I'm tired of you idiots posting dumbshit everyday like "women have life on easy mode" "all women are whores" "women are children" shut the fuck up. its ironic coming from pathetic freaks who simultaneously wine about being an incel. if anything, worthwhile women with MORALS have life on HARD MODE. I'll admit, actual whores have life on easy mode, getting shit for free from MEN, having MEN pay for everything and act like a fucking beta provider, but WORTHWHILE women with morals DONT have life on easymode. Imagine being a young women and wanting marriage love and family but all these men want to USE you, only have intentions of hooking up and DEVALUATING you. imagine how fucking exhausting it is to be a god fearing, feminine, wholesome girl with so much to offer, yet men dont want that, they continue to act like pigs with no self control instead of thinking about their future, calling women whores when MEN are the gatekeepers of commitment. as a man, you get to CHOOSE which girl to commit to or even marry. girls only get to choose who to have sex with IN THE MOMENT. stop calling all women whores and give credit to those girls who are vigins, who constantly keep dodging each degenerate, sex driven man who tries to get with them, because they are waiting for HUSBAND material.
I'm tired of you idiots posting dumbshit everyday like "women have life on easy mode" "all women are whores" "women are...
Other urls found in this thread:
gotta be happy user
If your're on this site and your're a women, then nobody probably wants you. You're just delusional
Tits or gtfo
i live in the real world you fucking idiot i see things for what they are unlike you incels
where did i say i was a women myself?
Honesty if a women was on this site. They're probably bottom of the barrel
I'm not an incel,,,,, I just want to see other peoples opinions
And your argument is flawed. Unless your're an undesirable
bitch when did i say i was a woman? last week i came on and everyone insisted i was a man, can u idiots stop focusing on gender and try to see the point im making.
Are you really someone to read all that shit? LMFAO
So your're the incel? Men who defend women as much as you are typically HUGE CUCKS
trust me i know im not undesirable. if i was, i wouldn't get so pissed off by this, men are shallow and only porch what they find attractive
So, what's the point of writing that retarded shit?
wtf are u talking about
fuckkkkkkk your slowww. take a goddamn hint omfggg
What point? Youre a profeminist with an opinion, not a point.
fuck off i can vent if u dont like it good it will get deleted by tomorrow anyway
So your're a self-deprecating male feminist? I pity you
how is what im saying NOT facts? men only want sex, how is that not factual?
Op's a loser cuck confirmed
Kek right, thats like being a self hating racist black jew
ya totally omg how did u guess
Or a troll. Gotta get those imaginary internet points
Wow. Must be on a Mormon mission to get away with this.
You are a man, why do you care so much about Fem feels? It's not your problem.
im not trolling, what im saying are things ive realized from my experiences. think about it from my point of view instead of instantly calling me a troll.
Op's probably a "wOke" High School English Teacher
Its factual to anyone who hasnt seen otherwise, if all youve been exposed to is men who just want sex then youll brand all men like the ones you know, psychological consistency and cognitive dissonance have a lot to say about the attitude we carry for others. As for FACTS...go neck yourself dipshit, youre spouting feminist rhetoric ignorantly.
because its hard being a girl who will never get married or have kids and im venting about it. DEAL WITH IT its Cred Forums not like it matters none of u freaks can see me anyway
ARE YOU A WOMEN THO??? I'm getting mixed signals
im 18..
Out of choice or because youre ugly, also tits or gtfo
Then you can change for the better. YOU HAVE TIME
u had me in the first half. lol thanks for replying tho
Seriously, youre barely old enough to start making assumptions about the whole world you butthurt cry baby, go have a hard girl life on leddit
if im venting about my experiences with lustful men im obviously a girl
I think your're just a mentally ill non-binary or some nonsense
>obviously a girl
Welcome to Cred Forums newfriend, show us your penis.
what do u mean change? theres nothing i can do about it, i dont want to get devalued
And judging by your photo above, I'm assuming you're a former tumblr bitch
Youre 18, you have no value.
tits or gtfo
omfg life will get hard in the years to come, whats 5 or 10 years, nothing. life is short and im frustrated because i can already see it getting bad..
im a girl
You really are an edge lord. JEEEZZ
not true. im young with plenty of time ahead and lots to offer. not true at all
i use snapchat and ig sometimes. thats it.
dont know what that is but ok
You're just retarded
LIFE IS SHIT for girls like me but that doesn't mean i dont have anything to offer. i do but i just dont have anyone to give it to and im not interesting in being a hoe
"Shes" 18 user, her frontal cortex has not fully developed yet so inconsistencies tend to be more rampant
how am i retarded?
