If Obama was so popular and such a "successful" President, why is his former VP losing so badly?
If Obama was so popular and such a "successful" President, why is his former VP losing so badly?
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Because Iowa and New Hampshire are too 'white'. Which basically implies niggers and spics will just vote for Joe because they're told too.
meanwhile,drumpf cant get his wall built.couldnt get mexico to pay for it,couldnt put hillary in jail
but im sure,to his redneck idiot fanbase.he's "winning",even though your to stupid to realize the economy is going down the toilet because trump is a miserable president
>niggers and spics will vote for joe
>because you'd rather they vote for the political party with a president who wants to deport the spics and hates the niggers
god republicans are so retarded now
We're talking about your DNC hero, champ. You wanna try that again?
Why won't Obama endorse him?
This is pretty much literally what Biden said on the news this morning.
Deport the spics who came illegally? Yes he does. By the way how many of those spics have you taken into your home? Since you love them so much
You dumb Nigger, your vote doesn't count during a presidential election.
What? You can't even spell your presidents name. You dumb nigger
What's even funnier is this fucking moron left NH and went straight to South Carolina, when the next primary is in fucking Nevada. He's basically going to beg the niggers to vote for him en masse, like they did with Obama.
Because he's 4 years too late.
" economy down the toilet"
Stock market hits record highs
My 401k went up 24.5% last year.
In b4 you give failure Obama, who increased our budget deficit by more than every president before him COMBINED credit.
Nobody gets virtue points voting for a white guy. All I heard after Obama was elected from whites was how great it was to see a black man in the WH. People at work were actually bragging about how open minded they were.
Because he is a fucking idiot and a pedo
Obama will endorse the nominee. He doesnt want to bet on a losing horse and divide the party
My 401k has also gained 20+% per year the past 2 years. Feels nice man.
Trumps been accused of sexual harassment, there is straight up pics and vids of joe doing it.
Biden just comes off as an asshole. He acts like he wants to fight everyone. I personally want him to win because the debates would be great. Imagine Trump bringing the insults and Biden coming unglued. He might actually shit himself with rage
and there's lawsuits filed against trump, including his first wife, who was granted divorce on grounds of cruelty.
No he wont hes got a book coming out if he picks sides he loses about half his potential sales. The same reason he didnt endorse Biden.
because he's retarded, and whoever made sure he kept his mouth shut during the obama years needs to be paid more
Lawsuits dont mean shit anymore. Guaranteed they are all dropped or thrown out by the time he leaves office. Hes not the first pres. to get lawsuits dropped on him and he wont be the first convicted either. Nixon and Kennedy skated like champs.
>there is straight up pics and vids of joe doing it.
Yet no one even brings that up
>and there's lawsuits filed against trump
>lawsuits are the same as criminal charges
Found the foreigner
oh hai
whoops, forgot this
And he received the nobel prize for doing what?
They are different people you fucking moron.
They ran the same agenda you stupid fuck. Nice job completely missing the point. But I'll guessing you're some smelly foreigner given how fucking stupid you are.
Obama had to increase the deficit in order to bail us out of the Bush depression. Also the stock market hits record highs under literally every president.
not being an orange conman.
Google it yourself sizzle chest
Seriously, even Obama said "I don't really deserve this" in his acceptance speech.
Of course you don't have a real answer. You probably weren't even born yet when he got that reward.
Because they're different people, dumbfuck.
>when he got that reward.
it's "award"
shill harder Boris
Because even while Obama was President, everyone knew Slow Joe was an idiot. He was Impeachment/assassination insurance.
Look, fat.
there is a 9,000,000 kroner (~1,000,000usd) reward with that award
he is stupid like the fucking nigger was
Because republitards would rather see the country go down the tubes than admit Drumpf was a horrid mistake.
ha ha ha really?
He wasn't a mistake for them, they don't want a United States. He's stroking their religious cock and sucking off the uber-rich. It's a win-win for the retarded hillbilly Trumpturd and he's the Homer Simpson of rich people.
>If Obama was so popular and such a "successful" President
You're not considered a successful President just because you're a better president than Trump
Typical liberal, when confonted by facts namecall.Numbers don't lie, nor are theu capable of being racist.
You cry " muh racism" about everything.Accusing normal people of being hatemongers when they are not got you 4 years of Trump. Keep it up and enjoy your next 4.
>My 401k went up 24.5% last year.
My 401k went up 30% under Obama but when I pointed this fact out in 2016, people here called me a nigger. So I guessssss, you're a nigger.
For drone strikes killing men ,women,children.
No one liked the creepy old fuck, he was just tagged on to obama because he had been in the party for a long time and it was "his turn".
>My 401k has also gained 20+% per year the past 2 years. Feels nice man
it didn't go up under Obama? I made a killing, what were you doing?
>For drone strikes killing men ,women,children.
awwww...you're such a pussy. Obama killed plenty of terrorists too so fuck off. U-S-A!!!
