UK thread

UK thread
Post girls who you've shared and still don't know that you did

Attached: Flag-United-Kingdom.jpg (600x300, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Any goth/alt girls?

Kik lhoops93 sheff / south yorks

Attached: 9671A26E-D5D3-4BD5-B3E9-1529A0380A31.jpg (640x815, 405K)

Name? Nudes?


Attached: 35DC63DF-0CD2-457D-B0FB-4870AB0E1C8F.jpg (640x805, 208K)

Attached: 633_1000.jpg (1000x1333, 111K)

I've shared my girl at a number of times. I enjoy reading what other dudes would do with her

Attached: uyhnn.jpg (1628x2442, 1.23M)

she ever find out?

Any Herts/Beds?

Who u know from bed?

Nope. She's got a following in certain forums.

I got people offering money for a chance to breed her. The thirst is real

J*ss W
L*z E
F*y* C


any Charly M?

Kent. Initials for more.

Attached: Snapchat-1829838726.jpg (640x1136, 76K)

The Aberystwyth user on?


Attached: 39872937_1017115875129622_5622272259600154624_n.jpg (748x748, 48K)

Attached: 10549938_10201665186785249_1107143658078732415_o.jpg (960x960, 66K)


Attached: 4C8C870500000578-5775401-image-a-43_1527370081752.jpg (634x499, 81K)

Attached: 36176949_10155742164402061_5260768384169017344_o.jpg (768x960, 73K)

Lorina, Five Towns

Attached: 1581186310145 7fe8c73f7c7d22fed8489429d6d29ce5.jpg (1080x1350, 202K)

Attached: 30652309_914076945433516_8336027807771525120_n.jpg (960x960, 62K)

Manchester anyone?

Attached: 23165132-F0E8-43A1-9E16-907DE26C2156.jpg (954x954, 89K)

Attached: photo-1567201080580-bfcc97dae346.jpg (1000x1000, 227K)

Attached: 34963080_943061352535075_5928518408650883072_n.jpg (960x960, 45K)

Jade OP? Get in touch!

Attached: 1496262312423.jpg (1280x960, 113K)

Any belfast?

any Wakefield/surrounding?

Any North east England

Who u know from wakey? Any alt girls?

Attached: 588BE4C9-D6D1-4848-8915-D006CCDD5015.jpg (640x853, 59K)

Lorina M
Abbie H
Fleur H
mostly Wakefield College/New College chicks


Last names?

Post some

UK here but bi tinycocc on kik

Attached: _20200210_053129.jpg (2811x2368, 883K)

Attached: 217_1000[2].jpg (563x1000, 46K)

Attached: Jo082.jpg (720x720, 34K)

Yikes. Would dodge them at 42s

Anyone have more of this crackhead?

Attached: AE1D6815-6E4D-42B3-8362-8EA5E170D106.jpg (1440x1440, 229K)



Any more from five towns?

Attached: Jo001.jpg (1080x1080, 58K)


kik Johnsmith199901

Anything from macclessfield?



Attached: 1577505387468.jpg (1080x810, 270K)

Anyone recognise?

Attached: D7005EC2-C85A-4B56-8DE8-4B9A83D6687D.png (750x1334, 1.17M)

No one?

Jessy J
Any win

Attached: IMG_20200212_220815.jpg (1536x2048, 361K)

Well...what do you want from us? Those are two poorly chosen photos of a girl and they both make her look very average. Is that the kind of thing you were looking for?

Going to keep trying for Jade OP!

Attached: c_1505012644518.jpg (720x514, 78K)


Easy shags though, can’t be too fussy in there

She looks like the kind of chick who would take it up the ass on a first date.

Fuck yeah Macclesfield pl0x.

Liz E?

Any lincolnshire

Attached: 447809858_149251.jpg (598x429, 41K)

Any Liverpool.
Will trade on kik

Attached: 799_1000.jpg (1000x1778, 106K)

Attached: 1502435987663.webm (424x320, 1.65M)

You like?
Not ass but she does put out

Attached: Jo040.jpg (2268x4032, 1.51M)

Attached: 1577506056152.jpg (1045x1675, 351K)

Anyone got a link to the UK mega?