So you automatically label all men as a single identity instead of getting off the internet and meeting real ones...gotcha
omfg do u want my snap or ig or something? im a girllll fukkkk this dumb ass siteeee
You're just a desperate social outcast
I Live a really busy life, i see and interact with people daily therefore i know what im talking about
But the zoomers are all about "independence". Why can't you be like them?
Only the insta whores have bfs
no i just see life from a different angle. thats all.
Every wants to believe that they're special, don't they? You think like every other 18 year old
well zoomers are wrong. i disagree with most things they do and i think about the long term because life is short. my freind is turning 20 soon and shes already married
not true. everyone under 30 has ig.
You think about the long term because life is short? You really are retarded
no i dont. most 18 yr olds throw their virginity away and dont care for values or morals. im not like them ok so stop
That makes no sense
YES BICH i think about 10 20 30 years down the line. im not gonna live mY bEsT LiFe now and do immoral things becuse i want to be married and with kids one day not end up used and old and lonely in the future. so stfu
Yes, buy you said "LIFE IS SHORT SO I THINK ABOUT THE LONG TERM" even though that makes no sense. If you wanted to live life to the fullest, you would live in the moment dumb bitch
so what do i have to do to "live in the moment"? does it really matter? is that what my post was really all about?
ok...fine. youre right. life is long.
ohhh shit sorry now i get what you were trying to say. lol no i think life is short which is why i want to make the dest desicions starting now, while im young but its harder than it seems
Did you need someone to vent to, or did this thread actually mean something?
its meaningful i made good points, even if you dsagree with me, i know i said some things which were true and i can vent here if i want, its my day off and its fkin Cred Forums
True, I can't stop you from that
>venting about guys not wanting to date you further making them not want to date you but willing to maybe risk a sexual encounter with you out of desperation or foolish drunken judgement
why don't you just get a cat or something?
Someone else has joined the chat
no u cant, but u can make good arguments rather than spamming TITS OR GTFO or calling the op a man and all that shit
none of what u just said had any truth to it but ok whatever floats ur boat lol
discord gg/MqmCVfM
No user, I get what your saying
Preaching to a sexist crowd about women’s problems won’t get you far though. Get off this site, it’s p gay
I'm not the one doing that
lol no i like this site cuz its funny as shit and anonymous. i can post here if i want and i think its interesting sooooo
i know im just making a general statement
Drop ig, bb
Also sex devaluing women is kinda weird. I’d say most dudes don’t give that big of a fuck. It’s most incels who have seen one girl naked that get offended when women have sex with people, because they are jealous
Men use women, women use men. No one owes anyone shit regardless of what 37 genders you think you are. We’re just meat puppets in the gladiator arena of life. We’re all going back to the mud one day. Get fucked
>Also sex devaluing women is kinda weird.
but 99 percent of all men do it
>Drop ig, bb
shitttt u really missed the point goddamnnn lmoaaooooa whatever u say
Risk is a heck of a game.
Lol maybe 99 percent on Cred Forums. Go outside sometime, the world isn’t alt right incels
Most dudes care about as much as you’d care about their body count. Like a bit, but If it’s a normal amount whatever
I used to think like you
Then my girl fucking dumped me for no fucking reason and I came to the logic conclusion
All women are whores
Missed the point? I don’t think so. OP trying to point out they’re special because morals, vageen, virgin. No one is special. Keep living the fantasy
nooo i mean most men in general. theyre not capable of loving or valuing a woman and only look for different places to stick their dick.
ur generalizing... it was one girl and she probably had issues. i know plenty of women who are worthwhile
Pirate detected
What's your point? You could write the same thing with roles reversed.
