I got revenge on my fiance that cheated on me

I got revenge on my fiance that cheated on me


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Revenge is sweet isn’t it?

Just like god damn sugar

whatd u do? and if you're still together/engaged, kys.

greentext it faggot


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>be me
>engaged to fiance for a year, dating for 5
>fiance tells me she's going for mutual friend's dinner - only girls
>dinner ends and they go to the club
>fiance ends up fucking some dude in his car
>mutual friend finds out and tells me

I pretended that I wanted to polish her engagment ring - she bought it because my brother owns a jewelery shop.
Once she left for work 2 days after she cheated and 1 day after I took the ring, I packed her bags and threw them outside.
She came back and saw, I told her I knew she cheated.

She's now begging to come back, she has nowhere to stay - no family in the country as her parents moved when they retired and her friends all have family.

What’d you do?


Fuck it. Go all out and post her nudes bro.


Tell her to go sleep in the guys bed she fucked. He's obviously single too.

My man.

quads have spoken

If she's got friends, she's got places to stay. Don't fall for that shit.


Nudes must be coming.

Six years with someone only to have them fuck someone at the club, that fuckin' sucks, user. Certainly wishing you the best in a life without her.

Eh, not bad but not too creative or impressive.
At least you found out she was a roastie whore before you tied the knot.
Just don't be a pussy cuck and let her back in.
Congrats on being a free man again and props to your mutual friend for being true bro-tier.

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True to that. Props to the friend for not covering it up.

Quad 4s no less. RNGesus has spoken.

What a shit situation / way to ruin a marriage.

Where you from my dude? Need a wingman? I’m really good at it. Btw, this is the quads guy.

Quads demand that your joyous revenge seeks an even higher plane of glory.

>engaged to fiance for a year, dating for 5
>fiance ends up fucking some dude in his car
its shit like this that makes me not even want to bother with another relationship. this happens way too often. tossing away years of a relationship to fuck some random dude

Is this you?

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Similar to OP.

>Be me
>Dating girl for 4 years
>Very happy
>She says "have to think about it"
>Stunned, girl asking for a year when will I propose
>Tells user she's been unhappy
>She wanted ring only few months before user proposed
>...something fishy
>Break up, amicable, hugs, kisses, sex
>She rings user randomly 3 months later after no contact
>She wants to see "our dog"
>user isn't a cunt and says sure, I will bring dog by later
>Get to her house, drop dog, she doesn't speak to me
>Get home, text on phone...
>Dear user, you'll never see your dog again
>user literally has nobody but dog, dog is anons life
>Ex tells me reason for her taking dog is because she "KNOWS"
>Ask, KNOWS?
>She says KNOWS I was cheating on her
>user was not cheating.
>user didn't touch another girl in all the time.
>Ex tells user dog is "gone anyway"
>user panics
>Still have key to her house
>She leaves for work
>Sneak into house
>Dog runs out and into car
>Throw her key out window
>Drive like fuck
>Later that day she rings again...
>"Calls cops on me"

>user denies everything, hides dog in friends houses for weeks until shit blows over, cops constantly calling to my house looking for dog.
>She keeps ringing
>Eventually answer...
>She tells me she was cheating on me for a long time in relationship and that I should just ADMIT I was too...
>user didn't cheat.
>She goes off deep end.
>She will press charges unless I give her $2000 for dog
>Anons own dog
>Don't want to be arrested
>Cops harassing me and believe everything woman tells them.
>user agrees
>$2000 bank transfer
>user hasn't heard from girl since.

Tl:dr: Had civil breakup with girl, she accuses me of cheating, steals my dog, calls the cops, have to pay her off to leave me alone and keep cops away...and she was cheating on me the whole time.

Don't trust ANY woman.

Post pics of your girl. Bonus for sex vid.



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More checked.

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Hahaha faggot


Great user, u did really fucking well done.

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Lol cheated on you. Evolve past this monogamy bullshit.