If humans are biologically designed to procreate why is it so hard to convince girls to have sex?

if humans are biologically designed to procreate why is it so hard to convince girls to have sex?

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i think u just have to whip out ur dick. or go gay/bi like a real man

Because fag whitebois can't Photoshop for shit

If it wasn't hard, there would be 16 billion people on the planet, not 8.

Are you a virgin?

Humans are a K-selected species.
Any other homework questions you want help with?

Maybe hard for (You) to convince girls to have sex.

wow r u smart? can u read biology textbooks to me?

Then we wouldn’t get shit done. Also women like to delude themselves in thinking the first guy they fuck ever or in a while is automatically willing to be with them

> K-selected species
no one even knows what that means. op is literally copying stuff out of a college book

because if we went around fucking like dogs and had no intelligence or way of naturally selecting the best providers and innovators, we'd still be in caves

Stay mad brown boy

who said anything about that? getting a girl to fuck is nearly impossible. i am surprised we aren't extinct already.

Yes, I have to convince myself almost everyday that sex isn’t something I deserve or am entitled to, but earn. Never had a real girlfriend once

Fucking moron how would that be a school question, what kind of degenerate school did you go to.


These boys got it right

Your premise falls a little short. We’re not programmed to procreate indiscriminately, we’re wired to fuck those best suited to produce good offspring. If girls won’t fuck you, you’re probably short, poor, low social value, unhygienic and weak. YOU are probably not designed to procreate.


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Natural selection, but that can be fixed with a nice personality

>why some are designed to rape

I'm generally scared of sex because i'm insecure and I'm afraid i'll be bad and lose a guy's interest

Please, you must do the needful

>Humans are a K-selected species.

Among your ancestors, those who invested heavily in their offspring left more of them behind. What that means is, those who carefully selected a mate and then carefully raised a few children (this is called K-selection), left more and healthier offspring than those who fucked all the time, had lots of kids, and didn't give a shit about them (this is called R-selection)

It's also a spectrum. Whites are more K-selected, while africans are more R-selected.

tl;dr: women have an instinct to be selective about who the fuck

>if humans are biologically designed to procreate
They are
> why is it so hard to convince girls to have sex?
You aren't

don't put the pussy on a pedestal, nerd

Thought this exact thing too. K instead of r.

It isnt hard for most of us.

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It's actually not all that hard honestly

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it is if you have no humor and no sense of purpose or direction, confidence or dignity

humor is a big one tho, how do you think so many ugly as fuck men are still around? the predecessors knew how to charm them

entire species evolve, not individuals

Should of knew, can't wait till that shithole of a state falls into the ocean

not short.
not poor but not really rich either
low social value yes
unhygienic no not even close
weak how? physically? maybe
i have a lot of education and 50 years ago i would be acceptable for marriage and sex. now girls react to be like i walking scum.

Cos most men are creepy autists with no social skills, which is a red flag for women who are looking for healthy genes to pass on

It's not hard to convince women to have sex. It's merely hard for you to convince them to have sex. In some countries it's harder, because a pregnancy means they get at least 20 years of some snot nosed crotch goblin chasing them. In countries where they can easily foil the parasites attempt to grow inside them, or remove the parasite if it bypasses those obstacles, they are more willing. Risk/reward, simple as that.

>retarded alice in wonderland avatar poster implies he has sex on the regular
get rekt. you're a sad virgin and everyone knows it.

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>Cos most men are creepy autists
>brainwashed idiot
why do you think that? because women think it? ponder that for a while.

harsh truths boys

It's not.

I didn't start having sex until my twenties and I realized that I needed to get out more and lower my standards.

It isn't. Women are awful judges of character. If they were, there wouldn't be 7 billion people on this planet.

He's right it isn't. If you weren't such a lonely shy weeb you would realise that too.

I've had sex but I'm not a slut, it's all about psychology, women are more excited mentally as opposed to physically.
You shouldn't project onto other people, it's not healthy user.

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Because humans aren't biologically designed to procreate.

