How do I make a friend?

How do I make a friend?
Every time I try being friends with someone they start taking me as someone that I'm not or ignore me few days later.
I was often betrayed and made fun when I was a kid and now I have some serious trust issues.
Should I keep searching for the right person or just give it up?

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excuse my autism, I mean't "made fun of"

>being friends

Look at this guy he fell for the friendship meme, I bet he thinks marriage is more than a financial partnership too.

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don't get me wrong I hate socializing but at the same time I don't want to be a sad whiny bitch

Everything will come when I have to arrive, do not be discouraged .. I usually last very little friendships and I feel lonely all the time .. But, I start to think that when I least expect it someone will come .. Obviously, you should also Doing your part and not being afraid of being abandoned (well, that's my case) open up to people little by little, because I know it's not easy.

sorry, autocorrect

I used to open about myself to people but they just pretended like they care, after few months they would turn their backs on me and say that they were just making fun of me the entire time, after shit like that I just don't know if it's worth trusting anyone at all.

if you have to ask on a burmese door measuring forum, you're already behind the curve

You are taking things too personally, most people don't know you from Adam and don't think about you at all.

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Lmfao Jeffrey Dahmer. Well you're funny so you've got that going for you. Just keep it light

>taking things too personally
>don't think about you at all

Coordinated effort to isolate and ostracize.
>murder incoming

>doing your part
Like pushing myself outside my comfort zone to physically ill in effort to socialize, making a fool of myself and contemplating suicide?
Like that?

Opening up to people just made everything worse. Two-faced faggots looking for ammo.
>hot lead delivery's here (((my dudes)))

It's not worth trusting anyone. People you've know since preschool will scheme and scam you behind your back.

>hot lead
>not using your fist to break their shit
go away weakling

>don't want to be sad whiny bitch
yeah me neither
off myself instead

stop worrying about it
seriously, just stop fucking worrying about it
grow up, get comfortable with yourself, and then people might care, but it sounds like most people would rather forget you

if you don't want to accept that, you're a weak bitch, because if it's this big an issue, you're the issue.

Basically everything is a trade, you have to offer them something in return for their friendship, it can be something simple like being funny or anything. So just focus on becoming useful and or interesting

Don't keep pictures of dahlmer on your PC is a start

You're putting off some kind of energy that isn't agreeable to friendship. Be friendly without being a pushover, be positive, be funny. Norm is only want to be around people that make them feel good.


Maybe it takes a little while for people to figure out you're a creepy dick. Its a free country. Theres no requirement for people to continue being friends with you. Like, if your answer to everything is "I don't care", or you laugh at tragedies, or laugh at animal torture, or call all girls dirty cum-sluts, people start thinking you're a slimy piece of shit, the group starts distancing themselves. You get one-word text answers like "nah" when they're really going out, or they don't notify you of a party where there will be girls and beer, or whatever, because they don't want some dark sneering idiot hanging around shitting all over the fun.

I did try to offer my help to people that needed it because I've met "suicidal" or "depressed" people before that really needed somebody's help, after few months they would turn into absolute assholes or just different people in a bad way and literally forget about the thing that they were at least once in a really bad situation.

So, you gravitate towards the wounded and vulnerable, who tell you their secrets, then get surprised when those assholes return to being assholes? You know the suicidal and depressed are usually self-centered mentally fucked jack-offs, right?

I don't call people names or make myself look like I enjoy cruelty unless I admit it, but the thing that I get often jealous when people are ignoring me is the worst. I'm the silent kind of guy on parties that does not like to really dance or interact with some people. Also I don't know if I have mentioned it before but I am an anti social person that does not like other people because I see everyone as a cold piece of shit that drove me into being fucking weird after few fake friendships. I basically see my future friendships as a long way of faking everything.

yeah I guessed that after it happened for the first time but I still believed that some people are really in need.

