Hey b quick I need a name for my grindcore band

Hey b quick I need a name for my grindcore band.
It should consist of 4 offensive/fuckedup words.

Attached: 1579543510792.webm (368x640, 429K)

What's grindcore?


Unoriginal Prepubescent White Boys

you'll be even more confused when you hear the absolute audible garbage that the genre vomits out.

If you have to ask, you’re not ready.


Attached: 1579528619669.jpg (183x250, 5K)

Satans infected smegma hole

Oh, and maybe you should start listening to real music, you talentless manchild

Render My Flesh Feces
Also post some I wanna hear

Take the most worst and most aggressive aspects of metal and punk and mash it together in 50 seconds or less

How do I open webm on an iPhone? Forces a direct download on me every time.

macfag probs xD

Dunno. Didn't realize anyone who actually uses the internet bought that trash.

Jungle Japer Cozby Raper

So funny kiddo

Bill Cosby disfunctional erection

Blood Soaked Centipede Prolapse

Sounds more like a gore or porngrind band for me. So no grindcore, piss off with your childish shit

Commies are entitled fags

Nigger Induced Visceral Bleeding

Nazi fetus fecal holocaust


Niggers, Kikes, Fags and Shemales
Now enjoy your permaban from every streaming site (((they))) own (hint: all of them)

Furiously Annoying Grating Sounds