so im not special but ppl like u are the same people who post shit about women saying their whores, walking holes, how they lose their value easily and all this other shit. but when a women has it all shes not special...ok then. cool
>makes generalization (from experiences based on Cred Forums)
>calls out someone for generalizing
Okay, I was on your side. But your either a troll or really fucking dumb
no u cant becuase women like me do exist and they dont treat men like crap or slime men. most men only "love" when theres something in it for them, I know plenty of girls who do the exact opposite and i feel bad for them
Instant grapes
Get off Cred Forums
It’s obviously warping your brain to how men act and are
no no i know im generalizing, but im doing it based off of manyyyy situations and one of my own situations where i thought he had good intentions but then a realized otherwise. u have one example, i have countless, i think i can generalize
its not Cred Forums people that wrapped my brain about men, its real life men and real life experiences. after going through that, i came on Cred Forums and noticed many guys here matched how guys really actually are in real life
There is no "easy mode" for anyone, regardless of gender, race, wealth or dick size. It's not programmed in the game, capisce? It's a myth, like that Mew hiding underneath the truck.
Actually retarded
You think men want you only for your body because they do. I see it now. Your head is sick, delusional, and above all completely lacking any sort of intelligence. They want you for your body because it’s obviously all you have
I hope one day you can see how dumb you are and change, but until then you will confine being used like the dumb useless hole you are
your very right. however the toxic people on this site insist that young women are having it all when theyre really not.
Natural selection at its finest, even with a hint of paprika.
Husbands aren't worth it. I'm getting an engineering degree for my wife and kid, she doesn't even care or like me anymore, tells me to go try to fuck other women, and I literally don't ever want to fuck women again, because I know every woman gets sick of their partner eventually, as do men. Humans are shit, live for yourself if you want value. Last time I checked, humans fuck when they want it bad enough, and then say fuck it all once someone WANTS WHAT YOU WANT, it sadly never works as planned.
no im mad because i have so much to offer, im a human with so much within and thats why im mad that men only use women. if im delusional or if my thinking is flawed, then prove me wrong instead of attacking me on a site where u cant even see me and dont even know me but whateverrrr just call me a hole and further prove my point
U r fag, humens r all retarded and not worth it, u and me included boyo.
Naw, men are trash, women are trash, dumb shit faggot.
Post Instagram
U will get sick of prince charming one day dear, humans are vile apes.
wow this response is really unique and i get what your saying. well goddamn this changed my mindset and made me lose hope
im not putting my social media on blast on this toxic site, my snap maybe but its not necessary to prove anything if yall think im a man whatever
Post snap
Not true. I’m completely indifferent towards the genders. Screaming about women like an incel is retarded. I could care less about your body count or lack there of. It’s what you bring to the table that makes me decide whether or not we should form a partnership. The age of trad con values is dying.
youre kind of right...but its not about that. its about not being alone when your old, and having companionship and one day seeing your grandchildren..
I can make the exact same argument for men.
why tho?? is there a reason
We all want to be special, but the problem is, that specialness always dies within the human brain within a decade. Specialness is a phase everyone goes through and has to grow out of, to not be a serial killer.
if thats truly how u think then ur a minority cuz most men think about their dickk only
Humans are all whores.
Cred Forums is filled with friends
Why not? Lol
then good women and good men are a minority. thats all
You and everything else alive, is a stupid, senseless whore.
Here we go. You got it.
Trad con values are on their death bed
No one gives a fuck how many dicks she’s sat on except incels
not all . some of us have values and love god and plan to remain a virgin.
Everyone is sadly guaranteed it, there is no true love. I worked my ass off trying to prove it, hell I'm still trying, but I'm convinced it just isn't doable.
i dont even know who u are for all i know ur a 55 yr old pedo lmao
lmoa im a virgin wtf this thread is not even about that its about men not being husband material
Not true
I’m 24
And strapping up to take your virginity
so your saying love doesn't exist??
U wunt babby? If yes, go fuck the shit out of the most wealthy man around, mind you, that you don't one day disappoint him so hard he drinks paint thinner in revenge for you just falling out of love and enjoy the moments of parenting that u can. If not, then you are good sister!
good luck with that
Pls prove, every day i avoid all eye contact i could be making, EVERY DAY, to hide from that betrayal.
Jesus fucking christ you faggots are easy.
Lmaoooo wtfff chill are you good
im not baiting im just frustrated and venting. fuck.
...yup...at least in my mind. Fuck disney movies, I would torture that old bastard liar for the complexes from lack of reliance on my wife has given me. I won't make eye contact with other people unless I fucking have to.
Nothing matters, so yup.
