Your pic for mechanical invention that changed the world? My pick: electric motor...

Your pic for mechanical invention that changed the world? My pick: electric motor. No matter how big the machinery or how small, there's a motor in it.

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These things are probably one of the most influential things that we ever invented. It lead to jets, helicopters, spaceflight, and so much more. It significantly advanced the development of every invention made after 1903

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By that criterion, Internet. It changed everything.
No planes without motors. Just saying...

Def the internet. Honestly I'd say the development of the internet is probably on par with the discovery of fire

Yes, but internet is not mechanical.
Some people say nuts and bolts are the mother of invention.
I'm still sticking with the motor. It led to everything.

Lathes changed the world and yes they have electric motors in them now, originally they didn't.

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Of course. The motor is probably number 1 or 2 on the scale of importance
What about hammers, nails, shovels, and wrenches? Hand tools are mechanical, right?

Yes, nuts bolts and screws they're up there. Hammer and nail aren't an invention per se, but a discovery. Any old stone is a hammer and any pointy thing is a nail.

>any pointy thing is a nail.
Well, it'd have to be long and sturdy enough to get banged through a piece of wood/plastic/sheet metal. A "nail" could be made of wood, plastic, or glass, but unless your house is made of play-doh it probably wont work

It’s all mechanically actuated.

Actually people used wooden nails to build houses. There are still houses in Ireland that were build in mediaeval times without any iron/steel nails.
Plus, you can live in a cave. House were build with stones.

I didnt consider this. Thanks for the info
Are hand saws mechanical?

Made cities viable. Concentrated humanity and kept it from being a cancer on the planet for a long time. Reduces disease by bringing clean water (if not lead pipes). Enabled civilization.

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Yes, they are. But, dude, here's the thing. We're looking for something that changed the world. Saw, axes or discovery of iron, they all changed human life, but they didn't change the world like motor did. First motor was invented in 1832 and look where we are in 200 years. Saws took thousands of years to have that effect.

Most machinery that existed before electric power had steam driven components

They won't make my top 50 list. Many areas in Africa still lack those basic facilities and those niggers breed like pigs and have largest population.

Well then, you've got me beat. Everything else I can think of is electrical, radioactive, or synthesized in a laboratory

Another one bows to motor. All hail motor!!!

The fact the lack of plumbing makes for a shitty country is a good argument in favor of its utility.

Or the Pill.

>written language
second that

Fire and writing is mechanical?

everything can be mechanical

>Your pic for mechanical invention that changed the world?
The repeating rifle.

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Are wheels or sails too simplistic for this debate?

Engines are not motors, and motors are not engines can power motors, but motors can't power engines.
Engines can however run machines. Making engines superior to motors.