>My 401k went up 30% under Obama
Sure it did Tyrone
High School and College
Not a fan of Bush either, but let's put the blame where it belongs
There was a recession not a depression.And why did the housing bubble exist? Libtard politicians forcing banks to take toxic loans because " muh feelings"
If you flip burgers at McDonalds, you can't afford a $300,000 home.Again and Again Dem politicians were warned about the repercussions, and what would happen.
i don't want to work. i want someone else to pay for my shit
Barney Frank was more to blame than Bush
If a man who
>wife got divorce for cruelty
>bragged about grabbing pussies
>bragged about barging in the makeup room of Ms. Universe full of naked underage girls
>on record saying you should treat women like shit
>claims he keeps tic tacs on him to sneak a kiss (he doesn't even wait!)
Has literally hundreds of accusations of sexual assault and multiple lawsuits filed across *decades*...
What conclusion would you make about this person?
Well that was in response to what OBAMA got his nobel peace prize for, so maybe if you had the reading comprehension of an elementary school student you would realize that was what i was talking about you slowtard.
Read again what I posted in response to and let the magnatude of your stupidity soak in, jizzlips.
Killing terrorists brings peace. stop being a pussy.
>Sure it did Tyrone
it sure as hell fucking did. the stock market was great under Obama too. why weren't you paying any attention?
Cause this nigger is openly crazy and the obama nigger was crazy behind closed doors.
That he knows how to party
>must be 18 to compete in miss universe
U wut m8?
Why make shit up that is easily disproved?
And that you should probably keep your daughter away from him.
Because it's okay to make up your own facts, as long as it takes down drumpf
He hosted it in Russia, where europe allows 17 year old contestants.
Something about popular presidents not able to pass it along to their VPs you don't get user?
Reagan's vp was Bush who ended up president.
Because if you live in Russia you will die of heroin or AIDS from heroin
Cause Biden is a cunt?
Just because he worked with Obama doesn't make him a literal godsend.
thanks to obama the nsa watches you jerk it
but thanks to obama we had the housing marklet crash
>marklet ????
Housing was already starting to crash before Obama was even sworn in. The crash in 2009 had nothing to do with Obama you fucking pebble.
the stock market did better under obama from quarter to quarter than it has under trump. trump is riding the coat-tails on that even though the job market and stocks are finally evening out, slowing in growth this past year. its still high, but i think we are done with the bull market this time around.
That was 2008 dumbass.
Bush Jr, another remarkable idiot installed by Republican shit-kickers and a rigged electoral college.
Fuck, republirussians can't get a president elected without cheating.
Most Dems prefer Bernie. And Joe put his foot in his mouth repeatedly during this campaign.
>If Obama was so popular and such a "successful" President, why is his former VP losing so badly?
If Fred Trump was such a good businessman, why is his son such a dumpster fire?
nobody checked his quads. What's wrong with Cred Forums?
Because Biden isn't Obama, idiot.
He's 106 years old, creepy, and doesn't have any policy innovations or significant constituency block that cares about him.
Top kek. Cant get him off your mind, huh?
Now this is a thread I can get behind.
Crash happened before the election. GWBs parting gift after a useless war and inaction in the derivative market. But anyone pretending that Obama was better, because he abandoned Iraq and caved to Dodd/Frank, while passing a useless stimulus and foisting Obamacare upon the Nation is a fucking fool. And I would welcome any acolyte to defend that position.
...he said in a thread about ole Sleepy Joe.
I would take any of Trump's kids or Biden's. How many paternity lawsuits and drug addictions does one need? I'm pretty sure you are too much of a coward to respond.
That nigger was probaly 12 when obama took office. That's why he doesn't remember.
Because the primary purpose of the vice president in modern American politics is to help you win the election by appealing to a segment you otherwise don't. They play basically no political role and aren't generally good candidates for president.
Because the Trump dynasty is a white collar crime family.
They've never created wealth nor saw a lawsuit they didn't like to cheat some hapless local business with, nor the opportunity to shit on black and brown people.
Fred the slumlord gave Donald the finest pair of republican perverts, Roy Cohn and Roger stone, to groom him into the business model of expensive projects done as dirt cheaply and exploitative of the contractors as possible, and most of all an army of lawyers to make any legal action against them a war of attrition.
Stone schooled Donald on trolling the media and helped groom him to his network off other right wing crackpots.
He's white.
Thought Obama was about mainstreet, not wall street. Either way, a recovering economy is easy when you hit the bottom. Nowhere to go but up. Still anemic considering past performance.
I'll take a crackhead doing wild shit over charity scammers.
>They've never created wealth
Bullshit. You don't run a billion dollar corporation with creating wealth. Got any proof? Everything else was tldr.
2. He’s not a nigger
More importantly;
1. Hrs not endorsed by oprah
Because Biden is not Obama?
