>Supergirl gets a Brainiac to fight
>Not green
>Supergirl gets a Brainiac to fight
>Not green
>I never read comics
That is the worst costume I've ever seen.
you could say she is indigo
Indigo isn't green.
How bout now?
Jesus, even TNG had better costumes 30 years ago
why didn't they just go to the future and kick brainy in the balls?
how many brainiac's have we seen anyway?
it's an adaptation
if you're gonna reference the Brainiac 8 name and Colu i want some green fuckers
why not put in the extra effort and get an Irish actress for Siobhan?
Still looks like more work was put in than a makeup kit and 3 LEDs
What would happen if you could impregnate that Brainiac?
3 is Vril's kid and 4 is Brainy's dad.
Braniac isn't green. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
wasn't 4 brainy's mom?
The show is terrible and you only watch it for Manhunter
Better than The Flash
It's Yellow
>is a cartoonish moustache-twirling villain
That offends me much more.
Is it really? Theyre both bad in their own way
Because Italia Ricci was fucking hot you autist.
I liked it.
What's she like in the comics? I liked her in the show because irredeemably evil and murderous girls make me hard.
>Supergirl gets a Brainiac to fight
>Superman has yet to fight Brainiac in a live action film
I'm not saying it would be as bad but remember Ultron.
Clearly you've never made an omelette.
>cool fortress of solitude robot
>blue coluians
Her face is too angular for me.
DCAU Brainiac has the objectively best design
Best voice too
>expecting something good from these cheap shitty tv shows
You're a fucking idiot.
>Brainiac's Arms Are Not BLUE
>I liked it.
It's LITERALLY movie Mystique.
and she was amazing
Why couldn't she have ended up with Metamorpho! It's not fair!
That's Laura Vandervoort who played Supergirl on Smallville.
I got a question.
Supergirl here is the focus. But why should she fight gender bender version of a superman villain?
Why can't she fight the REAL deal?
Is it not ok for Supergirl do be beaten at first by a dude but win in the end of the episode?
>Why can't she fight the REAL deal?
Because big daddy Warner isn't going to give the rights to their real Superman characters for their TV shows now that a new movie version exists.
Do you really think they would be using Maxwell Lord or Non if they could use Lex Luthor or Zod instead?
This has nothing to do with feminism no matter how ahrd Cred Forums tries to connect everything to the concept. it';s something far more insidious and boring: inter-office pissing contests.
Indigo has been around for over 10 years.
Noboby want to see D-List female alternate version of stuff. Organic or metallic brainiac from the main brainiac are more interesting.
I can just tell you're a guy.
You don't know much about Superman.
I know what I want to see on screen Important characters. Unless they adapt correctly her on screen, witch they didn't it won't be "Indigo" but female Brainiac because they couldn't get the REAL deal.
So why are you even care about Supergirl's show in the first place?
who's wonder woman?
is she that bad that she has to be given villains from another super hero? fuck it throw doomsday at her. it doesn't matter, right?
The show is moderately interesting. I enjoy seeing Supergirl with self doubt. She realy try to be a good hero and somehow she became one. Population like her.
Not all character fell suffer from not being replaced by a higher class characters or happen to be in a place they could be.
National City in itself don't need to be Metropolis. And I explain why Superman isn't there.
Cat Grant isn't a diet coke Perry White and had some characters developpement.
Maxwell Lord don't need to be replaced by Luthor because Luthor is in Metropolis. But I prefer to forget they turned Max evil because Superboy Prime did shit.
On the other hand, the show would be better with highter tiers characters or closer from comics book original.
Jimmy and Winn should have been the same person. That ways we would have avoid a love triangle between two human, and that would have given Jimmy stuff to do. Winn is the hacker guy and Jimmy is just there to call Superman.
With the free character slot, introduce Brainiac 4 as a love interest.
I don't care if they're gender bender or reskinned different characters.
I just wish villains weren't so shit. Non was so damn boring.
More work doesn't make something better, user. say what you want about indigo's costume, but atleast she doesnt look like a 90's power ranger freak of the week.
Good. I hated green Brainiac anyway.
When you guys bitch about the colors of the bad guys being the wrong shade of unnatural, you're really putting a big dent in that whole "comics fans are autismal as fuck" argument.
Or maybe we got healty expectation instead of being a causual who love to be in half baked shit.
Dude right
We've seen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 13. Also, Brainiac 5's Daughter from Kingdom Come. The Dox line is fucking strong, dude.
Depends on the continuity. Reboot 4 is Brainy's mom, Threeboot 4 is Brainy's dad. I believe Momiac 4 was also in the cartoon.
I think that one was kind of intentionally ugly, because he's just a prototype. When he comes back and is autonomous and becomes a superhero, he'll add some color to it "inspired by" Kara.
I liked her better when she was a reptilian alien