Why do people spend their rent allowance on a shitty underpowered cuckPhone when the competition is technically...

Why do people spend their rent allowance on a shitty underpowered cuckPhone when the competition is technically superior, open source and cheaper?

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because iphones get you laid, no self-respecting women would touch the dick of an androitlet


Most people aren’t very savvy and follow trends.

Gaming phones are ugly as fuck

The iPhone 11 Pro Max looks like a flat-earthers bowling ball, whereas my ROG Phone 2 looks like a tool.

Lmao you think my rent is the same costs

no one said anything close to this
learn some fucking English

Where I live, rent allowance is a small percentage of total rent, which most people won't use on rent.

So what do they do?

You guessed it!

Because some of us care about privacy and security

So you’re poor?

Middle class, decent income.

I was an android fag until I realized you get a few benefits switching to a modern iPhone.

Super smooth OS
More accurate keyboard
Excellent camera on the 11pro
More privacy focused
Android has superior AI built in but at the cost of collecting literally everything you do on the device
Company refuses to build a backdoor for the feds to decrypt your device, android is much easier to break into
Less vulnerabilities, just look at the cash they are awarding for exploits in iOS vs Android. This is a good indicator that they are more rare and difficult to achieve.

I doubt they're very rare if everyone and their local jehova has one.

You look like a tool

Yes open source will always be more vulnerable but the feds have already gotten access long ago... That is a lie now. Besides security the rest is preference as hardware has caught up on both sides.

hahaha, wait, u really mean it? HAHAHAHA.


>is technically superior
Normal people don't care about specs, they want something that runs their applications and doesn't lag, freeze or stutter.
>open source
Again, normal people don't care about open vs. closed source.
Good luck figuring out what $400 device is better.

You are paying for more security. I doubt half the users care, need, or even realize but the only distinguishable aspect of IPhones now are the GUI, Cpu and security.

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>normal people
>doesn't lag, freeze or stutter

So upgrading IPhones every year is your solution... Just buy a new one before it slows down right. Oh wait what is planned obsolescence and why has Apple literally pioneered it

Look you fags, I KNOW the latest ios and IPhones will always better than 99% of all androids... But you fuckers are claiming shit that has been debunked in 2014... Watch some more LTT fucking noobs.

Just switched from my old iPhone (6s) to a new android (LG G8x), and boy this is a downgrade.
My new phone has much better hardware, but still feels much slower.

The standard apps like the mail client or the calendar are much better under iOS and even after trying out a few different alternatives for android, I haven't found any mail client or calendar comparable with the apple one in terms of usability.

There are more apps available for android than for IOS, for example theres a really great keepass client where the ones for iOS usually suck, android has a few more edgecases covered (e.g. I can use my phone to flash an SD card for my raspi), and I really like the dual screen feature of the G8x.
I don't regret switching (well except for the fact that I lost a shit tone of calendar and contact data because google drive can't sync this properly), but it still feels like a downgrade, Apple is just usability wise miles ahead.

i think you should have higher standards for what is normal

sounds like you just suck at using a phone

Because nothing important every happened on an iphone or macbook so no one bothers to hack them.

>not just changing the battery.

>More privacy focused
Android is much superior if you install a custom rom without gapps or with microg. Much much better. Apple is only alittle better at privacy but honestly they're about the same.
>More accurate keyboard
You can install different keyboards on android retard
It's less vulnerable you retard. Security by obscurity doesn't work with shit. Good to have everything in the open so people can fix it

>not at all tech savvy
You can literally get better than this, for less than an iPhone.
You bought it for the name, not the tech.
They are NOT the phone of innovation anymore.

Because Asus has shit tier quality control and customer service.

Sorry but name ONE feature that the native Apple Mail/Calendar application has over the Gmail or Google Calendar app??? Oh wait you can't and you are just emotionally shitting out critiques that have no base at all.

>provides a well-spoken argument for an iPhone
>fanboy not having any of it
Sounds pretty typical. Android users are the vegans of the technology world

Wrong. Shut the fuck up you beta bitch, get back to watching your "girl" get laid out with nigger aids in your cage.

