So my wife just gave birth...

So my wife just gave birth, and she’s using our baby as an excuse to constantly have her tits out no matter who is around. Is she actually just being a good mom or just an attention whore? I have several friends and family that have seen her boobs now. Pic related

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I wish my wife would show her tits off more.

Gunna need to see her tits to judge

are you the father?

start whipping out your cock since we be stripping in front of other people now.

I hope so

That’s her in the pic

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To be fair you aren’t helping at the moment, not complaining though, good set.

Mine doesn't wear bras because of breast feeding and it is what it is
She has nice titts by the way

its not the same thing you sexist fuck

I’m not that bothered by it, more wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing with their wives.

Feel free to post a pic

I have had 3 kids up to this point and I used a cover when publicly feeding my children became necessary. If you want to show off your tits to the whole world, then whip out a cock too, since nudity is ok.

well, if you're upset about your wife breastfeeding "your" son in public, you may consider the possibility of not being the father.

I never said I was upset.

i rememeber this one time i had no chill and this ugly bitch whipped her tits out at the park with all sorts of people around. i yelled aloud that thats some nice titty sucking and people constantly stared at her.

It's socially unacceptable and you know it. attention whores rejoice when they whip their tits out

found the feminist trash

Did you take any pics?

She's doesn't even realise half the time that her titts look like this when she's in public

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found the incel fag

Damn, would love to see under the shirt. Post more if you’re up for it

holy shit you just opened up the door to new troll methods. thank you user

Sadly i did not but i will in the future!


Your wife's tits are amazing. Enjoy them while they last. Just fuck her harder as punishment.

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yet you ask if she's an attention whore... smh

Post pics

thank god Trump is going win 2020.

somebody got called out in public for being a whore and didn't like it.

They are quite nice.
Can you post more op?

Thanks for the replies. Here’s a another of the pics I have of her as thanks.

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You know you found a female when they draw attention to the word "Whore"

Dont let it upset you sweetheart, its just a word. like incel, or jew, or fag.

More of who?

I'll just keep her pregnant and thank you they are amazing. I just found she loves them being sucked as I fuck her

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Yes, she does.
That's why she's showing off.
After having a kid she wants to feel sexually attractive again, and people looking is a confidence boost.
Her tits blowing up in size with a baby is one of the easiest ways to get that validation.

Any without the armpit cropped out?

good, I actually like the guy.
oh look, the incel think I'm a woman and now is picturing himself getting married... gonna spam tits or gtfo now?

Nice tattoo, is she got others?

keep your pants up son, see

Yeah she does

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Half the reason she doesn't wear bras is because they fill with milk.
She's gets plenty of that haha an Asian woman with big titts and a nice ass gets everyone looking.

im also a female bigot

if that's your wife, you should be proud. Those are some damn nice tits!

ok whore

those are not the tits of a woman who's just given birth - even if she's not breastfeeding they're going to be a bit different. let's see what they look like today?

Thanks, I have plenty more if you like, although most have fave so I’ll have to see what to post

with such a tattoo and you really need to ask if she's an attention whore?

Tramp stamp authorization

Need moar for science.

I usually don't ask for more but those are my favorite type of boobs. I just fucking love those kind of nipples so sure, if you don't mind to share, I like to see more!

those aren't lactating, i wouldn't believe it.

I don’t have any very recent pics

these are great! do they taste like sugar?

Ok this is OP letting you know I’m out

does she let you titfuck her or even cum on her tits

where is a pic of her current titties?

What a fucking shitty tattoo. You married absolute trash who follows trends but I’m sure she’s so unique.

>my wife is an attention whore
>giant shitty chest tattoo
There were signs before she started whipping her tits out, OP.
>mfw this trash will be raising your children

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holy fuck, more of those preggo tits.

any with dripping milk?

Lol good one, beta cucks all of them. If your gonna breastfeed cover up morons. Otherwise you'll be a bunch of people giving dirty looks

How do you suck her tits when you fuck, who are you been troyer?

Lol nice one