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BBC are dumbfucks, this is already known.
She likes BBC?!
I just hope they don't replace cutie Greta with this ugly, balding negro bitch.
Every liberal loves BBC
I find it offensive, her show needs more representation. Did they even consider making Greta a black transwoman?
fuck, BBC must be desperate
no she's doing gods work
you mean eating bananas in countries that don't have the climate for it and supporting the clima change?
she's done more than all you faggots will do in your lives combined and she's only 16, stay mad
I supose spreading lies far and wide could be an accomplishment.
Accept for Inda, China etc.
>whining is an accomplishment
seething, she's spreading awareness of a global problem and getting rich and successful at the same time. you're the whiny faggots
i know right she is basicly just baby mario from yoshis island
>Her crusade
You mean her parents crusade right?
based, fuck these virgin greta haters
Mad? We're laughing at you.
>m-mad? w-we're laughing at y-you
the absolute state of greta haters
Mods mods mods
Wow, another reason not to listen to a anti-red pill angry female. Go target China first then come back.
would fuck that little pink pussy
Ok i get you dont understand history or physics but you are wrong. And a sheep falling your sheepish leader.
Is she mentally deficient? She smiles like a 2 years old when you tell them to smile for a photo
>i get my opinions from an incel image board
>c-check ur facts
stop embarrassing yourself
shes a throat fuck kind of girl
Oh yeah!
Who hates her. Just dont like seeing kids used and manipulated.
still laughing, kek
Ok dont be a baby.
It is ok you font understabd these things, but dont pretend you do. It makes you look dumb and it us a little funny and sad
look at this guy
used and manipulated as in securing her future?
you're right let's have a civilized debate on Cred Forums
I call fake news.
looks like putins daughter
i'd put someting in that daughter
She looks more and more autistic everyday
Shes listening.
You'll see. ...
what? do you have braindamage?
At least your admitting to being uncivilized.
Guess that is the first step.
Will her sentimental life be used to push some other agenda? What do you Greta experts think about this?
Yeah, she has autism
No she is a one trick poney. Though pushing socilisam through climate change is a hot topic right now.
Just will have to see how far she can get with this one note tune.
Greta looks like a trans clone of Soros, holy shit.
>condescending reddit-tier reply
seeth harder
well shes retarded
Sorry for useing facts. Forgot they aren't allowed when talking about climate change.
How old are you because there has been over 80 years of failed predictions
That's cool. Helping retarded puppets is fine. I mean, the learning channel had honey booboo and ice road truckers so I'm not surprised BBC is getting green washed.
They'll play advertisements for Shell, about how a gas company give a fuck about going green now and the woke but dreaming will just eat it up
No unless if your talking about people just useing her to push foward their agenda. The people that write for her have been doing it a little.
Its not a surprise.
She's now an international public figure who spreads a green message.
Its a win-win for the BBC, they either get a moderately successful show because of her fame or they are known as a company that promotes a green message.
If you're unironically mad about this its because you dont understand business and you're too dumb to remember all the retarded reality shows on television.
In fact, most shit on TV is fucking terrible.
Considering that there are TV shows about ancient aliens, people who eat drywall, hoarders, and uncontrollably fat fucks, I don't see how a show about an adolescent retard from a priveleged family who thinks her childhood was "stolen" by the very system that benefitted her is such a stretch.
let's get this right. every major publication, media outlet and normal person disagrees with you, but you are right - it's all a huge conspiracy
Her message isn't even working in America.
That sounds like a better show than it will ever be
Fucking astute
scary shit
what this guy said
I'd rather not give money to muslims.
muslims are based, jews are the real problem
Good on her I say. Even though global warming is a myth i still like her.
She's a qt
I like her too, better her than an ugly indian or black girl everybody is supposed to like but really doesn't.
climate change hoaxers btfo'd
Well if you ignore physics, history and maths etc. They are right but i daught you can even read so follow aling sheep. Just believe what your masters want you to.
Quuck go back before they punish you for having an original thought.
Unless your ten then you will findout
What's the name of the show?