Humans are biologically designed to maximize survival of the species.
This doesn't mean non-stop sex.
It means females are designed to be critical of potential mates and (try to) procreate only with those most fit and likely to be able to support&protect her and her offspring.

For women procreation is a very costly thing:
- 9 months pregnancy + ~18 years of taking care of the infant.

So it's only logical that they don't go around sleeping with every random dude that they come across with the intention of raising a family.

never even wanted you to respond to my thread. just leave. i have 0 respect for a hack like you that is obviously desperate for attention.

It's not. You're just creepy or dim.

Sounds like a 'you' problem, you should do something about that. Or not, I don't really care.

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> ~18 years of taking care of the infant.
> Because the guberment make up this magic number.
You realize 18 is only in the last, oh, 50 years of human history?

Nice puppies

You say that but you don’t see them coming to you either. Fact is some people strike some people don’t

good. glad you're leaving. you win. goodbye.

>no one even knows what that means
Literal child detected

There are a million guys who think the same thing. At least now you have a conversation point

Go to pickup school

> lose a guy's interest
No one cares what homosexuals think.

I can feel the love radiating from you fren. I'll give you a hug if you want, you just have to ask.

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Grow a moustache and wear denim shorts guaranteed to win you the ladies OP.

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dats a man

look at nature. the female usually decide which male they want and they compete for her attention. she wont fuck you if you're a fucking loser

Because in the wild females (animals) don’t have rights, they can’t cry rape.

While men try to find someone who appreciates being with them and would like to share life experiences, women use men as a boost to their social and economical standing.

3 years left until I turn into a wizard

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Girls are biologically inclined to seek the best partner for the benefit of the species.
They are spoiled for choice; even the ugly ones.
They can afford to be fussy and nature encourages them to be. If a girl's instincts saw you as a beneficial partner, you'd be able to choose her.
I hope this clarifies why you can't get a date.


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No way, those hafd got to be big natural hangers right there

Because men have to demonstrate value and it seems like you haven't done that. Either way, women have to be more selective by design. A man can dump inside as many girls as he can and just move on. If a woman conceives, she's compromised physically and out of the breeding circle for at least nine months.

For a man, making a baby is a smaller investment of resources - just a little sperm, and you're ready to go again within the hour. For a woman more resources are involved - actually fabricating a small human, and you can't have another shot at reproducing for nearly a year. This incentivises women to be more picky about who they mate with.

It's not, if they want to procreate with you
Naturally they won't accept inferior seed

and you think you have superior seed? gtfo.


survival of the fittest, you aren't so you won't, that simple

good to know belief and facts aren't the same thing. everyone you know thinks you look like a retard with all of your fake self confidence. faking it doesn't make it because a failure is failure no matter how they try to play it.

I think the question is for whites only , I dont seem to have that trouble

Don't be a try hard autist when talking to them. Also maybe don't aim so high. Maybe Tiffany wants a Chad and all you have left with are Berthas. Fuck that Bertha.


'cause biologically speaking, if they get pregs it's up to them to spend the rest of their life looking after the results of their used cunt

Sex isn't your problem OP it's your negative attitude towards females. They don't owe you anything. You should learn to love yourself for who you are and then you might actually find someone who wants to be your companion. Casual sex won't make you happy, you can have sex with girls every night of the week, and it won't change how you feel about yourself. You should get out more, join a club, go to social events, these are the traditional ways to get a girlfriend. Bitching about your lack of a sex life online won't change anything.

It isnt

They owe me sex in an evolutionary biological way if I have a dick and they have a vagina.

because there are too many humans

another reason to have a nuclear war or pandemic


I've never had a problem. Maybe you're just ugly or have a shitty personality.

sounds like my comment got you seething
you ok bro?

Cause they’ve figured out they can coerce an entire life and living from it so choose carefully which is really smart. I’d do the same if I could

Because they are also biogically programmed to procreate with fit and able men....meaning they are biologically programmed to procreate with the best genes out there...it is to ensure that the best genes from the gene pool become the future....it is ti ensure the survival of the fittest and to prevent a future of poor or weak gene human race...unfortunately the latter is happening because they are now allowing black cocks to enter their superior white wombs