I'm just being real. Fuck this planet, fuck our species for being programmed to fall out of love, and fuck humans not all dying off a long time ago, so we have to live and suffer around people who literally can't care. Ewwww
>..yup...at least in my mind.
u seem to hava lot of pain built up inside of you. why do people stay with their partner if they dont want to?
>I won't make eye contact with other people unless I fucking have to.
i feel this. but its not about love sometimes. its about continuing the cycle, having kids, grandkids and simply not aging alone. may i ask, who hurt you?
My god shut the fuck up Loser
They might actually want to fuck me, and I'm nevah goin' down that road again. Gotta raise a boy to be healthy and I told her I would.
na lol
Wanna here a joke. Women's rights
what kind of lifestyle is that like fuck.
My wife by not finding me hot enough to bang constantly anymore. I wanted perfection, I understand she's not into it, but I'm never changing. It just sucks to know I'm going to kick ass and be a business freak, with someone who doesnt want to enjoy it, to the max.
i feel like you should have made a better choice choosing your partner. even though, theres more to life than sex so its whaever. if shes not into it she might be getting it elsewhere
I'm a hardened monk who has more determination for good, than a will to serve my own pleasure. Yea, it's pretty lame, but all that lameness comes from within me. I'm the problem cause I'm too horny, otherwise everything is reasonable. I don't want to be a slut man example for my son, I just can't predict if he is genetically prone to being a slut man or not. Arguably? I'm batty for trying any of dis
If she is, good for her. I don't want to have to woo ever again, I find there to be no real passion for it, when it is all about a monkey's lusts in the end. I love sex, but it is a tool to me, as it has always been. It sharpens my wit, regulates my bowels, and makes me love life and people. I can live without working bowels, extra brain power, and joy.
horniness is a natural urge most guys have and if your not a cheater then you dont have to worry about being a manwhore example for your son. just dont know how someone could be married and still not get sex
>regulates my bowels
im actually laughing so hard right now omg, never heard that one before. anyway, thats extremely depressing yet reasonable
so u dont love the person your married to at all
Self hatred for life choices, how can you want to fuck when you want to die, from what you've done. You choose to never again open yourself up and never look anyone in the eye, unless you have to. That's how you never get laid. Someone is literally going to have to force me to fuck them.
Why dont you shut the fuck up and get back in the kitchen you dumb whore.
And who the fuck told you that you could put on shoes? Get them off right now!
I would do anything for her, since she owns my son, but I can't feel anything. My feelings sound like the band, The Soft Moon, at this point. I USED to be husband material, now I'm just a cranky, antisocial workhorse.
Hey bitchphagaroonie face, go eat shit, I want you to.
Humans are delicate precious flowers, who gave you the hurts?
nag, nag, nag. jesus fucking christ, give it a rest lorraine
I think that anyone with good morals, unless they're rich, will have a tough time. You need to cut some throats to survive. That's true of both men and women. Women at least have the advantage, if they're attractive enough, of being able to marry into wealth.
>hangs around only shit tier men
>complains that all men are shit tier
what a retarded basic bitch, how is thread still alive with no tits. I hope you all die in a volcano full of coronabaids
Goddamnn user. Do you mind sharing what those life choices were?
Why would i get back into the kitchen? Not like i have a husband to cook for lolll
Lmao dont call me lorraine, im not a white woman. Also im venting, DEAL WITH IT
Thats true. But its fking exhausting when everyone around u is immoral and nasty
SHUT THE FUCK UP. disgusting men always try me how is that my fault if im not hanging around them and chose to be alone always FUCK U
get off Cred Forums than
no wonder your ideas of men are twisted if you spend your time here
you seem really fucking stupid.
>chose to be alone always FUCK U
Your choice, your problem. Dumb bimbo, that's probably all you can manage to think of with that tiny teenager potato brain.
This is shitty bait but you're fucking retarded. Women life on tutorial mode, if you don't, then you're either a) too retarded to figure out how to exploit you femininity, b) fat or ugly or c) you're a delusional tranny.
Women basically own 100% of the market when it comes to men's sexual lust. If you're aiming too high for good looking dudes who fuck 100 broads like you a month then you're a retard. Any guy in your league would happily commit to you, you're just blind and hypocritical. Period.
