What would Cred Forums do to my girlfriend?

What would Cred Forums do to my girlfriend?

Attached: 2020-02-11 21.17.47.png (1694x1073, 1.26M)

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Ask her for mac and cheese

her leg looked like a pig head

What shithole Eastern European country is she living in?


Yeah, her

This guy

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Thats the face of a woman who will lose her mind one day and cut your dick off, murder your kids, or murder you

Is someone gonna tell them or does it not matter? Not ultimately but.. you know.

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she looks like she is dumb as dirt. no thanks.

OK zoomer

that derp face im sure shes cute in person. have her take another user.

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nope still ugly

Teach her to walk backwards.

Anything with a cock/jizz in her mouth?

See that oil in the cabinet? I'd pour it on the floor and have her clean it up with the mop behind her.

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I would tell her that her boyfriend is showing intimate photos of her to a rather questionable internet forum.

Attached: iUmBsfu.jpg (960x640, 182K)

I missed Rizzoli, let them post

She did it first.

What’s with all the faggotry?

Man, I miss her and her crazy eyes. Jas she posted lately?

That's my gang. You got a problem friend?

A lady can show her body to whomever she wants. You do not have the right to show her body to others. Her body her choice bucko

Break up with her.

Is she even legal?

Here you faggots go:

Check'd and respect'd

This might not be if she didn't give explicit consent to be on here.

Shut the fuck up.
How do you know I don't have permission?
She could be laughing at you right now. Shamone, faggot.

What are you, 80? Bitch is almost 30

I’d casually flirt with her for a bit, then gradually move on to a more direct seduction. Once I was relatively sure of her willingness to receive my seed, I’d instead cringe out and go home to jerk off in self-hatred.

Pay to get her a much needed left shin replacement...God that's weird looking

Looks 14 on the first picture to me

> my gang


God Damn Son. Go see a doctor. She is literally double that age and any faggot could tell that puberty hit her long ago.

Post more already op

Reverse image search failed so you believed op?

This person posted nudes years ago and I'm like ninety percent sure her face was the inspiration for momo

Jewish much?

would fuck the shit out of her

Stop relying on image search

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Timestamp and I'll believe you. Otherwise I'm considering this an offense to all womankind. I'll getcha OP. I'll getcha.

Shut the fuck and lurk Moar newfag.
You don't consider shit. Who are you trying to fool?


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she looks like that momo thing froma few months back

A few months..

No but the connection was made

I would definitely piss on her

she's very pretty and I would love to see more of her lovely body. Please sir.

Ask her if she has any relation at all to Vladimir. That look... regardless of the body would be like fucking a dude. Not sure how you do it unless she is the cutest girl in your area (sorry).

But, this would like be the only reasonable response and that does nothing for me sexually.


Bend her over and stick her head in the over.

Is she dead?