How to socialism
by George Soros the Jewish Nazi
provide some evidence to support your claim then, all you schizo retards say are buzzwords like sheep and masters but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
Anyone here watch this great movie
"An Inconvenient Truth."
One if the grearest movies every made
fuck the planet
So she's going to further increase her carbon footprint.
GG no ree.
Shes going to be forgotten in a year just like that David Hog faggot.
The media stops caring about these children as soon as they hit 18.
>She travelled and polluted more than any of us
You wouldnt be able to understand or accept it. After all "climate gate" had to happen so people would believe in climate change/gloable warming. Just educate yourself and open your eyes. If you follow blindly dont be surprised you end up somewhere else you didn't see.
May i ask,what climate scintests you listen to and believe?
Hiw many can you even name?
Try telling their follows that. Guess most of hers are around 10 or so.
Cant blame them for not seeing how things go.
She literally has aspergers
alright i'll start
I want to cum Inside of her holes.
she sailed to the US from Europe
Lol. You should look at NASA' s space side the prove the opposite assll the time becouse they want to be correct and not produce propaganda.
Any scintiest you know.
i literally don't understand what you're saying
The people that actually matter don't make fun of her. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure most people support her. Especially the younger generations. And with her diagnosis it would be extremely hard to force her into this.
>international crusade
If that means she's headed to China and India, then hip-fucking-hooray. It'll be great for her to get a reality check.
>so brave
>so vocal
>so what?
What makes Greta different from the other activists that get trotted out every few years? Nothing ever changes, race to the bottom, and consider yourselves lucky that we deigned to remove lead from gasoline, you filthy fucking peasants.
What is that she's holding? A mini directors camera? Like an actors award? Has she been acting this whole time or something?
>imagine listening to this retard armchair scientist
ive been down the rabbit hole before and i hope you come to terms
Why is America the only country that matters?
And also, it is helping. There is a very significant increase in renewable energy in the US and America now has the leading EV company in the world.
Also your numbers are outdated. These are a bit newer.
What scintests convinced you of it.
Can you name some..........
People with heads too far up their own ass to know any better and people too young to know any better. Gotcha
I don't think you understand she's screaming at politicians, and politicians are still a form of human, and humans don't like being screamed at, but no politician wants to be the guy against a semi popular movement, so you swallow your pride and your beliefs and cozy up for the votes
Those aren't updated numbers, they're just different numbers. If you ask different questions, you get different answers.
>politicians are still a form of human
[citation needed]
Only problem is she's a literal retard
Solar panels are getting better and salt water batteries'will soon replace lithium ion and will completely outperform. What's the point in converting now?
Dint confuese them with logic. They might gave to think for thenselves.
She was invited to speak. she does not go without an invite.
Or at least that is what she says
fair enough, but numbers are still valid. The fact is that Americans think Trump and co have to do more to protect the climate and environment. Even "young" Republicans agree.
Retardation and autism isn't really the same thing.
Some of the richest and smartest people in the world are on the autism spectrum.
Except what does that mean? It's a truism in pools that if you give people some vague general statement that sounds good, most people will agree. It's when you start asking specific questions about specific programs and trade offs that you see what they really believe.
But they're still retarded, who fucking cares
Nope. Just illustrating why Boris Johnson and the Tory controlled Parliament is expected to end the mandatory TV licence that funds BBC by the end of summer session. BBC will effectively lose most of it's tax payer funding, so it'll be interesting to see how commercially viable the BBC are in the open market pushing this type of programming. Won't be surprised when they lay off the majority of their employees by mid-2021
Im sure you believe this. But it isnt true and while they try they destroy the environment to pit these in place. Not that eco
That's democracy really.
Here's another one from Pew on threats against America. The only thing scaring Americans more than climate change is cyber attacks. Americans are as scared of climate change as they are of Iran and any other military threat. The federal government could have done a lot to combat climate change with a small portion of the defense budgets.
The first poll from Pew also did show that younger voters care more about the climate than older voters. That is shown in almost all surveys. What I don't understand is Trumps lack of understanding that green tech could be a gold mine for the Americans. Coal is old tech, green tech is new tech. The Americans should fucking corner the market before the chinks do it.
forgot the pic
The green movement has put billions into propaganda winder if they will put a bit towards saving BBC. Might take it away from other areas though.