Tits or gtfo bitch
Reading these posts by guys who have no clue about women or anything else is sad. They think their problem is that women are problematic, when it's actually them.
It's so fucking obvious to everyone that you don't have a clue. You should take a more humble approach until you get it.
No. Me being here has nothing to do with trashy immoral men trying to devaluate and use me in real life. Even before i came on Cred Forums men didnt act right. The guys on Cred Forums act exactly how men in real life act but arent open about it
I DONT WANT TO EXPLOIT MYSELF OR MY FEMINISTY. I have morals and i fear god. Im looking for commitment and that doesnt exist bc men are the gatekeepers of that and they would rather die than not be a whore
>hangs around only shit tier men
>complains that all men are shit tier
like why dont you get it?
You hand around in a place with shit men, you will have shit opinions. How dumb can you be to not understand that?
go outside, and get some friends that arent white trash .
Are u talking about the incels here or me??
STOP doing THIS with your POST
Stop going after shitty dudes. People often tend to be shit regardless of which of the thousands of genders they happen to be that day. There's a lot of shit women as well. Maybe try having more to offer than a bitchy attitude towards me.
Commitment exists, it just won't come from the Gigachads you desire. Shoot for men in your own league and you'll be successful dumbass hoe
So where exactly does one go for good options? Im not the problem, if all men act the same how is that something i can change
Lol sorry
>all men act the same
There is no hope for you.
Wdym a bitchy attitude?? Once again, selection is not the issue here if all men are mansluts. Tons of shitty women but i know more worthwhile women than men.
I dont like "chads" my standards are low as hell but guys just dont want to stay no matter how pretty caring and kind u are
>Wdym a bitchy attitude??
>all men are mansluts.
You can't be this retarded
I met most of my good dude friends through work, similar hobbies, volunteering, and mutual connections
If you live a positive life, youll attract positive people. Sometimes I almost forget that there are girls that afraid of relationships because their partners have beaten them so often. That people you trust will stab your back and manipulate you because of their own greed. Or that drugs arent just ways to have fun on the weekends, and some people are hoplessly addicted and can barely survive with their dependencies.
Not being the scum of society is p cool.
Im stating my opinion. Fuck off
So i cant use rude terms when this whole thread is full of nasty names and shit all cuz u freaks cant see things from my perspective?
By calling us incels and trying to act all mature you basically are just contradicting yourself. Grow up.
Finally a worthwhile response with some substance and sense.
OP, I know you will be unable to comprehend this with that pea-sized female brain of yours but I will say it for the edification of the other anons here, the common denominator with all your failed relationships and bad experiences with men is YOU.
YOU are the problem here, not the men.
>Generalizes men
>Expects men not to generalize women
do you understand that generalizing any group is dumb right?
have sex
Okay zoomer
Ive never had a relationship or a date. I just attract bad guys who lust. I do nothing but dodge these men bc i have morals
If all men act exactly the same with every one of them you meet: maybe the problem is the fairy tale reality distortion you have in your head.
I was referring to your self rightous shit attitude, not this thread. I'm starting to see why you have such a hard time with guys. I bet you see them as getting a dog or an accessory because of all the Christian brainwashing on doing nothing with your life besides making babies. Do you even have any hobbies aside from shopping and applying makeup?
Youre right but ive seen way way too much sht in my almost 19 yrs of living
Just post your tits already.
Lol. OP is a slampig
Yeah. Both of them.
stfu whore, go eat 67 more doughnuts and get fatter
Lol the shopping and applying makeup thing was so accurate...i dance and and do contortion on top of that tho.. also i mention the family and babies thing a lot because 4chsn loves to say those are the only things girls are good for. First time ive seen someone do the opposite of that..
Right because alienating people won't scare off the good guys and just keep around the persistent bad ones. Sometimes I wonder how females are so fucking bad and failures at relationships and dating but then I remember how you get a pussy pass over everything because you have life on easy mode and it all makes sense.
Lol. I wish im only 115 currently
I didn’t even get passed reading the third sentence. All I heard was yappin. shut the fuck up bitch. tits/pussy or get the fuck out
>i have morals
You're justifying sexism and generalizing just like a racist would, and hiding behind your Christianity while doing so. You don't have morals. You're a perfect example of wleverything wrong with white women today. You're just bitching because you assume your owed a man that checks all your stupid boxes. No wonder you can't keep a guy.
why are you listening to Cred Forums?
your young a dumb. Cred Forums is clearly ruining your head. get off this site before you have permanent damage to your world view
your already so helplessly lost
dont listen to Cred Forums. seriously.