>you're the issue
Exactly. I'm too weird to do anything truly constructive. Make a fool of myself every single time I attempt to improve myself. Not really sad or mad, just don't want to be this way anymore. Tried literally everything suggested to improve but kept fucking up.
Fuck it. On to the next life. Maybe I'll see you there but hopefully not faggot.

Hey man coming from a guy that went down a bad path and almost did some stupid shit. Stay away from the serial killer trend. There is plenty of people in your situation just work on your social skills and be as friendly without being too open too quick.

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>just work on your social skills
Have been trying for the last 20 years.
You sound a lot like a certain two-faced faggot I know.
>just show up
omg I can't believe he came back lolololol
>your doing fine, just keep coming
I can't believe he came back again lolololol

Okay definitely kill yourself kek

why does he keep coming back lololololol
>send an attachment, for out records
omg he actually did lololololol
what an idiot

Btw, Richard Ramirez is a good example to learn the difference between psychopath and sociopath.


I mean bro you might just be naturally more withdrawn and you might actually prefer solitude but feel like you must have friends to be normal, thus generating a bit of desperation and attempts at friendship that won't be ultimately compatible. And then when your attempts at friendship fail, you feel even worse about yourself, whenever the root of the problem is feeling bad over something you shouldn't--being a little more withdrawn and introverted.

But everyone needs a friend, so what do you like to do? Find people you click with on that basis.

I'm kind of the opposite. I'll bust balls friendly-like, talk often but not too much. Know how to bullshit about nothing. Go around saying HEY to everyone and shaking hands, hugs for the girls, fistbumps for the people I don't know very well. Dress casual but not scummy. Kinda like an amateur politician running for some bullshit no-name office. Outgoing. If you sit there like Lou Mafiosio, nobody's gonna come kiss the ring.

You seem to understand me alot, yeah I do feel bad when I don't have friends and I can tell that I act differently without them, I often try to bring up something cool to talk about or maybe pretend a bit that I am into the same thing as the person I am talking to just so I can be a better, trustworthy friend of his.
After some time people like that just completely forget about me for no reason at all.

I always had the problem with just saying hi to random people or as you said fistbumping and I kind of expected people back when I was like 10 to come and "kiss the ring"

now I'm kind of trying to get to know people and all that but I don't expect anyone to just come to me and say hi out of nowhere

And look, most people at some point are chewed up and spat out by someone else and most people at some point chew up and spit someone else out. I've experienced both ends.

When it happens to you, it's one of the most valuable things you can learn. You should try to learn what a true friendship looks like or at least learn what a false friendship looks like. Then try to avoid those same signals.

Closing yourself off and blaming everyone else is not going to help're mistaking anger over past wrongs and resultant self-isolation with practical wisdom of self preservation. You don't want to get hurt again, I get it. But you're only hurting yourself because everyone needs someone.

So make people earn their trust with you slowly, don't hesitate to cut people off early on, be a little more hesitant with people in general, but don't make it policy to self isolate based on the perception that everyone sucks. And remember that no one is going to be a perfect friend.

you dont do that... gotta ask a question or something and learn good ice breakers man. u could say hi im blah blah and wanted to new meet people but chances are slim doing this approach as it seems desperate unless your funny or unique character

post steam OP i'll be your bro

I try to make myself look like a good person in front of the people and I don't cut off ties too early or shit like that. Basically I know how relationships work but I just can't seem to make a perfect one where I can trust the other person and be sure that we will never leave ourselves (I just want a partner that I can truly trust and be sure that he/she will be there for me)

Because it often goes downhill with time for example the other person doesn't need my help anymore so he goes "haha fuck you I don't need you" or we don't really have time for ourselves because of work and other stuff which really bothers me, it happened often which I am slowly losing hope in finding anyone.

Some people just don't seem the same when time goes by which I have mentioned before and I just want to met someone that will never change for worse or will lose interest in me.

some people from thread might come and just add me for lulz but whatever
