
It is not as if i suddenly felt like that, but if things like these happen all the time, it just demotivates

Also kek at this daddy thing. People told me i look younger than i am since now. Which is also a problem if you work and arent taken seriously

On one hand you look like the most plain 5/10 to ever exist but on the other hand I've seen uglier guys get into high paying modeling stuff.

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But i always feel people see me as the opposite of plain cause there are not many redheads here and i think this brings me down many points.

only thing I can think of is to style your hair. That one is like a little kid one idk

Do you think it would be worth to shave it off? I never done it and am curious but i fear that it will look shitty since sometimes people dont have the suitable head form for it..

you have such a pretty color on your hair. You could probably pull off the bald look, but I would just pick a hair style.


Lift for broader shoulders, get a better haircut and you'll become decently above average, probably 7 or 8.

I tried but nothing happened to the shoulders. When i gained muscles the biceps got quiete huge but the triceps also didnt really grow. But i will try some exercise at homegym from now on

Fuck off with your advertising. You were in another thread too. I'm reporting you again