>normal people dont care about specs
>proceeds to mention the things directly affected by the specifications of the device.
I'm not sure YOU see how retarded that sounds, but I know I do.
Literally most 400 dollar devices are better or equal in ability to iPhones, your lack of knowledge on this subject shows.

>doesn't lag, freeze or stutter.
>low standards
That's a pretty high standard though. Even flagship phones lag on certain use cases.

Explain to me how open source mobile OSs are less vulnerable than apples? I don't want principals and theories fucker actually answer it.

>no base at all
How about his actual, personal experience using both? In case you forgot, it’s his choice to use what he wants. Why are you mad about that?

You sound like the kind of person who can't afford a new phone every year.
Every year I go to my carrier's store, trade in the old one and buy a new one.
Every two years trade in my old ride and buy a new car.
Every three years I break up with the old one and get a new girlfriend.
Always upgrade your stuff every few years user, don't live with old shit.

Work natively with Siri.

One feature? Usability.

Pointing out you don't like something but not telling us how he got to that fucking conclusion is pretty baseless but okay.

eh since i use my phone as simply a phone neither is really a good deal to me. i guess if you use your phone to replace a laptop or desktop maybe it's justifiable, but i can't see dropping half a grand just to post good selfies on facebook.

??? It doesn't matter if you can afford it or not. Congrats dude the adults are talking. This is not a budget discussion thread. I don't need to justify buying the latest model every year to sustain the same performance.

Are you retarded? Having stuff open source means more eyeballs can look at it and test it, correct mistakes and fix shit so stuff isn't vulnerable. Apple is the only one looking at their shit and people can still find vulnerabilities without the full source code and less chance to fix since nobody is looking at their code from the outside. Plus open source OSs respect your freedom and privacy. Apple does not at all.

He’s not your child, he doesn’t have to “explain it to you” ya fuckin elitist douchebag

Sure you can install a custom rom but I think we are more or less comparing default installations on both iOS and Android. You also have to ensure the device running the custom ROM is still able to receive critical updates that address CVEs when they are disclosed.

... That doesn't mean anything you fucker. That's like me saying the ps4 controller is better than xbone because of... USABILITY. Holy shit is this Cred Forums

Guess it's not then you stupid faggot. You probably can't even answer it or even understand the question lmao

For some people, aesthetics and usability are everything.

>Shelling out cash to a company that fucks its user base constantly because you think some girl is gonna get wet for iphones

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>le ebin thousand eyeballs meme :DDDDD

Because it just works

People who think iphones are better are the equivalent to consolecucks thinking consoles are better than PC.

Only CVEs of the open source part can be fixed. Binary drivers are still vulnerable.

>This is not a budget discussion thread.
I'm guessing you didn't read the OP.
Maybe you should come back when the adults are done talking and have someone read this all to you.

It was clearly a joke.

You’re defending your choice of phone while calling other people faggot.

Such a display of fragile masculinity.

Just do me a favor and get help before you blow a gasket. Anger and stress can kill a person

Apple keeps getting into lawsuits for planned obsolescence on their already overpriced garbage, and yet people will keep buying them because they are sheep who care more about the color and little apple icon than they do about value, money, or actual functions.
I will not argue with people over their preference, but the second they open their mouth about iphones being good at anything other than ripping off their own customers I'll show them how its complete bullshit.

the one on the left takes crystal clear photos that i can send to bitches on snapchat
the one on the right has a better camera yet any photo i take has a film of gray static over it making it look pixelated and shitty
what do you really think i would go with?

>you sound like the type of person who cant afford a new phone every year.
This guy needs someone to help him, he's so out of touch.
MOST PEOPLE cannot afford a new phone every year.50% of americans make less than 30,000 a year, before taxes.
iPhones are for people who like to follow trends; people who want a phone as quickly and expensively as possible, without possibly viewing definite better options.
iPhones are planned to fail regularly, and utilizes specialized screws to prevent repairs when those failures occur, so that you are forced to bring the device into one of their "Geniuses".
Device wise, apple talks a lot of game, but has been using less and less modern processing equipment overtime, charging the same costs as if they were using those higher quality materials.
I can buy a phone now, that in 2 years will be as good as the iPhone that comes out then, and that is a PROBLEM.