>Trump is not on my team so I can make up whatever I want about him
That's not how it works, kike
And that is probably why you are a broke socialist. Actually attempting a business or charity can fail. 9 out of 10 businesses or charities will fail regardless of the intention or competency of management. I'll accept that. You seem to accept Hunter's business dealings off his father's name and protection, regardless of his inability to sheath his cock or lay off drugs because of your TDS. Must suck living inside your skull.
Adding 5 more wars on top of Bush Jr's 2.
also checked.
What does one have to do with the other?
>Got any proof?
>According to Nav, The Trump Organization, Inc.’s business credit score is a 19 out of 100 as of Sept. 23, 2016, which puts it below the national average score by more than 30 points. The Nav report said the score indicates the Trump Organization “is very likely to default on its credit payments” and that “this will make it difficult to get financing.” It puts Trump’s Organization in a “medium-to-high risk” category.
>“Payment status is the most important factor when it comes to business credit scores, accounting for approximately 50% or more of the score,” Detweiler said. The Trump Organization’s payment history shows it pays an average of 26 days beyond terms (DBT), compared to the national average of 12 DBT.
He's a bum that's always conflated his billions with lines of credit from banks.
Most US banks have had enough of his shit after refusing to pay bills, which is why he uses mainly uses Deutsche, which as of 2016 he owes them 130 million in liabilities.
>Actually attempting a business or charity can fail.
Especially if it's illegal, as the State of New York found with his scam University and Charity.
He's not the old white guy the youngsters love, they like the other one
What businesses do you run? Besides sucking dicks for money on the side
Let's see how Pence does in 2024
Better check again dumbass.
It's going up
Most international businesses use Deutsche Bank. You gonna address Hunter's problems or nah?
That is the price of doing business. You gonna keep avoiding the Hunter question? Because that's what you're doing.
The wall is being built. That's old news faggot. You want to revisit other old arguments like "muh russia". Read the news faggot.
Pence will run. But Nikki Haley is the better choice. The days of Christian Conservative's is over
Bush bailed out 2 of the 3 you dumb nigger. Obama just bailed out the auto industry. The dumbest of the bailouts
Ask Mike Pence. He'll soon be able to relate.
Got nothing on Donnie so blaming Fred now?
...uhm...because they are not the same person, maybe?
He's old and tired. People can't trust him because he clearly lacks constitution now.
Because your mother is a whore.
Being by Barry's side made him seem cool. Without him, minorities just see him as a boring ass cracker.
>That is the price of doing business
No, it's criminality.
So if I'm Joe with a crackhead son, what would seem like an effective way to keep my brand insulated is to send him off to a seat in a oil company in eastern europe, as far from the DC machine as possible. .
Hunter seemed to mind his own business, nobody gave a fuck until Trump brought this to my doorstep, and the 'scandal' he claims happened on complete bullshit.
Just to be clear, I hate Biden and will have to hold my nose if 2020 comes down to him.
*is based on complete bullshit
Imagine sending your kid to eastern Europe to avoid drugs lol
Joe never thought he would get caught. Otherwise why would he brag about it. He's probably been doing this for years. Besides, listen to Joe. Do you think that man has any real idea of anything going on outside of his insular circle? As far as I'm concerned, this is part the course for the establishment class. You can't deny that line of thinking.
You're wasting your time with this guy. All he's going to do is deny Joe's deteriorating mental state in real time, and just point fingers back at Trump. And then keep on ranting about Trump's kids. Anything to defend "one of his own" since they're on the same team.
open borders starts at home
Exactly. Niggers don't deserve anything.
What an incredibly stupid thread.
True that. But I will not miss an opportunity to redpill someone if they are willing to engage. I was a socialist as a kid and I can only hope the seeds I plant will eventually grow fruit. Dealing logic is never a bad thing.
lost bigly.
even though i know he's too old, i can easily picture joe as the retard in high school with a doing donuts in the parking lot in his camaro and one of those plastic novelty baseball helmets that holds a beer on either side
Biden is not the same person as Obama. I hope that simple fact becomes obvious to you.
Poorly constructed straw man
You're trying (poorly) to deflect attention from the fact /your guy/ sucks by mischaracterizing OP's point. You're either semi-literate or a shill.
Either way, you're no one worth listening to.
these two things are unrelated.
If the earth goes around the sun, why doesn't the moon fuck lolis.
You're just as retarded
die plz
Obama didn't endorse Joe. I'll give you that. He got behind Warren pretty good tho, and she's tanking fast.
>these two things are unrelated.
So Trump and Pence are unrelated, or does this only apply because one of your idols is getting embarrassed in the democrat primaries?
Well, personally I'm pro-Trump, but Biden's problem is that he's just too old, he's going senile and it's not really anyone's fault. He just needs a nice old folks home yo.
Imagine losing to an old communist, a literal faggot, and someone pretending to be an Indian.
He’s losing to The Village People.