Hey Cred Forums, the first semester of 11th grade just ended and I failed all my classes ama

Hey Cred Forums, the first semester of 11th grade just ended and I failed all my classes ama

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>First semester

Yes 1st semester, maybe it's different for you because I go to an online school


Stop fucking your life up online and go pass your classes friend

how does it feel to be a fuck up?


Somebody tell this idiot how much money colleges throw at overachieving morons... inner city school kids get paid to come to my school but they’re all fuckups that spend their scholarship money on Beats and weed so they all fail out anyway, have fun joining them user

I have 3 friends that don't go to my school and have bad social anxiety with strangers so I'm too scared to go to a public school, I live my life watching live streams and shit so I can forget about how shit my life situation is

>11 grade
>1st semester
>Online school
Bruh you fucking retarded?


if you can't pass online classes, you're probably useless to society. using anxiety as an excuse only proves you're retarded.


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Why haven't you been b& yet? Underage faggot

That wasn't an excuse I know I'm a retarded lazy fuckup it's not like I'm going anywhere in life my life is trash

btfo underage b&

i know people from the suburbs who spent all their scholarship money on drugs and material things. bad argument is bad

you're too scared to go to public school? nut the fuck up dude

You're going to struggle with social anxiety the more you try to avoid social interaction. Fuck that online shit. Go to a public school or you're gonna be socially retarded the rest of your life.

What’s eleventh grade in normal language?

What subjects did you take?

I never had scholarship money, only grants. I assumed that shit went directly towards your tuition bill. Why they'd let them spend it on anything they want is beyond me.


I'm going back to public school for senior year for sure you're right user

what a retarded faggot

some people need the extra money from scholarships to pay for rent/food/gas/utilities/insurance, dude

Fine art, Java, Science, History, and Literature

lol you couldn't pass your fine art and lit classes?


dude you're fucked. might as well get a job cashiering and accept that as your life

I was trying to do the assessments but I fell behind and thought if I worked on the assignments that were overdue that I'd catch up, but I just fell farther behind

I once failed out of high school too 20 years. You know where I am now? Digging in dumpsters hoping to find something good enough to sell on eBay. I'd love to be a NEET again like you little zoomers. Don't waste a fucking moment. Soak it in and play your vidya as long as you can. I'll see you in the dumpsters in 20 years if I survive that long. Which we both know I won't even make it 5.

how tf do you fall behind in online classes?

Seems like a flawed system to me. You get a scholarship you should be forced to live in a dorm. That way rent, utilities, and food is included in tuition. Gas and car insurance isn't difficult to pay for with a minimum wage job. 18-23 year olds can't be trusted with large sums of money.

Thanks for your word of encouragement I will indeed work hard in 12th grade when I go back to public school and probably get a cashier job anyways, that's fine because I'm poor so any money is great in my opinion

So is it ADD or drugs?
No one who gets to eleventh grade is that fucken retarded

i don't know what your goal is after high school, but i did this, and i regret it.

i skipped class constantly. i think my junior year i went to about 25% of my classes. sometimes i'd just find a place to hang out like the auditorium and just play on my phone. i hated it.

i finished school with a 1.9 GPA. i had a 33 ACT score, but i couldn't get scholarships because of my GPA. i had to pay for college myself, and i ended up screwing that up too. i graduated high school in 2014, and went to college right after, and now i've got three semesters remaining until i graduate. i've finally gotten everything back on track, and the way i did it was by going to class. all you have to do is go to class. you'll pass the material if you just go. you don't even have to pay attention, just put your body in the classroom. you'll know when homework is due, you'll know when tests are, you'll be able to do quizzes.