Attached: LC.png (469x739, 400K)



Need more

Anyone got leicester uni girls?

Attached: HHN.png (459x916, 639K)

Attached: HHI.jpg (643x900, 261K)

Attached: LLA.jpg (720x720, 83K)

How so
You like or nah

Attached: Jo113.jpg (720x720, 162K)

Shared this little slut many times

Attached: 0419EBEF-6236-4E4E-A051-D2BDB03A29BF.jpg (4032x3024, 1.65M)

and we're back

Attached: 92FF756C-F053-4B09-AE15-078AB49FF627.jpg (983x1496, 944K)

Another UoL girl

Attached: AAAO.png (612x663, 614K)

Like alot, don't stop posting

puts out on first date innit


Any more Hull?

any military?


Attached: GD.png (897x875, 872K)

Any plymouth ?

Attached: GJ.png (437x746, 417K)

/r/ing any Derby wins

Attached: LF.png (390x727, 478K)

looking for peterborough

Attached: 1423742985160-1.png (271x364, 147K)

Anyone have this?

J W right? Do you have nudes??


Attached: HC.jpg (960x960, 113K)

So many comments could be made about that pic


Attached: On her knees..jpg (960x960, 107K)


Keep an eye out for her. She pops up with her own thread from time to time ;)


Attached: Essexteenslut1.jpg (640x1138, 42K)

Cmon, give us a little more. What's her name?

Attached: 1393272_676425415716027_1368550765_n.jpg (720x960, 63K)

Attached: download.jpg (292x173, 10K)

Got kik? Why do you like her

Good point

Attached: Jo103.jpg (1080x1259, 52K)


Anymore Manc girls?


Attached: 9B123394-6D69-4859-B449-80551E543379.jpg (750x892, 400K)

Her name is Claire. She gets posted on here quite a lot, but you don’t always see much of her face ;)

Anyone know my girl? My kik is raqgibby if yu wanna see more

Attached: 1579080362010.jpg (349x632, 30K)

Anyone know her? Nudes? Other kiddy/Kidderminster sluts?

Attached: 98122AD7-1A49-4007-840B-FBC29492F91D.jpg (750x728, 191K)

Another of her. Anyone recognise? My kik is raqgibby

Attached: 69433247_1155569101318249_7370046790537576448_o.jpg (1536x2048, 287K)


Attached: 96764ac0-9527-40ff-ac2c-f3a9604e3fc5.png (1281x1600, 1.28M)

More of my girl. My kik is raqgibby

Attached: 1573807819856.jpg (901x1600, 179K)

Attached: Jo132.jpg (1080x1080, 60K)

Attached: EA.png (723x833, 1.09M)


My girl. My kik is raqgibby

Attached: 1578773675610.jpg (3024x4032, 759K)

You know her?

Does anyone remember Jenny?

Attached: Jenny.jpg (1500x1000, 121K)

Any panties?

Jenny looks hot

just find her hot, so nudes?

You know my girl? My kik is raqgibby

Attached: 1576763511584.jpg (1440x1920, 167K)

Attached: FFT.jpg (720x960, 209K)

What is the point of this

Attached: E99FC3B6-7997-4859-9A48-CA7DE8FF8857.jpg (2208x1242, 255K)

S wales

Attached: IMG-20200209-WA0002.jpg (824x1599, 84K)

It's spam, obviously

Got kik?

Georgia has a fat fucking arse

Attached: C84F9345-4C2E-4667-BBBC-E0ED8F7D15E2.jpg (303x767, 53K)

Very nice. I live where she, and probably you, lives.



Need to peep these forums


nudes yo

Attached: 2019-04-27160824.jpg (750x1138, 69K)

She juicy

Ooof I’d love to oil her up

Very juicy

Attached: DC640B27-0FC3-4DB7-BAFC-7F196E3D274D.jpg (495x741, 98K)

Bit specific but anyone got any cosplay sluts from bristol?

