Trump is a disgusting pile of shit

Trump is a disgusting pile of shit

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as compared say, to you?

Lol believe everything the media tells you, retarded dipshit

OP is probably worse, but OP also isn't the fucking president of the united states

That’s my president!

He really is such a piece of shit its incredible.

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Hurr durr I don't know Lev Parnas

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And he's not fucking Mother Teresa either dickhead, we didn't hire him to run church services. "Oh wow he went to Hooters, duh I'm too stupid to separate that from his leadership skills"

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are you interested about politics?

meanwhile in Democrat land

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he loves niggers

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Nobody is acting like Bill isn't also a pos. They both fucked little girls on Einstein's airplane.

so is your momma

Cool story babe... Now make me a sandwich

Over one thousand days and still counting...

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this right here is why i mainly hate conservatives absolute Fucking Cucks.

if you're a conservative NFL watching Jew Nigger Lover honestly kys before i do it for you.

trips speak truth

He is still our president, and just like we had to suffer under obama so do you have to suffer under trump

That's my president alright, coolest one in history next to obama in their public display..

He is acting far more respectful to these staff then you'll ever will