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most colleges force you to live in a dorm your first year. after that, it's cheaper to rent, so you can spend what little money you have left after jobs/working on surviving and getting things that make you happy every once in a while

Eleventh comes before twelfth, elevelth follows ten. TF, you as dumb as OP.

housing and food are the bulk of college costs. unless you're going to a real big boy school, it'll cost you what, like 6k a semester, 12k a year?
rent alone is about that much, plus food, utilities, insurance, etc.

i mean, i worked as a cashier for the entire time i was in college, but was able to pass high school though i slept through my classes. i'm just saying that you're fucked if you fail online courses

More life advice. No matter how young you are don't take your liver for granted. You might think you can bounce back without long term consequences. Fucking don't. There is always consequences. You don't want to be in your 40s dying from liver failure like me. Stick to coffee or weed. Fucking zoomers and your youthful optimism god this place depresses me.

Man OP, you think life sucks now. Wait until all your poor choices catch up and bite your ass. The world doesn't give one fuck about your social anxiety. Poverty and homelessness dont give a fuck either.

You know what else dont give a fuck? The dick you'll be taking to get a hit to keep your warm at night, can't have social anxiety with a pp in your bum bum.


Well since I'm a retard i can't concentrate on anything and I can't focus, my grades have bad bad since I was in middle school and I was such a quiet bitch I never talked ever unless I was called on by the teacher and had no friends in middle school since I moved twice, after moving once more to where I am now I've made a few friends, some of them moved or live far away, I switched to online school because I thought it would be easier than public school and I wouldn't have as must stress being a disappointment to my teachers and classmates

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This Cred Forumsro gets it

I dropped out of my 1st semester of 11th grade believing I would not be able to complete it if I continued. 3 years later I'm studying Physics in university. Stick in there. Entheogen exposure confers cognitive enhancement.

I've always had ADD and I forget things easily

are you talking to a psychologist?

it's rhetorical, i don't think you are.

you should. no one here is going to fix you. for better or for worse, you are the only one that has to live with the consequences of your actions. the man you are today is the man you're going to be for the rest of your life. if you don't like who you see in the mirror, you'd better change.

talk to a therapist. you're just treading water right now and it's real fucking hard to pull yourself out. talk to someone who will not judge you, and who actually has dealt with people in your same situation, and has nothing to gain by lying to you or exploiting you. talk to a psychologist.

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wow same. except i didn't give up on going to regular school because there was an easier alternative. still slept through school (public, mind you) and managed to pass. i stand by my previous statement: nut the fuck up, dude

get your mom to drive you to a psychiatrist so you can get some damn medication for your anxiety and ADHD. get off the internet, get over your self-pity, and get you're shit together. stop making excuses for yourself

Stop scaring OP assholes, he still has a chance in life.

I want to see a therapist but it's too expensive my mom says, she's living off of government money

I needed to hear that

medicaid covers therapy, shit-for-brains

That costs too much money, mind you I'm poor as fuck and barely have enough money to buy food every month

I have no vehicle to get to one, and nobody who could give me a ride

congrats! you've discovered public transportation

also, what happened to all your friends? i bet they could give you a ride

also (#2) where tf do you live that you can't walk to a damn therapy appointment? god gave you legs. use them

i guess that's it then. nothing can be done.

Did you know when you graduate, your scores reset to 4.0Gpa?

I live in a trailer park and there are no therapists within a 10 miles radius from my home

My friends are about my age and don't own vehicles

Public transportation is a good idea but I would have to walk 5 miles to get to the nearest bus station

boo hoo, get a fucking bike and trek your ass to the bus stop. can neither you nor your 17yo friends borrow mom's car for 30 mins to get you to town? like there's an order of operations here and you're real fucking shitty at it dude

lol you don't know shit, but i'm all for misleading the fuck out of this dumbass


I have a bike but do you want me to leave the bike at the bus stop with ghetto retards yoinking my shit or bike down a busy ass road with no sidewalks?

Yeah mislead me that'd be epic

I would ask but you'd just give the wrong answer.

if you live somewhere that rural, you don't need to worry about anyone from the "ghetto". get a fucking chain. stop making excuses for your pathetic self

This is the first time I've opened up to anyone about my problems ever, I just want to live online where I can be with all of you

I would have totally fucked up at online schools due to my lack of motivation and shit without actually experiencing it physically in school.

