Why don't you own a Rolex Cred Forums?

Why don't you own a Rolex Cred Forums?

>pic related
>my Sky Kang

Attached: zRolex-114234-127942w.jpg (800x800, 146K)

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i don't get why people with stolen pictures try to flex on Cred Forums, like dafuq. at least buy the thing and post a pic that isent from bobswatches.com/

>stolen pic
>op is prob 11 year old fag

Cuz Kobe dead and he wore a Breitling... just like mine.

Attached: Kobe Dead Breitling edition.jpg (2016x1512, 757K)

i have a cell phone..

Get on my level, faggot.

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Because when you actually have money, you don't feel the need to show it off. If you spend your money on shit like that you won't be rich long

I'd rather have an investment that i can wear.

Also depends on the type of rolex you own as well. Datejusts are the poor man's rolex. start getting in to the GMT Master II or old school subs. then you are working with something

I'd prefer a Grand Seiko or something else with greater craftsmanship and influence on modern horology.

Attached: gs_snowflake.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

If I were to buy a Rolex, and I will in the future, it would be one of these

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Because I prefer TAG

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That is a fucking Air King. Cheapest Rolex they have. I wear that when I work outside

i dont own money

Who the fuck buys watches anymore when cell phones exist? No one.

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Can't tell the time using an analogue clock, just generally shit at maths, almost dyslexic with numbers, can't seem to see equations in my mind..

>Why don't you own a Rolex Cred Forums?

I am a Rolex watchmaker. I service them day in, day out. I can get major discounts on Rolex, and I may purchase one some day. I just currently can't reason away that much hard-earned cash on a timepiece.

Thats not how watches work retard. Especially Rolex. Rolex are investment pieces. They literally make you money because their resale value is greater than their initial cost for most models. This is why watches like the Rolex Submariner are so popular. It not just a great watch, its also a wise investment decision. This is why youre not rich. Youre stupid and hate on rich people because youre jealous and dont understand that the vast majority of rich people are actually measured and talented at making and maintaining their finances

Im sporting the GMT Master II

Attached: IMG_20200126_173023_MP (2).jpg (1630x1552, 1.03M)

19th century values LOL.

Keep your rust and dust precious cuase that's the most important thing ever.

Hilarious. Don't you also own a giant Roman gold penis statue?

I bought a used Milgauss as a gift to myself. Near perfect condition. Not sure I’d do it again though; I’m always worried I’ll scratch the band.

Because they cost too damn much, keep shitty time, and are just a fashion statement just like Apple products.

Worthless investment

Even if I could afford a Rolex I’d rather make an investment that can actually make some money.

i don't really get why people obsess over this meaningless stuff

They also sell for more than they cost after 6-10 years. Apple products sell for half their cost in like 4 months. Watches are actually wise investments if you know what youre doing. Youre just stupid and know nothing about watches and think soundcloud rappers with shitty expensive watches is the only perspective. OPs watch is a quality investment piece and a relatively subtle fashion piece. Youre just a hater who has no clue what theyre talking about

Because you prob never made real money before

I bought pateks instead

Jealous. Cool watch

Because Casio FTW.

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If you dont like Casio, you sniff farts

if i need to know what time it is i check my phone

Classy as FUCK

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>Not looking at the Sun to tell time and paying thousands for a glorified bracelet.

nice taste my dude

its just a watch, waste of money