Convince me why I shouldn't buy a Walkman/cassette player

Convince me why I shouldn't buy a Walkman/cassette player

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Because cassettes are for faggots

They made the funniest remixes when the battery ran low.
WwwWWWeeEelllcOooommee tooooooo theeeee JjjjjjUUUuunggleee

well they are outdated mostly. why buy expensive tapes when you have spotify?

As long as you get one of these, so you can hook your mp3 player up to it.

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mp3s are way better in literally every way

You can’t buy tapes anymore..?
There’s a deal breaker for me right there.
Same reason I don’t have a steam train - where can you even buy steam these days??

from valve.

Steam sell plenty online

Because they fucking suck compared to any modern solution of listening to music? I swear you dumbass hipsters don't have more than 3 brain cells sometimes.. but yeah sure go ahead and do it, I'm sure you will impress all the 80 year old women who still think Walkmans are cool!

Do it you hipster faggot.

it is not 1992

Underrated post

I can think of no legitimate reason why not.

These still work in my country

I grew up with these things. they were ok at the time but we've moved on to better things.

Tapes wear out pretty quick

Rewinding sucks

Fast forwarding sucks

They fucking drain batteries

Magnets ruin your media

Headphone wires are a terrible thing

You aren't Star Lord

Where are you going to find a pencil to wind the tape back up after your walkman eats it?

If you must have one, find or build an mp3 player that looks like one.

Satan trips of truth.

I get into this argument with vinyl faggots all of the time. "It's better because it's literally the analog sound wave and not this digital crap!!"

Yes, it is the analog sound wave; however, it's been clipped to 18.5 KHz so that the needle doesn't skate or jump out of the groove during high frequencies. The upper range of normal human hearing is 22.5 KHz. Records sound "warm" because you're literally missing this upper range of the sound wave.

An digital file with 192 kb/s or higher sample rate is indistinguishable from analog to the human ear/brain.

Here this looks pretty simple.
Head over to /diy
I bet you could do it

Yes and no. If you grew up on vinyl then you can notice a difference. Digital is either one or zero, where analog can be anywhere in between. With the addition of tubes, the warming is more than just EQ. Plus newer needles and better decks allow for greater frequency response. Some shit just sounds better analog. That being said, I don't miss buying a record for one song or having so much space being taking up with media.

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Sometimes i wonder how many "classic" songs wouldn't be considered so if so many ppl weren't forced to listen to the whole album because we're all to lazy to get up and replace the needle or fast forward the tape. A LOT of songs got more of a chance to shine and grow on you before the days of downloading only the best.

I used to have my girl make filthy audio tapes to fap/fall alseep to, or listen to on the way to school.
Also itt we are Cred Forums

Many of the songs I fast forwarded through are now some of my favorites.

>Digital is either one or zero, where analog can be anywhere in between.

Proof that you have no fucking clue how "sample rate" works. Draw a 1 second sound wave on a sheet of paper. Now plot 192 evenly spaced points along that wave on a clear sheet overlayed on top. Now put the two side by side. Is the digital version missing some information about the wave? Yes. Can your shitty monkey brain tell the difference? No.

You have way too much invested in this. I have no problem with 192/96. And yes I understand sampling rates and bit depths. You seem to be conflating the purity of sound and the texture of it.

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Because this is not a cassette player, is an usb cassette player that only works connected to a computer. I use this exact model for recording my old tapes. Yes, ok boomer.

Because you're a poser

Do it

Even the best "metal" type cassette tape had limited fidelity and they lose quality with time and plays.

Stop being a hipster.

Because cassettes don't sound so good these days.