Consoles are better than PCs when you do casual gaming or when you never fell into the >4k60 4xMSAA >144fps meme

Sorry I didn't pour my heart out to a stranger and tell him how many times I suck my girlfriends dick and go to the apple store??? The main issue is the price differential, not your stupid fucking budget. Pro tip nigger. No one gives a shit and I didn't even read your apple eulogy.

Go count the number of CVEs. There are more CVEs in existence for Android versus iOS. I’d say this is a good indicator that android is less secure than iOS even if it is open source.

iOS: 1655 vulnerabilities since 2007
Android: 2563 vulnerabilities since 2009



That's why I said only alittle better. Honestly apple vs android stock is shit, they both suck. It's like comparing a piece of shit vs warm piss. I don't wanna eat/drink either. There are so many custom roms out there you can get one with say project treble and you will get all the security fixes you want. Me, I'm running an old version of one because I don't give a shit. Security updates are a meme. Eventually I'll build the custom rom I'm using on my own and add my own touches to it and add security fixes. Maybe add project treble support if it's easy enough.
kys normie. People that don't mind big corporations and the gov spying on them are retards. 1984 line of thinking, fucking sad as shit. The get was well spent, not on some retarded bootlicker like yourself.
>le heartbleed
opensource doesn't guarantee perfect software because it's written by humans and humans aren't perfect. Literally many different walks of life can look at the code vs stupid drones in a company. It's literally 100x better

>I’d say this is a good indicator that android is less secure than iOS even if it is open source.
or maybe it's a good indicator of android doing a better job of you know actually fixing their shit

>because iphones get you laid, no self-respecting women would touch the dick of an androitlet

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Are you saying android isn't?

>for planned obsolescence
Not quite, they're getting sued because for lack of transparency when they started throttling malfunctioning devices.

>fps has continually been proven to make you BETTER at games, upon smoothing the animations of certain things, it creates more precursory data for you to react to

not really, it does indicate that the marketshare for android is higher.

inb4 "its thu same thing!!!!"

No. I’m saying there literally is a market so that people can decide which aesthetics they prefer more.

>opensource doesn't guarantee perfect software because it's written by humans and humans aren't perfect
Nice damage control m8

Can you google planned obsolescence before you say something so fucking stupid?

My kids game on a small form factor go with an i72600 and a 1050ti with 16gb ram. Have access to all the games on any of the steam libraries many of which have split screen multiplayer and controller support, as well as emulators for consoles from old status to the n64. And everything in between as well as a library of 2500+ old did games. Tell me how consoles are superior?

Because it is more expensive, it is a show of wealth. That's why people would rather buy fake iphones than good android phones, for the same price.

Basically, because appearances.

Damage control? I'm literally explaining to your retarded pea brain that nothing is perfect. I never claimed open source is perfect. Nothing humans touch is perfect.

Yes but they usually BACK IT UP with actual physical traits. Like wow I can access all my apps easier because the swipe gesture is more natural for my hands... If I was an LG manufacturer Id not get anything useful from that guy besides updating touch response.

Calm down bro, you’re gonna give yourself a heart attack or have a stroke

The rog phone is not water proof

iphone is

Ok but what was the purpose of the throttling?

are you gonna take it scuba diving or something?

Sure market share is higher but these are CVEs related to the operating system itself, not individual devices. I don’t think this is a case where hackers are more interested in one OS over the other. Both are targets of interest for sure. If anything the numbers could indicate that it may be easier to exploit Android vs iOS. Granted the impact that the CVEs have may play into account as well but if we are talking raw amount of exploits and known attack surfaces Android is not doing as well in that aspect.

>acting like saying this doesnt make it true
They ARE the same thing
They throttled OLDER devices, not malfunctioning devices, purposefully adding software to ONLY older devices to force them to slow down by being full of bloatware.
Apples claim? "Oh its to save your old phone's battery"
I'm unsure if you have ever held a phone in your life, but when you open a couple of apps then look at your battery consumption, does it seem to get slower or faster?

>ignoring the meat of my argument
What's planned obsolescence user?