Not to be on her side but if you treat a woman like shit (like you did in your previous post) you deserve that "bitchy attitude". It goes both ways idiot.
Hey hey no generalizing. And no my life is on hard mode even tho im a girl
First no incels allowed here,
Second tits or gtfo
115? I would tear you the fuck up
Op is 18 years old nice. What do you think of my dick op?
Neck yourself WK
Really? But your on this site too.. and i feel like im smart about it like i dont let the toxicity get to me. I live a productive life but i enjoy the anonymity of Cred Forums
Shut up. The bitch has a shitty attitude. No point in sugar coating it, faggot. Go white knight somewhere else.
Ya know, if you spent as much time on developing a personality as you do smoking nigger dick you might end up a decent woman.
Lol, who am I kidding. All women are trash
Im not white..and i never had any expiriences with men i just avoid them cuz they want to fuck and leave
No u
yeah sure, your name is bob you're a male stuck in a womans body, but since people don't stick people who think they're a dog trapped in a humans body into mental institutions anymore you get registered as a democrat and told some asinine lie to vote for them.
tits or gtfo
Op would probably suck it unfortunately for me op is probably a dude.
I know
I hate this site
Ive been here since I was 16 and can feel the toll its taken on my mental health. I am sick in the head, literally. This site has done nothing good to me, except a lol here and there.
I am addicted to porn, I am desensitized to the woes of the world, but most of all I have been filled to the brim with various forms of right wing and incel propaganda for years. It literally has an effect on you. It is mind control. And it shapes the way you view the world.
I'd leave if I wasnt addicted. but I can never seem to go more than a ccouple months.
Found the incel
Is you a darkie? If so, post your massive black ass so I can jerk off to it
>all these men want to USE you, only have intentions of hooking up and DEVALUATING you
Stop fucking niggers, then
Yeah I do the same but with niggers. Niggers always be trying to rob and get fried chicken on everything while playing basketball and rap music.
>doesnt like basketball, fried chicken, or rap music
You dont sound like that much fun user.
I don't know why you think men are "gatekeepers of commitment" when almost all divorces are filed by women and studies show males NEVER get over a breakup and females do. Men are far more committed and loyal than women.
I was caring and kind to an ugly, no-assed, dumpy titted asian girl with a mongoloid jaw and massive beer belly. I sacrificed way too much of my patience, forgiveness, time, and career for her and all she did was cheat on me continuously, it took me far too long to understand why, but it was just that she was the one putting herself out there boozing and antagonizing their dicks until they gave in. No one was trying to steal her, but she wanted to be stolen. My blood, sweat and tears didn't mean anything, as she just wants all attention from all people at all time.
We have simply proven on both sides that just cause someone is ugly/below our league it doesn't somehow make them automatically a good person.
So now, I won't connect with a women the same way ever again. We both have the same bitterness, even if the details of where it came from are different. And that bitterness will taint any other relationship we try to attain, because the pain and risk are too much for someone with relationship PTSD to cope with. The kind of therapy needed to treat that is literally impossible to purchase because you can't buy a real & healthy relationship.
So for people like us, we can look forward to the knife of hope as it slides it's way through our heart, as we keep thinking maybe this time it will be different, but we see the signs of trouble all too well now, and must either become some kind of masochist, become someone's doormat, or just cut out our own heart and decide to stop loving altogether, and wither into worse bitterness and become a foul misandrist or misogynist that nobody but other bitter assholes can stand being around.
Whats that supposed to mean
What's that? I don't speak in nigger.
Tear your pussy up. He doesn't like cats.
Yeah, I already got it the first time. Thanks but no thanks
lol you dont sound kind. you sound like a bitter bitch that hates men
you dont sound caring. you sound, again, like a bitter bitch that hates men
pretty? I doubt that considering you are on Cred Forums complaining about men
so yea, I may have found your problem. No one wants to be around you because you are not good to be around
OP I wan put foot long peepee in ur vagoo and leave
Wow thats insane. Didnt think it was that serious. For me, i just take nothing seriously..i just dont know how one can be addicted to such a strange website
u sure white guys dont do it too..?