Some are moving away from from global alarmist becouse it us to white.
Wich was somthing i didn't think i would see.
I'm not a fanatic myself. I fly on planes and eat meat. But I'm now taking delivery of my first American car ever. You can guess what maker. It really helps that our government has given tax breaks on green cars. That's the kind of tax breaks I really enjoy
This. Ending the state-mandated licence which revenue is primarily used to fund BBC is probably the 2nd best thing to come out of the Johnson tenure so far besides finalizing Brexit. The fact it's making Lammy & the other far left extremist Labour cunts shriek in rage is just a bonus.
But are they getting funding over the budgets? We removed the TV licence in my country as well, but now the broadcaster is funded over the budget instead (saves in total)
(also enacted by a moderate to right government)
I think there should more prime age stuck up white kids being fucked by BBC. Any objections.
heh, saw some Remoaner Corbonistas on Twitter crying after the issue to defund the BBC gained traction in Parliament this week. The salt is flowing all the way down to the Thames.
Lol. As long as you dont think that us helping that much.
I'm not eurotrash and I don't watch nigger lover networks. If the media wants to continue exploiting her, I don't really care.
People aren't scared of Iran, because that's literally half the world away.
How exactly is green tech a "gold mine", and what does that have to do with Trump? The problem with green tech is it's still an emerging technology, and can't compete with the old standbys. There were some major improvements in piezoelectric panels a few years that turned solar from a complete waste of time to useful in a few applications, and batteries have gotten slightly better, but we have a long way to go.
But if you want it now, you're talking about major government subsidies. Wasteful subsidies, because the tech isn't there to replace things like coal. Remember Solyndra? Or Tesla, whose subsidies are welfare for rich people? Subsidies are basically throwing away money, money that would be far more useful in basic research. You can't force technologies to market before they're ready without throwing away huge piles of cash for almost no return, but you can jump start the tech by doing fundamental research in things like batteries.
In the meantime, if you want clean energy, the only viable solution is nuclear. Which the science has proven is safe, but the left still opposes because they're anti-science.
Who watches TV
The rough draft currently being floated around is to end making payment mandatory, but enable Brits to continue supporting the BBC voluntarily if they so choose. So the amount of funding the BBC would receive from the public would depend entirely on the charity of the tax payers themselves. None of the general fund would be diverted to making up the financial shortfall. Given the overall unfavourable view BBC has among a good portion of Brits right now, it would effectively end the BBC as it now stands. They'd be lucky to get a 10th of the money they currently receive.
Sounds like they should do that here with ABC or at keast the news protion. Been caught out to much.
Leave it up to the people
Can't compete? Yes it can, renewable is cheaper than fossil now.
and battery prices have been going doing quite a lot since Tesla launched their first Roadster.
And subsidies to Tesla? Hell the other US car brands have in general gotten way more in bailouts than Tesla. That's a weak argument. Also no, I don't remember Solyndra, I'm not American. But it is true that green tech companies have failed earlier and many will probably do that in the future as well.
When it comes to nuclear power I'm very much a fan, but right now nuclear power is more expensive than renewable, but if it gets cheaper I'm all in on that as well. But yes, the cuts in fast breeder reactor research and so on is bad. But why didn't Trump go for this instead of betting on coal, the biggest killer by far (way way more than nuclear). Nuclear is also safe and good in functioning countries, but I wouldn't trust corrupt shithole countries with reactors, because they probably will mess it up sooner or later. See the idiot commies that made Chernobyl possible
A mix of renewable, battery (or other forms of energy storage) and nuclear is great. Other things great with solar in general is the fact that you in many cases can have production very very close to the user (on the building it self) This negates loss of power transfer when the power plant is far off.
What is this sentence supposed to mean?
You can figure it out.
Shouldn't be to hard. Just use your brian and logic with a few facts.
