What is the most efficient way to lose fat in less than 1 mont??

What is the most efficient way to lose fat in less than 1 mont??

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appropriate diet and exercise

Stop eating shit faggot

Cut out sugar increase exercise

Smoke crack, cunt


Not eating like a pig helps.
Or so I've heard.

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Old school calorie count works. less than 1200 a day while remaining active


The fucking Keto thing works. Seen seen bitches lose 20 lbs in a month

Chop off your limbs


Literally don’t eat

kill yourself. I hear that works.

Well, last year I lost 75 lbs by counting calories.

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put duct tape over your mouth

Stop living

1500 calories a day.

fasting i guess

lol true

Stop eating

My aunt did keto. She dropped a shitload of weight, stopped, started it again, and her body refuses to shed weight like it did before. So as far as I can tell your body prevents you from doing that to it, so make the first run count, then transition to regular healthy eating, and always keep up the physical activity.

> how do i weigh less
fucking eat less and shit more you pig

I ate a lot of protein and ate near to no fat and lost 15 pounds in around a month/2 months. Im not even chubby, I look fairly thin in a shirt if I stand with a straight back and it worked well for me. I wasnt even moving a lot. Literally just eating them proteins and no fats

Eat less.

Congrats user. That's a big accomplishment.

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Doesn't work.

if you really want to lose weight you will.
-get a diet app on phone
-drink only water, if you don't like water add mio or something
-look at nutrition facts
-don't starve yourself but don't eat if you're bored

Fasting. Eat as much as you want, but only every other day. Then on the days you do eat, only give yourself an 8-hour window in which to eat. So like,
>mon, wed, fri & sun: can eat anything, and as much as I want, between 10am and 6pm
>tue, thu & sat: water only
Congrats, you’re shedding pounds like crazy.

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Thanks, pretty proud of it, I feel like a new person

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Go to /fit/

Lots of water, lots of lean protein, healthy carbs for energy (you're not trying to get big, so lessish carbs is best) being active.

Also to add, most I've ever weighed was 417, now fown to 280ish. Fuck carb drinks, fuck sugar, fuck going heavy into any carbs unless youre working out (which you should, muscle will burn more calories) go to /fit/ and lurk, im bulking, so Im drinking for extra gains.