Not necessarily. I prefer Apple because the ecosystem is more cohesively designed. Apps and systems work together better. What physical trait does that tie to?

I can play fortnite at 60fps and high detail on my 700$ iPhone. It only has 3 gigs of ram kek. I don’t give a fuck about phone specs anymore. Go back to Linus tech tips’ comments section with this dorky bullshit

??? Lmao I have refuted claims for both android /ios and open/closed source OS the whole time. But hey, you still don't know what the fu k I was even asking LMAO. Cope harder and stay on your side.

Not to mention that they will quote most repair jobs at a fucking stupid high price, in hopes that you will just say fuck it and buy a new whatever.

>personal anecdote that cant be verified as an argument, because you know apple is objectively worse everywhere else.

well for double the price i would hope so.

This is absolutely true.
Often apple throttles old devices, and they do it still.

We get it kid, you're a faggot. Go back to sucking dicks in 8th grade before we tell your parents you're on Cred Forums again

Found the android user.

>No expandable storage
>No removable battery
>No IR Blaster
>No IP/MIL-STD compliances
>No dedicated DAC

I agree OP, they are both shitty and underpowered.

Imagine living in a country that uses euros.

I wasn’t the person you were talking to before but planned obsolescence is:

“a policy of producing consumer goods that rapidly become obsolete and so require replacing, achieved by frequent changes in design, termination of the supply of spare parts, and the use of nondurable materials.“

Do you really think that Apple gets its parts anywhere different than any other phone manufacturer? By definition android phone manufacturers do the same thing.

60fps is OK. 72fps is good, 85fps is better.
144fps is too much.
They're "plug and play", enough for some users.
No phone will be waterproof because it's literally asking for lawsuits.
To cover up the fuckups they made by forcing the voltage and power regulation to their limits to save battery.
Yes, they fucked up even with new devices. I had to take my 8-month SE to service because it was shutting down and throttling by itself and they had to replace battery.

Samsung galaxy is getting ridiculous too

my $100 chinese ulefone rapes both

>decides the quality of his own arguments
>qualifies any dissent as an opinion of a fanboy

sounds like you just suck at a lot of things lol

Physical traits would be how the OS better lets you access and use the applications. For example having direct access to all system files on Android is an amazing feature and a reason I stay on it. Now that Apple has it as well it is no longer an entirely exclusive feature, although I'm sure system files are still blocked on Apple.

That’s the beauty of consumerism - I don’t have to justify my decisions to you or anyone else. I’m not arguing for or against anything. I haven’t stated that Android is inferior once. If you like Android, go ahead. If you like Apple, so be it. I couldn’t care less.

My question to you is: why do you care so much?

>this guy
The limitation of material durability is not how the term is used in court, due to the modern era having the ability to affect obsolescence independently of the materials of the phone.
>I can send you a forced product update that easily slows and boosts your phone, and I can force it
This fact gives rise to the actual definition;
Designing a product with a limited useful life so as to become obselete after a period of time.
Apple got sued for this, android didn't.
By definition, I'd say you're wrong.

1. Doesn't need to be connected to google mail
2. can directly detect appointments organized via an exchange server and can add them to the calendar without needing to open the mail
1. Not being synchronized with google account (because actually I would violate my working contract and the NDA i signed if I would sync it with a third party like google...)
2. Creating and managing new (offline) calendars (maybe this is possible, but if I am not able to find it within 1 minute this is even worse).

Also: Design, honestly navigating the google calendar sucks hard compared with apple

What’s your social score Coronafag?

>no expandable storage
They knew people would pair their $999 phones with $3 microSD and then whine to the geniuses on their device's sluggishness.
>no removable battery
>no ir blaster
My Harmony does a better job, even their taptic engine doesn't compare to physically feeling the buttons.
>no ip/mil-std compliances
mil-std is overkill

>someone didnt read the OP.
This thread is designed to care about what we are discussing, you dont need to be in it newfag

What court? Apple was sued in France. It’s still legal in the United States.

If it's hard to use, It's badly designed, simple as that.

>adding storage slows the phone
This guy needs to stop discussing this topic before he makes himself look more stupid.

