Do most Mexican-American girls under 30 act black?

Do most Mexican-American girls under 30 act black?

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No most white girls do though.

I want to kidnap her, tie her down and tattoo "Marinara" on the other shoulder.

That's just wrong

Damn bitch must want to be Italian she love pasta so much

what the fuck do you get out of keep posting this thread?

No chicken would be better

That's my name tatted on her shoulder lmaooooo

Are you Mexican?


Attached: heeeey lady.jpg (194x260, 8K)

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latina = scum
nigroe = scum

Le Patrick Crusius face

calm down cumskin white grills act more like nigger than any other race

Yeah y

imagine liking pasta so much you tattoo it on your shoulder

I knew one Alfredo my whole life and I think he's Mexican

Where u from

New York

I'm from New York, still living there too
It's probably me cause I know no other alfredos other than me

Long Island?

Used to live there but now I live in staten island

Fuck that, do "Meatball" on the other shoulder


Because mexican chicks are like stupider white chicks with even shittier waistlines and tits that sit too close.

So you like gap tits?



They dont as long as they don't live in a community with blacks

Then why do so many Mexicans from Arizona and Utah act black?

Yes they do

Attached: aoc-e.jpg (1200x800, 177K)

AOC does not act black


Probably because they got Blacked