How can compete for as white ?

how can compete for as white ?

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we can compete with women and get fucked by more black men than them.

if you cant fit it, how are you supposed to fuck? blacks confirmed cumbrains

Ivan, your translator is fucked

Sure ... I'm white, but I'm also a gay horse. Bend over black boi! NOW

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you can't

Let's see: Me:
>self respect

>Big dick.

Think I'll be okay.


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shalom! am i late for the thread? rabbi hershel said 1 o’clock sharp

Accept, don’t fight. And help out. Still have a tongue.

welcome goyim

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How come no one ever talks about how deep black vaginas must be?

Deeeeep dark hole they just gotta be

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Niggas steal our girls so we steel their sheeeet.

This idea you guys have is so stupid but here we go. The Picture of the dangerous black man is so deep in the heads of some americans it`s unbeliveable. In a studie survey participants gauged men’s height and weights given only photographs of male faces. Of the male faces, half of the men were black and the other half were white. The researchers used images of high school football quarterbacks being recruited to play college ball (therefore their height and weight data were publicly available to the scientists).
Those surveyed rated black men to be consistently larger — even though that was not, in reality, the case. Based on just the faces, they estimated that the black men were slightly taller and a bit heavier. Participants judged the black men to be larger, stronger and more muscular than the white men, even though they were actually the same size. And to be clear blacks aren`t taller and bigger on avarage. The avarage man from the netherlands is around 180.8 cm (5 ft 11 in) the avarage man from Zimbabwe is around 160.3 cm (5 ft 3 in) and this goes for all european vs african countrys. The super big black guys just have a lot of european genes.

Will be knocking up my white blonde haired blue eyed snow bunny with my mixed babies I will be serving my purpose. White people you can thank mw later