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Other urls found in this thread:



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Nice Waifu ya got there

Takagi Claimed

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Who wants a moustache ride come on now ladies don't be daunty now single file single file


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I prefer Kagami

Attached: Konata382.png (768x1024, 429K)

this thread made me smile
thanks, user

Attached: 14.jpg (758x745, 83K)

Henlo ロックマン
Doing good?

Attached: Konata894.jpg (400x400, 21K)

Shut up, Mew~. :p
>5 minutes into new game
>OH NOW she wants the moustache ride
>FML girl how many times you wanna gonna cum this time???
>mfw 20 minute leaver queue for next 20 games equalling 400 minutes of my time gone or 6.66 hrs for 40 minutes for her to fucking tongue and nibble on my ear and get her socks rocked off


Catch 33 Meshuggah is probably the best album on all time
>^dividend coupon payment collect niggers

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I'm doing ok. How are you Konata?

Attached: tumblr_oni88iNGC61tu0aizo1_500.png (500x381, 233K)

Based also I share a birthday with the Lucky star Gal with the glasses

Attached: hiyori-tamura-552.jpg (350x490, 34K)

Bro somebody past the fucking slaamni



Gonna go wank don't tell Dan

Attached: 1581364343279.jpg (720x720, 109K)

Doing also good, just bored

You share birthday with a mangaka
Creativity flows through your veins

Attached: Konata986.jpg (640x1194, 109K)

Remember that part in Lucky star when she was about to fall and she turned into a Jojo's character? that shit was funny.

Attached: 8mcuXiT.png (1366x768, 701K)

Same. Nothing worth mentioning happened today. Any plans for Valentine's day?

Attached: rush.jpg (474x582, 43K)

Robot boy, not like chocolate?

Attached: 5E6C0BC9-E778-4BC6-8F77-BD35ED568BDB.png (768x1024, 530K)

Troll Em All 2006
410,757,864,530 SHITPOSTS MADE

I like chocolates

Attached: can't stop the top.jpg (474x500, 49K)

But i searched it and now i remember
Incredible jojo reference
I also found this

For today maybe playing dwarf fortress
And for valentines day, nothing

Attached: Konata217.gif (500x357, 1.96M)

That's fine. I'm not planning anything either. Maybe after the holiday, get as much discount chocolates you want.

Attached: Pepsiman.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Hot chocolate, sosu?

Attached: D26E05E9-82B3-48F7-A3A8-4B856678F571.jpg (824x866, 521K)

Yep. Or chocolate milk. Egg creams aren't bad either.

Attached: heatman.jpg (474x320, 26K)

Egg cream, sosu..?
Not think seen..

Attached: A09DDF84-843F-46FA-BE0A-2D36EEFE0BAF.jpg (2048x1536, 138K)

Old timey drink from the 40s-50s. Basically chocolate syrup and milk mixed with seltzer. Sounds strange, but taste like an ice cream soda. Recipes to make it right are on YouTube.

Attached: 1200px-Egg_cream.jpg (1200x2785, 453K)

high smelly frens

Attached: 157894576857963.png (800x500, 383K)

Never heard of it, but looks good.
Henlo umbrella fren.

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high low lewd bear fox ship fren hop knight ez gud

Attached: 15684756786423.jpg (532x950, 82K)

They taste pretty gud. Give one a try sometime, maybe on chocolate day. You might like it ;)

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Attached: war.png (1920x816, 1.27M)

high megaman howz knight gowin hop et comfy
stomppin baad dot kic ffeet

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if everyone around you smells, maybe you're the one who needs to take a shower

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I'm comfy fren. Hope you are too.

Attached: rush armor.jpg (474x636, 32K)

hello u ok?


Attached: 79186945_p0.png (1200x2000, 852K)

Yeah, had a good day today. Work late tomorrow sadly.
I'll consider it, might be a nice change from having Boba all the time.

Attached: warspite_azur_lane_drawn_by_bekko__sample-76b7d49f510994eaa0e772bf30fc0501.jpg (850x704, 116K)

ifb eye sayy et tree tims em eye gowin summon a greatt ebil
eye knot smelly!!! yew al com bak frum kabbage ffarm
gud hop yew alsow hab comfy slep wen dew. eye em watchin utube vid bout evel knievel
were da botgarz
den mak sur gett lotz ofb restt twoknight n dot work two harrd

Attached: 163789754457.jpg (900x768, 698K)

Sounds fun m8. I am gonna sleep soon. Hope you get lots of chocolate on Valentine's day. Good night fren.

Attached: rockman sleep.gif (480x270, 597K)

thanks for the song
doing good?
drinking coffee or something to keep yourself energized?

you're super smelly, you reek of that place for broken people with souls crushed by despair, called s4s
also, Paranoia Agent is a masterpiece, you should definitely check it out
i'm surprised people talk about Lain and don't talk about Paranoia Agent, it's definitely up there among the best

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Attached: 78072630_p0.jpg (1315x931, 1.05M)

sleep well

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n hop yew gett eben morre. gnight megaman slep wel n slep gud
eye onlie smel ofb gud tings!!! dat berry rood n sad. den yew smel ofb jim lockar room. tak yor word four et n gib et a tri efter gett round two last exile firstt. tink beecuz lain ez firstt show lik dat peepol sea
eye lik dis. we postin 2hu mewsic noww

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Think, look like milkshake..
What seltzer?