My god what an ass

Does anyone have ~anything~ on rebeckah Atkinson from Sunderland? She’s ginger and tattooed and she’s got such a tight body and such a thick ass. I asked her if I could buy her nudes but she said no ;_;

Bump for this, have seen her at the gym and that ass is juicy as fuck. I wanna lick her

Attached: f9d05be9-87ed-4ccb-a0e7-ca80dade4485.png (1600x1176, 950K)


Scarlett L?


Attached: download (1).jpg (301x168, 7K)

Any more Kidderminster?

Know her?

Attached: 1581462559963m.jpg (485x1024, 51K)

She's cute, any more?

Wait...can we choose to see ANY of these girls naked? Any Aberdeen?

Correct. Darcey is from Aberdeen. Ready?

Attached: Darcey W.jpg (960x1280, 364K)

Yes please

Georgia Harrington please.

Any Portsmouth Uni girls?

Attached: 4cec21994aaa133f2bc7f6e5c155c44d.jpg (1200x1600, 174K)

Rebecca Murphy please


Attached: 1559942788290-0.jpg (720x978, 44K)

Simping for a butterface roastie hag that's forced two kids out and looks like you'd catch something just from passing by her.

Hit me with that Amy A. Pretty sure I know her. And know her well.
Discord me: Cro-Magnon Man#4067

Attached: 1543499778825-0.png (640x1136, 1.69M)

Attached: eJwVzEEOhCAMAMC_8ACqDRXqbwgSJBEhtJ42-3d3z5PMxzzzMrs5VYfsAEeV1OdhRfuMJdvSe7lyHFVs6g2iakxny7cKoHcUFiQO (325x578, 253K)

There isnt an Amy A

Damn more

Attached: IMG-20180818-WA0212.jpg (1600x1202, 150K)

What the fuck are you talking about? She hasn’t got any kids? You obviously don’t know who I’m talking about


hypothetically, if one were a newfag, where would they copy this to?

Her FB is plastered with pictures of her kids. I see them on my newsfeed daily.

Real Girls -> Amy A

Not hers dipshit

Any from her Please :)

Attached: Francesca H.jpg (768x960, 256K)

Emily J B

Attached: Emily.jpg (960x960, 186K)

I'm sure you know more about her than someone who actually knows her. All you do is stalk her and beg her for nudes hahaha

Any more with a clearer face?
Struggling to decide whether this is my ex or some near perfect lookalike.

Any Of the girls I here from Liverpool ways?

Oh I know her very well actually. I’m not the guy who tried to buy her nudes, but it’s not worth compromising myself so I can prove a point to some fag on Cred Forums. Have a nice night mate.

Attached: IMG-20180818-WA0206.jpg (750x1334, 164K)

Attached: IMG-20180818-WA0201.jpg (720x1280, 165K)

Major cringe at use of the word ‘simping’

You’re either a 14 year old who spends 10 hours a day on tiktok, or you’re a 30 plus year old who spends 10 hours a day on tiktok trying to chat up underage girls. Those are the vibes I get.

someone’s triggered lmao

where do you type that in mate?

Down already?

Yeah I totally spend all my time on TikTok. Better than trying to buy nudes off some random lass or pretending you go to the gym lmao
Nah, just offering you a warning about dreaming of hags pal

Mega followed by a dot and then nz followed by a slash followed by the code below


Yeah it's a lookalike. Damn close though. You'd believe they were identical twins.

You sound like such a virgin bro, girls can tell when a guy is bitter that they don’t get pussy and it really drives them away. Just letting you know bud, would be a shame for you to miss out on a nice girl because you get upset when they don’t immediately spread their legs for you

aye, i thought that but i think it's down. cheers anyway.

anyone got a different link?

or any from belfast?

Ah yeah just checked and it’s been removed now, sorry lad

Manchester sisters
Would love to watch them both taking cock

Attached: Screenshot_20190711-190119.jpg (1397x1883, 824K)

user ib is back....

more plz