I see both good and bad things with this. While I'm not a huge fan of public funded media, I'm not a fan of shitty ad based clickbait media either. We have a mix here, with a lot of newspapers getting partial government funding to at least attempt making proper news instead of the trash we see more and more of. Plenty of utter trash british "news papers" already. And it wouldn't be good with the split that's in the US, with people only watching/reading news from those they already agree with. Hell, if I read US news I always attempt to check both CNN and Fox if there's something important. And check sources as much as possible of course.
I would say buying a car from Tesla helps US workers.
Even during the 70s most scientists were more concerned about global warming than about an impending ice age.
But hey, you can find one scientist who was wrong, so why listen to what any scientist says?
This is why new age medicine should be used instead of vaccines, too.
Yes not saying it doesn't. Think about the thread your on.
Your an anti vac
Explians alot what scintiest do yiu believe
Pleas answer. No one ever does and im thinking people dont know. Like they have blind faith in the media
And buying an electric vehicle is also good for the environment when a regular ICE was the alternative for me. We also have near 100% renewable energy production in my country
We've about tapped out hydro, and solar and wind are both intermittent. Renewable can't compete, because they don't have good batteries. Batteries suck, they're terrible, they can barely make a car run with the huge hard-to-dispose of ones they currently use, and they're essentially worthless for industrial use. That's why good people support nuclear.
The car industry bailouts in 2008 were wrong, but they weren't subsidies. They were a one-time thing, and were paid back. Tesla is a continual leech, giving a billionaire money to make cars for the super rich.
I understand your policy opposition to the bailouts, but do you think things would've been better if the companies had been allowed to go bancrupt? Or do you figure they would've been split up and sold off?
It would have been better if the Fed hadn't printed money and therefore forced a correction when prices got out of whack. Not to mention the Glass-Stegall repeal, or Fannie and Freddy absorbing all risk in the housing market.
But yes, it would have better to let them die. While you can make an argument that they only went underwater because of the financial manipulations and were otherwise sound, the bailouts and too big to fail set a horrible precedent, and we're going to suffer the consequences for decades. The loss of a few otherwise viable companies would have been a small price to pay to avoid that.
I don't have an problem but I would like to see her convince me that climate change is not all a ruse!
Your argument on solar and wind simply isn't true. And batteries while not perfect is improving. But again, I'm not against nuclear, it's just more expensive than renewable. More funding for research could of course bring prices down. But that also goes for renewable. But I say yes to both.
And as far as I understand, Tesla isn't "getting any money" that any other car maker could get.
And the US fossil fuel industry also gets a lot of subsidies "Conservative estimates put U.S. direct subsidies to the fossil fuel industry at roughly $20 billion per year; with 20 percent currently allocated to coal and 80 percent to natural gas and crude oil. European Union subsidies are estimated to total 55 billion euros annually"
Tesla are getting most of the money from investors really and stocks are high. The market believes in them. And it's not random that major automaker suddenly are launching proper electric vehicles. The US should support their green automakers before the germans and perharps even the chinese corners that market.
Why not listen to scientists instead?
I don't want to talk to a scientist, y'all motherfuckers lying to me and getting me pissed
Fair enough.
I think "too big to fail" is bad, too. They should break up too big companies, or force them to pay for an insurance for bailing out too big companies.
luisa neubauer. Let's go for her.
But I'm a white male and I don't have my own show! this is really triggering my cognitive biases! How can ugly girl be more celebrity than me?
Kinda disappointing that Greta wasn't edited into a Vulcan.
Ahh ha ha ha! The BBC! Got woke and is going broke! They're now down to peddling left wing climate twaddle fronted by a mongol who can't string a sentence together. Ah ha ha ha ha ha !
Yes, she's mentally retarded. Practically a vegetable.
imagine being dumb enough to listen to corporations and privatized vested interests that have been pumping your air, water, food, living environment, and you yourself, full of toxic lethal chemicals for literally hundreds of years now, who have time and time again used public opinion via misinformation and shills to discourage science fact all in the pursuit of profit.
Imagine being so fucking retarded as to actually believe that there are no repercussions to any of the things we are doing to ourselves and the world around us.
tetraethyl lead in gasoline
asbestos insulation
arsenic wallpaper
It's absolutely true, solar and wind are intermittent power sources, and the grid requires a consistent supply of energy. At best, they're supplementary.