>takes nothing serious
>whole thought process of men is based on Cred Forums experiences
yea okay
you sound like a pussy who always feels sorry for himself.
not that user but it's a phrase commonly used by pick up artists to explain the phenomenon during mating rituals most humans tend to be that females don't want to have sex unless the males agree to a relationship before hand. Where as men are less likely to want a relationship unless there is sex involved. Generally the expectation of a relationship is so the female can leech off the male so it is sort of a ridiculous concept in a lot of ways.
Nott true. No man can be loyal to one person its just not possible and the divorce thing is a different can of worms so dont open it
say that to my face, BITCH, and ill kick your whore ass around the room. you only dare to say that shit per internet you fucking slut. stfu or we gonna track you down and RAID YOUR FUCKING HOME YOU UNDERSTAND ?!?!? DIE
expect use. anonymoose
How so? I do not feel sorry for myself. I do dislike this site though, and wish I could kick it.
I am clinically depressed however, so I guess I am in my emotions a bit more than most. But I try to work towards goals every day. Its actually been a big help in my life, as I kinda have to push myself in order to not be super sad. Im 25 and own 2 houses, while coming from a poor family, so if anything I am happy that my head is kinda fucked up.
Wow i actually really like this response thanks user
I respect non-thot cute intelligent white women who want children immensely. I wish I had one. I hope you make it user.
Ya good luck with that
Well u cant speak on my looks or personality cuz u dont know me and cant see me so....point im trying to make is that its not easy being a girl with morals especially an attractive or average one cuz these men wil TRY u
Proof is in the pudding.
Only roasties type like that
No. My thoughts are based on real life sadly.
your a fucking virgin
what the hell do you know about men using people for their bodies? you have literally never been used. all youve done is read some shit online
Lol i would say it to ur face but its nothing personal im just venting on Cred Forums....oooo im so scared ur gona track me down oooo loll
real life isn't like high school. Why aren't you in college? Are you just hoping to freeload off some tool bag while being his cumdumpster? Is this relationship you're looking for that shallow?
because you have no vagina and are really a larping fag? or because your just a dumb cunt playing hard to get? i’m confused
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
you dont know what you´re messing with. analnymoose destroyed several lifes. you´ll be just a number. sayonara
A guy once tried to use me for sex...i dont get used cuz im smart and value myself. I then realized how men really are and how manipulative and disgusting they can be. Thats why i think the way i do. I know their true colors
I am in college lol. I dont know what ur ranting about
>1 man
>bases entire thought process of men after that one experience
yea idk how smart you actually are. doesnt sound like very smart at all
Lol ur not op .
Lol stop boasting i cant even tell if ur being sarcastic
>i dont get used cuz im smart and value myself
I'm sure you'll keep telling yourself this when your 40 and a dried up single cat lady.
I just feel like he was a reflection of how all guys are. It fked me up cuz he did a good job acting and tricking me.
Thats why i made this thread. I dont want to be one. But no man wants to commit so ima end up being one..cuz i wont be used as someome's masterbation toy.
I met a black guy that stole from me once so now I hate all niggers. This is basically what you're saying.
Oh yes you will. Stupid slut. Post pussy
>I just feel like he was a reflection of how all guys are
>I just feel like
exactly. you are creating your feelings off a group of billions of people after one instance. you are so fucking dumb.
some people think like that though
we cant help the retarded, user
Shut the fuck up you nigger
This isn't your fucking blog
This isn't a place where you will get sympathy
Don't tell us what to do and what to think
Go back to Africa
You will end up being a crazy cat lady because of your inherent contempt for all men.
Seriously this thread needs to hijacked by Spiderman or something. Wtf
Ok ill admit im wrong but my main point is still valid
No i will end up a cat lady cuz no man can act right.
>being ok with no tits or timestamp from attention whores
Go back to your safe space fucking newfag
Yeah keep blaming men for your self inflicted problems.
Sad thing is i dont even have problems like that...lol
Just like incels do to women
You do, your just too dumb and immature to realize that you're the problem.
Yeah and fuck them too.
Lol u dont even know me
Lots of good points made here. But I am reminded of the statement, women control half the money and all of the pussy in the world. If they wanted to be in power, they would be. If they wanted a woman U.S. president, they would have one.