The place I live is packed with houses and trailers and the people here are all assholes, maybe I can look for a closer therapist and walk there, I've gone to one before and it was about 10 miles away, I recall the reason we went to that one is because it was close and it was on the same way that my mom's friend worked so she would pick us up to go there, but since she started work elsewhere I haven't been able to go back

I fucked up switching to online school and I hate myself for being such a coward

You’re anxious but also won’t leave your comfort zone to try and overcome your anxiety? Have being like this forever I guess. You get over anxiety by doing the things that make you anxious until they don’t anymore.

befriend a neighbor and ask for rides? bike 10 miles? it's really not that hard. be proactive in your life

I thought that I'd be anxious forever because of how I was raised

I have too much anxiety to talk to a neighbor, I grew up incredibly antisocial and neglected, nobody ever cared about me before, and nobody ever believes in me

thats ok you dont need a diploma to serve my family french fries now hurry before i report your fucking slacker ass to the manager

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I was thinking about joining the army or devoting all my time to programming

sounds like another fucking excuse

I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now I realize... It's a comedy

go the fuck to bed, joker

the army doesnt need slackers though. you can probably do fine with programming though. just get a salary job then outsource your own job to china or india.

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You could call it that but I don't know how to talk to people, the only reason I have any friends is because they talked to me first and we're also outcasts

This is more important than sleep

aight fuck your shitty excuses. take control of your life.

i'm reporting bc you're a pussy, not bc you're underage

All I want is for someone to tell me that everything is going to be fine and a hug

That's fine go ahead I don't care

Kek knew it.

Yeah these deadshits always have an excuse.

You don't know me or what I went through

yes I do.

Oh ok

shutup you horrible cunt

K will do thanks

I have autism.

I think the Rolling Stones wrote a song about this. Something like lyrics "It's a drag getting like sucks."

Well are you having fun at least?

ay bruh bruh. oldfag here. now i think u prolly playin, you... you prolly trollin yo boys haha you know we all do but

but just incase you bein serious, imma rap wit chu a bit k one on one.

if u serious, now, bout dis failin shit you better hol up mkay think about it for a second. now you gettin older, aint no young blood no more dont need you mamma so much n this n that. but like durrmartin luther kaang junior said, your actions have consequences n shit. think about that. ur actions now, gon start bitin' later.

jus sayin haha i mean you do you n whatnot. you tough, you thug, okay. but you still gon be thug when you didn't put no effort into learning and learning, so now yo ass cant get no job and yo broke ass cant buy no puzzy?

shiiid. mm-mm.

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I was laughed at every day because of my big nose and odd mannerisms

So was everyone else that was slightly different. Kids are mean, you gotta man up. I know you’ve probably heard the phrase
>man the fuck up
A million times but it’s genuinely true. You gotta man the fuck up and leave your comfort zone to overcome your anxiety.

Nigger kys and reborn like the faggot you are and want to be

How big is your penis big nosed gay boys are hung

Fuckoff you will never understand my pain

I have considered killing myself. But lately I’ve been thinking perhaps it’s because I am stuck in the wrong body.

Fuckoff I am not gay. As I was saying recently I have been thinking I might be stuck in the wrong body.

Big noses have more nerve endings

>I might be stuck in the wrong body.
The people who promote this are just taking advantage of teenagers who are trying to figure out how they fit in.

based tsim fuckis

>i do not like my physical appearance bc i aint fucking james deen with the curly greasy hair and 10 inch dick

Like someone said b4 man up already, stop draining your balls and save for a plastic surgery


Its obviously not his first time failing grade 11 user

fuckyou asshole.
I know I am a woman in a male body. Look what I was forced to do because of it. Just kys.

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Who the fucks James deen?
Fuck you boomer.