The point I was making is that you’re retarded for caring this much

kek, uk. $100 phone, 4g. why the fuck would you spend any more

>android doesnt exist in france

Kek, that sucks for the US

>I can't win so I wanna flail my arms like a child

>have 64gb NVMe-like storage
>put a $3 class-6 microSD and merge storage volumes
>not slowing down the device

>flat-earthers bowling ball

NIGGER,if I want any shit out of you,I'll squeeze your head.

this is literally a conversation about phones lol, a dialogue. explanations are all that should be in this thread

if you dont want people to have to think go back to your trap threads and YLYL bullshit

They meant the exploits are rare, not the phones, dumbass.

> x FPS is too much.
pic related

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You see it that way... But for me(not the guy you replied to) it's pure passion for technology. I love seeing how well a company can stack up against the best hardware/software. And when they actually succeed in some things it's very exciting and to compare specifications. I don't know maybe just kys boomer

1apps on iPhones run better (its proven)

2 iPhones get OS supported far more than androids (more than 5 years)

3 iPhones have far superior CPU and GPU

4 iPhones are better looking

in conclusion, it doesnt matter how fancy and expensive an android phone looks, because at the end of the day, it still runs android

Android is not 100% open source

Guess I’m a boomer now lol

Android doesn’t have to use planned obsolescence when it’s flagship phones lag out the box

>Work natively with Siri.
It's amazing how many people are so retarded that they need a "digital assistant" to use their phone.

2. Doesn't matter when the phone turns unusable slow after 2 years
3. Only because it's dedicated to the software.
4. I hate women
5.you cant batch download albums and drag and drop at USB C 3.0 speeds.
6. 2020 and still no USB C lmao

2. Doesn't matter when IPhones slow to an unusable halt after 2 years
3. Only because it's dedicated to the software
4. I don't like women as much as you
5. Still no USB C. Have fun with your 30mbps transfer speed lmaoo

And this is why capitalist theory is invalidated by real life. As long as you have people willing to pay exorbitant prices for iphones (or any other brand name) it drives up the price of any similar product. Because to be the low price version doesn't mean you have to be low price it just has to be less expensive. As in OP image, if people weren't willing to pay 1300 for the iphone the other phone could still be profitably sold for 200. But why would that company bother to sell it for that price when a comparison price of 700 still looks great.

So when you say your purchases don't effect others that's not true. People who purchase because of brand cache rather than true item value drive up prices for everyone.

everyone makes fun of this guy but its true.
Ive had much more luck using imessage to get nudes/hookup. girls are stupid and their brains like the blue bubbles

Literally doesn’t matter. I can browse Cred Forums on either phone and it’ll ring either way when my debt collectors call.

Are you mad that a guy with an android cucked your mom

While I don't doubt women actually care about that shit, I am going to make fun of him and you even more because I bought an iPhone for the exact reason. I then realized it's faster to get nudes on Snapchat so I am back on meth android.

But also, it's concerning that you type "back on meth" frequent enough for your phone to autocorrect to it

My little sisters 180€ phone is on par with the iPhone 11 Pro Max in terms of specs.

My dad's 130€ phone is on par with the iPhone 11

My mom's 90€ phone is on par with the iPhone XR

Try harder.

the "slow iPhones over time" was a software feature to save battery life sacrificing perfomance, which is fixed now and no iPhones gets slower now. if anything faster.

>chinese shill detected

Who cares about a mail app? All you do on there is send emails you fucking pleb

yes its dedicated to software, and guess what? ALL OF THE SMARTPHONES ARE SOFTWARE BASED IN 2020 lol.

that would be unlikely, as my mom doesn't like scrubs

usb c and 30mbps transfer speed lmao its not 2002 everything wireless based

Imagine learning that device tracks and monitors everything you do and still keeping it lol. If you own one you're an NPC.

>2. Doesn't matter when the phone turns unusable slow after 2 years
This isn't a problem with iPhones, I used mine for over 4 years, no drop in speed notable. I just switched because of battery power
>3. Only because it's dedicated to the software.
Well, and because native software based on LLVM backend is much more performant than a JIT VM language like Java DEX
>5.you cant batch download albums and drag and drop at USB C 3.0 speeds.
You know USB 3.2 is currently state of the art? 3.0 is 7 years old.
Still iPhones have a slow connection, thats true, but in my 4 years i used an Iphone I never encountered this as a problem (basically I never transfer files from my PC)
>6. 2020 and still no USB C lmao
Apple will never use common plugs.

