Wheres the asslicker? I miss him. Cred Forums is dead without his threads

Wheres the asslicker? I miss him. Cred Forums is dead without his threads

Attached: 1577153731271.jpg (460x818, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I used to hate him. I learned to respect him for his dedication.

I hated him too but then he grew onto me with his creativity and ingenuity.
I felt bad for him when he left because i started wanting him to actually get what he desired so badly and lick her asshole.

fuck off

He made a farewell thread

he obviously left after she called him out on her twitter account


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Are those still up?

nop according to the one that took it

No? So then how do we confirm it?

we cannot
she takes so much time to replay

Attached: Elles.jpg (1080x799, 153K)

Negative. I czeched her instagram, its not there

some say she is the lik her asshole poster

Attached: Elles2.jpg (920x518, 83K)

Latex goth photoset 10$
>10$ for this pic

Attached: Elles4.jpg (920x518, 132K)

This is their message to her. I dont think theure dumb enough to send her a fake screenshot of their story

Attached: 1579623025646m.jpg (567x1024, 66K)

You are the ass licker. Stop pretending your not. Kill yourself. Do it now. The faster, the better.

Her stuff is free on pirate bay, you know that right?

pirate bay is closed
i got her her stuff from other patreon siterip

its you, faggot.

fuck it's open

Of course its fking pirate bay. They cant touch that

the closed it before
this is why i was surprised


Oh yeah that happens
Just use a proxy next time, it syncs with last TPB connections

I thought it was Elles writing those post all along.

Which one? Link?

no you guys will fuck it up
>pic date JAN10 2020

Attached: 33027987..jpe.jpg (640x360, 56K)

Thats what I thought. I also thought she was the logposter

Attached: 10j2hd73h3iej.png (1106x1122, 212K)

nice reddit post fag

Attached: 1574363142145.jpg (720x880, 56K)

Why does she still have the tape?


this is after the surgery
it will take time before she remove them

Dude her patreon stuff sucks. I can't believe people actuslly pay her for her softcore shit


I thought Elles' english is not very good.

>He made a farewell thread
He's posted several threads in 2020 - he's also posted I'll stop" threads before as well and lied there too.

I suspect he also spams the "probation 'cos I'm black" threads and may also be a logposter. The faggot even tried to get this onto KYM but they rejected him - pic is a cap of one of his posts

Attached: Her name is Elles meme source.jpg (493x1047, 98K)

The fake new tits are shit, I agree with asshole poster.

the ultimate scam fuckers pay up to $600 for sit of pics like pic related
you can fuck three slut with this kids of money

Attached: Mikomin (mikomin)4.png (620x620, 502K)

and here's the detail of his proposed entry.

Attention-seeking little faggot

Attached: Her name is Elles meme.jpg (331x1024, 105K)

You could take a REAL girl out on a few dates with that money

What is this?

It's a more detailed image in this pic
so you can read what the deluded little ass-licking faggot wanted to have as an entry on KYM - it just shows what a cunt he really is

I didnt know her name was Natalia. But if I remember correctly the faggot did refer to her as Nana once.

Dude shes such an attention whore. This is what she wrote on patreon

Its not her actual real name

So we dont actually know her name?

I know it. Her classmates doxxed her on /s/ a few years ago

So what is it user?

Go look it up on an archive you lazy faggot.

Okay user.
I dont know who is lazier, the person that doesnt want to read the archive or the faggot that will not type it.

Hes trolling you. Its Natalia

Natalia Novotna?

Youd be surprised

Attached: Target34_patreon1.jpg (1080x925, 244K)

Actual internet prostitute

why pay for this ?

Attached: who pay for this.jpg (643x1381, 102K)

And you get to private message her.
For $50 you can request a custom video on pornhub

or go on a date with real girls

Attached: 5 theanastasiah.jpg (1210x1336, 94K)


I just like her post op surgical tape pics. Imagining the scars underneath gets me diamonds.

you obviously havent met socialy deprived or sexualy deprived people

Or for a little extra get gummy bears that were inserted into a girl's asshole and pussy

Attached: Target34-mv.jpg (1078x2065, 714K)

I havent had sex in 8 years and i wouldnt even pay for an ewhore


She got her ears done??? She does all her vids and pics in wigs and long hair. Shes never actually put her hair back/up

You can fuck free sluts for a year long gym membership for less than that.

What the fuck?

Who is she?

Lol imagine the disease. No way you can trust a camwhore.

She must be proud, using her brain to the best of her gender...... Nop better selling nudes....

She goes by Nana. She started selling underaged photos of herself on tumblr before their big porn ban and they removed everything

why pay money for pics when theres mastubation vids of her you can watch for free

god i hate beta orbiters

People are retarded. Just let them have their moments of victory

The new tits are shit. She ruined them in one day.
Must now delete all of her pics. Don't like her anymore.

Honestly? Something so small like that?


>paying for stds

Imagine how the anal ones taste after 2 weeks in the mail