What is the best version of Bizarro, and why is it the version from the animated series?
What is the best version of Bizarro, and why is it the version from the animated series?
Bizarro's cool but only because I really like mirror matches in shit
The tragic Frankenstein monster played for laughs from the silver age is the best version
Also I liked how Superman wouldn't care about killing him because he was made out of "non living matter". Haha
>The tragic Frankenstein monster played for laughs from the silver age is the best version
Jesus the silver age was fucked up
Fact is, the only reason Superman doesn't go into full murder mode is that he thinks living things have a pretty aura. Lose that aura and he wouldn't care that you have a wife and kids. He'd murder you without a second thought.
I...don't think that's what Mark Waid was aiming for in Birthright.
Zibarro is best Bizarro
Daily reminder that Superman left Zibarro to freeze to death in the all-night.
Bizarro is like expensive high quality gamble chocolates
They're pretty much all good. Some more than others but it's damnhard to find one you don't enjoy.
Bizarro was dumb but could think/have a family/run a planet ...but superman didn't think he was alive
Explains why superman didn't care about killing sentient robots
I honestly can't think of a Bizarro Comic I didn't like.
Even comics where he ain't the main focus but he's there, at the very least I will love the parts that have him.
What about Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow where he genocides his planet and kills himself?
Damn that's a pretty good 'dat ass' face he's got going there
Bizarro is a great character.
I'm really torn. I like Bizarro from Bizarro World, the backwards, weird dimension. But I like the animated series take where he was a failed clone of Superman.
I like both. But Bizarro World one is more fun, especially when they have Bizarro versions of other characters like how Bizarro Flash fucking goes nowhere and Bizarro Batman is loud as fuck and you can hear him coming from a mile way.
I'm not sure if that's the best Bizarro,But i like how that version looks.
He was brainwashed by Mr Mxyzptlk
But even then I liked him, but for different reasons than why I usually like him.
>no IBF
your is best bizzaro
Oh yeah, design-wise, he's probably the best.
I am hate Bizarro. Bizarro is shit character. Bizarro is nothing to do with Superman. Bizarro should never be written about. DC really should do no more Bizarro. Bizarro am waste of time. Readers hate Bizarro.
I am hate Bizarro.
How many separate Bizarros are there since the new52 debuted? The one in Red Hood is at least the third one....
Watch as this thread gets barely any more replies and archives in about an hour.
Meanwhile Cred Forums will complain that people don't actually participate in comic threads since there are threads about live-action adaptions of comics. But I don't see Cred Forums rushing into these threads for discussions of actual comic and cartoon characters, do you?
Meanwhile, meanwhile, the thread about meme-fetishes will continue to be bumped and defended to the last breath.
Stay full of shit Cred Forums!
This for me as well.
But while I do like the dumb and dangerous, but ultimately well-meaning version of the character, I also like the evil, malicious, and scary monster take on Bizarro as well.
Is worst post.
Can Bizarro find love? Who is his Lois Lane?
Bizarro Lois
You am wrong. Fetish and Waifu threads am best thing to ever happen to Cred Forums. Me want more /sug/ threads and bane posting.
Thanks, this is precious.
>mfw Bizarro Maxima
overrated post