>Implying iPhone software isn't made by humans

>using a phone with your hands while driving

At least she's european, where SMS are irrelevant. In murica she would be bullied because "muh green bubbles".
Also, define "on par" please.

>android apps run on vm
Hey grandpa, today's Android compiles the DEX to native code.

I wouldn't buy a phone for half that price

For the same price, I can play the same game at 120fps, ultra settings, 4k.

It *only* has 12gb of ram.


Yeah, it fucking sucks. A bunch of commies just got elected over here. Gonna move abroad within the year

Yeah, good specs, price too high.

You will never have enough frames.

Because capitalism. You know what I can’t figure out? Why faggots like you think your opinions matter. Literally no one cares that you don’t like iPhones. Like no one. So you imply the fact that not owning an iPhone makes you ‘better’, which is precisely what android owners say people who own iPhones do when the truth is, we live in a capitalistic society that values consumerism. If everyone just did what you wanted, we wouldn’t live in a society that allows for so many different freedoms. So shut your stupid facehole because your opinion is like an asshole. Everyone’s got em, and they all shitty.

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>Using a phone AT ALL while driving

If you don't give a shit, why are you here?

because people are mindless sheep that marvel every year at a phone that becomes 10% faster and costs 50% more

>Super smooth OS
same as on android, but for kids
>More accurate keyboard
>Excellent camera on the 11pro
like every good phone, but who actually cares?
>More privacy focused
>Android has superior AI built in but at the cost of collecting literally everything you do on the device
who cares
>Company refuses to build a backdoor for the feds to decrypt your device, android is much easier to break into
yeah right, if you believe that you're actually retarded
>Less vulnerabilities, just look at the cash they are awarding for exploits in iOS vs Android. This is a good indicator that they are more rare and difficult to achieve.
that's fair

>Hey grandpa, today's Android compiles the DEX to native code.
>JIT VM language like Java DEX
Don't you know what JIT means?
It's only fast when visting the same code regularly. On startup nothing is compiled, and if a branch isn't visited often, it will be removed from the cache and needs to be recompiled. And compiling also takes resources

you can’t cuck a woman you bimbo

ART was fully AOT till Nougat came. The first boot was eternal on those devices.

>wants everything handed to them with no customization or ability to change
>calls others NPCs

lol ok

>yeah right, if you believe that you're actually retarded


i'm pretty sure the green bubbles meme only applies to middle schoolers and those with the education level of middle schoolers

i've never met a competent adult that has ever even considered caring about this

imagine never questioning the society you live in


yes you can you drooling mongoloid

To make sure op knows no one cares. Are you a simple person or something?

Imagine asking all of the wrong questions


>imagine thinking this is a good rebuttal

Imagine someone not caring

Hi, it's OP. Fell asleep about 20 minutes after posting, I'm surprised this thread didn't get pruned. This thread was intended to be a talking point for each platforms respective users to discuss why they use the platform of their choice, which was admittedly rather naive of me.

As I actually see it, it's a matter of what software you use. Apple doesn't need to have incredible specs for the software their devices run. They built up their own ecosystem, so apps don't have to be built to support hundreds upon thousands of different devices. They just need it to be optimised well enough for use on their devices. Games on iOS tend to perform better in the weaker hardware because their designed for the weaker hardware, whereas with android, because of numerous different devices with different specifications, they tend to be optimised for whatever is best, which tends to be the high spec midrange phones.

>Why are you mad about that?
there is a reason to be mad, it's giving apple money which is objectively a bad thing

What if I told you I don’t care?

I wouldn't believe you, because you came here of your own will

I wouldn't believe you, because you came here of your own will.

That doesn’t mean I should care. It means that I am here and I don’t care. You assume that all people who own either android or apple do so because either one or the other suits there needs over what they don’t own. But that doesn’t take into account people who simply use what they have, because perhaps it was a gift, or they got the cheapest one. To them, it doesn’t matter. Therefore, why should they care?

