"Then don't talk to me, I give a fuck."


"Then don't talk to me, I give a fuck."

"I can always have more children. "

You will not ever have another father.

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Other urls found in this thread:


eeeee look at the mr.sheltie so cute and sweet who's a cute little mister

"Been pretty clear on my stance on chasing spoiled bitches around."

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That is what husbands do.

That is when you get put in the hospital.


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"That is why they want his 'nose'."

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Spoiled millenial children are going to teach me about life..

Who is writing this shit?

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If them broads want any more of my children I guess they will have to marry me.

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The bloom is definitely off of some of those roses.

All they do is bitch about men, find a good one, spend all day talking about killing him.

Doesn't fit into their narrative apparently.

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eyes are the window to the soul


(looking for mr goodbar)

Who said that?


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Is that retard going to 'steal my body' fuck my daughters and give it back to me, or spend some time at the fucking state mental facility learning more about currents?

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Devil is gone ladies, with him immortality.

Now you know what its like to get old.

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did spead to him at one point

like me, his children are idiots

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perhaps, unironically, except the 'black' one

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chinese one seems pretty nice

some women can still see the writing on the wall

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who got the form?

My grand mother would roll over in her grave. Good thing I threw away her ring.

Their eyes look bloodshot.

So I won't feel bad.