Attached: 2AE41C52-8E6D-4637-AA5F-82512BC38ACB.jpg (690x745, 321K)

I don't know

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that's how it is!
don't take my word for it, go watch it yourself, please
yeah, but it's still surprising that it's just pretty much forgotten
having fun? drinking anything?

blessed track, blessed post number

Attached: Haruhi-chan Suzumiya 06 (BDRip 1080p).mkv_snapshot_01.37_[2020.01.20_06.27.19].jpg (877x947, 126K)

Not see fell sleep, sosu..
Warm wish

Attached: FCB6E86A-E194-4926-9B92-B624C2A581BE.jpg (1000x1023, 117K)

Will do. Not sure how busy it'll be tomorrow.
Seltzer is carbonated water.

Attached: Warspite Akane-chan.jpg (1024x568, 271K)

bee carefull ofb oder dancars wen bobbin head
high moth fren hop stayin warrm
comfy luckyy holyy quads!!!
ifb dat how et ez yew da tru smelly fren. eye wil wun dayy maybee hopefullee. had et inn backllog enywayz. eye knot sur whyy hab two sea et butt if baz gud az yew sayy da yee agrree. yee eye habben funn knight n drinkin vodkaa. wut bout yew smelly fren
dot strezz shelf ifb buzy jest rember et gowin two end n den yew kan reelax

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yeah, i'm having fun, too, thanks for asking
well, with vodka it's no wonder you're having a fun night
i'm drinking coffee, but if i had alcohol, i'd join you
but i don't, sorry
need to go now, have a pleasant rest of the night
with this, i leave you

Attached: Haruhi-chan Suzumiya 05 (BDRip 1080p).mkv_snapshot_00.46_[2020.01.20_06.19.15].jpg (663x659, 92K)


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gud hop yor dayy stayz funn. eye onlie had wun. nextt tim den jest mak sur knot two hab lott. lik dat song. gud bye smelly fren hab greatt dayy n bee safe untill sea yew egain

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Think, too warm

Need giv warm, not overheat sosu

Attached: 4CAAA983-9604-4D71-875E-BBE5A2D0152A.jpg (600x444, 43K)

DA here, did anyone miss me

Think not be here these day.. think you come lot

If want, take warm
Too warm, sosu

Attached: 9B8BEB6A-E87A-488B-865F-E2116B2E9F42.jpg (802x1200, 145K)

nice quits fag

>Think not be here these day.. think you come lot

Someone tell Alice to stfu already

I know that feeling.

Attached: 648765.jpg (673x677, 38K)

den ned ffind sumwun hoo knot expectin
high deayy. wut happened two yew
thos digits!!!
moth fren ez two warrm!!!
ded yew alsow touchh old gum undar ttable

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Think see you lot!
Thought came here lot, too
More than me! Busy time, sosu..

Attached: D409C981-73BE-47A5-95AF-C462A645BDC2.jpg (600x438, 70K)

Hey guys. I got a gf but she's only 14.

Attached: brah.gif (277x202, 1.44M)

Radiate warm, sosu
Need prey, giv warm thing
Hug, sosu

Attached: F65D3E6B-DC31-4C02-BB38-AAB670059E5D.jpg (842x1777, 638K)

I got something tasty for aki to suck on.

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den we onn a huntt four a bun. steel dar kold n mak dem warrm

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Grill yourself



Bun, sosu
Not know where is

Maybe need hug umbrella friend, sosu

Or need hug bed, giv it warm.. but it make warm too sometime

Attached: FE68FF73-58C9-4345-9FF6-F2CD029FAE29.jpg (600x443, 41K)

dot postar sav bread egain
yee boff bunbun n pink garrlic knot eround enymorre. hop dewin wel. eye knot lett enywun hug ore sqweez we, yew gib dem warrm hug. dot ned two hug bed blankett hug yew

Attached: 198372467563.jpg (850x1200, 141K)

pink garrlic doin okey stil rownd, eye talk two bunbun littl bitt, yew shood chek outt banichan sitee, alsow highlow ebil!

Attached: Riamu472.gif (560x560, 592K)

icky wun!!! hop pink gows frum ok two wel n bun ez dewin gud lik boff frens. eye ded al knew pics r tiny kant sea enyting. jest look n sam prroblem. ifb yew ttalk wiff dem kall pink garrlic fren a cowlick head n bunbun fren a nose pickin ater four we. sorry ned gow slep pinky fren

gnight frens hab comfy restt ofb knight ore dayy eben yew user

Attached: 164859536562858.jpg (1000x769, 560K)

ebil wun!! eye sorrey four messagin sow layte, eye mak surre eye tell dem. eye ken mayb halp ficks problemm nextt tyme eye talk two yew. eye hopp yew slep well ebil fren! et ice sqweezin yew

Attached: Riamu163.jpg (1080x1350, 126K)

Truth, keeping busy usually speeds things along.

Attached: warspite_azur_lane_drawn_by_mimelond__sample-5754507432d0729a9bf92157c9c30932.jpg (850x1214, 113K)

Hug if need warm, sosu...
I sleep too

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