Work gave me a guyphone 6
They pay for my phone service
Life is good with -1 less bill

what are "rent allowances"?

anyone who cares which phone they have isnt living their life right.

Looks like I was right not to believe you. My post was written to cover the people who were going out of their way to buy either phone. As for gifts/working with what you can get, fair enough. Beggars can't be choosers.

Government pays for a portion of your bill on social welfare.

Have an 11 pro, looks and works great. Previous phone was a iphone 6S that lasted for 5 years.

>they tend to be optimised for whatever is best, which tends to be the high spec midrange phones.

Lewl at giving a shit about a phone.

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Allowance doesn't just refer to money from your parents as a kid for doing chores. If you set an allowance for yourself you are responsibly keeping money required to pay your bills separate from money you are saving and money you can spend on what you like.

OP is implying no-one can afford an iphone without being behind on their rent

The typical layman shouldn't care. All they need is a slab that can call and text, maybe other remedial shit.

Giant cunts like me give a colossal, planet sized leaky shit about what phone they have, because I'm looking for a bit more than what typical phone usage would net you.

The midrange phones are what most android users tend to buy nowadays, so it would be stupid to focus entirely on flagships.

Not that flagships are left out either. That would be just as stupid.

Because I get free ones from work. Easy

>user implying that rich people don't pay their rent.

I bet your hypocritical name dropping stupid ass also says consoles suck

Not sure if b8 but i'll bite. If you think apple devices are secure and the dog and pony show the atty gen put on about demanding apple give backdoors was real, you're gonna have a bad time. If someone wants in, they get in. Companies in (((israel))) have tools that make access as simple as fuck. User is first line of weakness, software second and hardware third.


Define Hypocrite

Do I look like Merriam Webster?


Because green messages are yucky


iPhone cameras are still better, if you weren't poor and retarded you'd probably know that megapixels isn't the only metric that determines the quality of an image.

Imagine owning a phone that has "Republic of Gamers" in the name. Enjoy your virginity

This is like comparing a Rolex to a Casio.

I’ve never owned an android phone that works as well as my iPhone. Now, maybe that’s because the last android phone I owned was a galaxy s6, but I don’t know that android has improved much since then because after a year and a half, my gf’s s9 won’t hold a full charge, and it randomly cuts out in the middle of a call. she puts it on the wireless charging pad and wake up the next morning to find that it hadn’t charged at all but maintained the same 15% charge it had the previous night. I use the same pad to charge my iPhone 10 and I have no issues with it. If we’re talking about mainstream phones, I think the argument for variability in quality assurance between them is certainly at play but for my money, I’d rather have a phone that I don’t have to tweak to make it work. If I pay a thousand bucks for a phone, I don’t want to have to fix it all the time. My gf likes android because it runs some apps better than iPhones do, which is fair. Personally, I wouldn’t make that trade off. You can debate all you want but for 3 years, my iPhone works perfectly. Which is to say it does what I need it to do. I’ve never owned an android that does for this long. And I’ve owned plenty going back to the sidekick. (I’m old)

That I will.

What are the phones then? Prove it so we can look them up.

>Company refuses to build a backdoor for the feds to decrypt your device, android is much easier to break into

Imagine being this gullible and ignorant that you came to this conclusion

They don’t need it you retard it’s just convenient

Spoken like a true virgin. Pathetic

Sidekick 4g? That phone was a tremendous stain to the sidekick name. Had one for about 2 months, went back to my sidekick lx pretty quickly, didn't care that servers were dead.

Being correct sucks

Not him but huawei has better specs than iphone or samsung. They produce little computer. Not implied you give a fuck about trump saying huawei should be banned, because it is chinese spionage software, while the fbi, nsa and trump bought out apple to install backdoors.

>while the fbi, nsa and trump bought out apple to install backdoors
That doesn't matter since the FBI is also the main funder of facebook. If you do illegal shit, western govt agencies will find you, no matter what "secure" phone you use. But you are right, samsung and iphone are overpriced.

So the only thing that matters is pricing and in that regard Iphone is the absolute loser