Tesla subsidies:
Most of the fossil fuel "subsidies" aren't subsidies, they're tax breaks. Yes, you can argue that they end up on the same side of the balance sheet, but handing out cash and not taking someone's cash have different moral values. The whole tax thing is a huge mess, so complex nobody knows what's going on, the favorite tool of government officials looking to trade favors, and it wildly distorts market signals. Not that your argument was valid, anyway, because given the monstrosity that's in place, it's not whether someone is getting a subsidy or the dollar amount, it's how big the subsidies are compared to their competitors.
You can't use facts and reality in arugemnet aginst them. Had somone tell me lithium batteries are 100% recyclable.
Or that they dint require mining etc to make. People seem to believe what they want regardless of facts.makes them easier to fool. Like solar roads etc. Water from air even in dry hot air.
says the small dick whiteboi who's jealous of big asian cocks fucking all the white girls.
There are no companies that are too big, that's a cronyist myth. Let them die.
I don't think forced insurance would work, that's what the banking industry has with the lender of last resort (the Fed), and the FDIC, and both have very negative consequences, encouraging high risk activities because they know someone will be there to save them, and the public doesn't care if their bank is solvent because they know they'll get their money anyway. That's a perverse set of incentives.
Brian is an idiot. I can't believe whitebois still follow him on twitter.
The other user in the argument is actually fairly reasonable.
Though that's very much an exception, and you're right there are a lot of very misinformed people out there.
No, you're just very naive.
quick 'n' dirty
Wo cares? BBC is so 1989...
The BBC turned Dr Who into a woman, so what if they did it to one of the Hobbits to.
i want to freeze froggie
im sure she's done a lot of people on her little boat ride
she doesn't have any future. the boomers stole it.
But fuck, that german chick in the middle of Star Trek is actually quite nice looking.
i'm sure she hasn't
>17-year-old Greta Thunberg has taken the No. 1 spot on People With Money’s top 10 highest-paid activists for 2020 with an estimated $46 million in combined earnings.
Im waiting for the BBC to be given to Greta
Is it wrong that I want to fuck Great in her ass?
No problem at all. Bbc can waste their money how ever they like
Well wanting to fuck a legal girl in the ass isn't that strange really.
>highest-paid activists for 2020
Citing a shitty gossip magazine.
Ahh shit lol. Not even a real magazine it seems.
regardless she makes a lot of money
Brits have been copying the Americans awful spending habits, of course they'd waste money on something like this. I'm sure it will be a (((glowing))) successes like Dr.Who is currently
And probably doesn't spend much on her self at all I would assume. Maybe saving up for a place to live and stuff, but she strikes me as a person not giving a shit about money, expensive stuff and so on. Just like many other successful people on the autism spectrum. It's said that Bill Gates is on there as well. While he has nice shit, he's not really that into tacky stuff like say Trump is.
Only blacks and arabs care about showing off.
hardest kek I've had all day
And Donald, have you seen his plane? Well yes, they made an entire documentary of it. It's more lavish than Air force one. And that tacky apartment in NY. Really arab style his entire setup.
Question is, which one is more retarded? Her or them?
>Establishment gives controlled opposition a platform to push their shared agenda
Shes not retarded.
Reality is not allowed on Cred Forums, user. That's why Greta's so popular.
she's GRETArded
Imagine that expression looking up at you as she suck your kawk
>demands westeners stop polluting
>doesnt say shit about china, africa and india
>funded by a fucking necromancer
shut up lmao
don care lol, she has funny expressions.
I can't wait to look back in 50 years at all this bullshit about 'man-made climate change'.
id still face fuck her
Humans were not around when CO2 PPM was as high as it is now, let alone 600 PPM.
50 years of newspapers and popular science mags pushing 'scientists say' bullshit and there are people who still fall for it.
i might download her show when it comes out. just cause it's her
will torrent now that you have recommended it
reminded me, I need to catch up on the new southparks. ty user
Soon as Norf Johnson decriminalizes bot paying tv license she's out.
>when you take her ane dry
she's gonna be a sexy little tard at 18