Shitty stoner underground comic from ten years ago is more politically relevant that all of Marvel & DC's attempts of...

>shitty stoner underground comic from ten years ago is more politically relevant that all of Marvel & DC's attempts of the same period combined
Feels good man

Other urls found in this thread:

You mean:

A single character from that comic is more politically relevant for reasons that have fuck all to do with the comic he's from.

>politically relevant
I don't think people who read or make comics really care about that

Why are they bullying Pepe? Pepe is cute and harmless.

It's endlessly amusing seeing the panic among the semites and their good goys. The whole rotten structure is being devoured by a rising fire that will purify the world and usher in a new age of glory, and there's nothing they can do about it.

God is coming back.

Praise Kek.

What next? A report about how "internet extremists" are sympathizing with masked men planning to crash planes?

Nobody even remembers what that comic was about, Pepe has a life of his own now.

Internet extremists literally crashed a plane last year

Because there's video from a white supremacist news conference saying that they've taken it over as a symbol and are making images with it to further their ideology, with and other "dank memes".

Okay but real talk, pic related is too much of a coincidence. I'm more impressed at how the whole meme magic thing keeps becoming more believable by the week

But that wasn't terrorism, that was magic.

You probably weren't around during the exploding yellow van thing. The media was total garbage then and now it's even worse.

It's great

Pepe deserves it, him and wojak used to be sad bros that understood feels but at some point Pepe became a smug ass hole who torments Pepe.

fuck Pepe

>mfw reading the English translations to the lyrics
>literally just about a cosmic being brought into reality by people using "electric windows"

It's legitimately kind of creepy to think about how much it fits.

On the bright side, that song has introduced me to some damn good Italian disco

Well, he wasn't masked, but we did exactly that.

As a Croat I utterly despise Italians and the feeling is mutual, but still:

And it fits far more than you can imagine. Every second and experience you've had since you were born was in order for you and others to be here, now, and make the ultimate choice between good and evil. You must not fail to reach the goal, even if it means to die.

The Last Batallion, the true Waffen SS, the Wildes Heer and the Grail Knights. It was all known since forever and the eternal story is unfolding before us, and we are active participants at the end of time.

>Pepe is cute and harmless
i would have said 'smug'

in the 'shit your pants and feel smug that the normies have to sit next to someone who shat his pants, i don't even want a gf r9k' sense

Just wait until some jackass ventilates his skull after shouting PRAISE KEK in front of the Capital Building. Bet that'll usher in some dialogue.

>shadilay becomes the new helter skelter

>People treating meme magic like it's new
>meanwhile HYPERCRISIS and moore's chaos magic shit has been going on for years

>if you look in deep enough, pepe is part of the hypercrisis

I really can't wait 'til this election is over. Then maybe this shit meme will fade off into obscurity with the rest of Cred Forums.

And people wrote non-fictional works about a massive conflict which would upheave and irrevocably damage the European powers before WW1 happened. It's shit that goes all the way back through history.


>Pepe became a smug ass hole who torments Pepe


>people unironically using the term 'smug frog' in political debates
2016 is such a weird year.

Holy shit you're right

>Using memes in real life

Also, pepe is noticeably reducing peoples choice of reaction images. I hate that damn frog because people try to post as much as they can

I can't bring myself to hate Cred Forums though. They're like the sacred priests, just as /r9k/ is filled with sacred virgins

I imagine they will be laughed off the site just like anyone who voted Trump.

Its too late m8, memes have become too influential due to social media

Frogposting is the ultimate fuck you that can be applied to literally any sittuation when anyone is taking something seriously regardless of how important that might be, its like smug anime girls on steroids

also Cred Forums is poe's law getting assfucked 24/7, its part of the reason why people hate them so much

This, basically, all of Cred Forums is literally laughing at Cred Forums


And my anus is laughing at your feeble attempt to use basic board functions. Cred Forums is still a thing only because of Cred Forums though. Make peace with this fact.

>Cred Forums is still a thing only because of Cred Forums

I'm just waiting for that collage of trumpfag posts on Cred Forums right before the results like with Romney. It will be glorious.

Hillary will die before the election even begins. And nobody would vote for the evil old hag anyway. She is a loathsome creature.

friendly reminder that anti-Cred Forums or anti-Trump is codeword for anti-white

I'm just waiting for that collage of liberal tears on the rest of Cred Forums when Trump wins. It will be glorious.

God bless you, tripfag. I don't see enough posters with your dedication anymore. Then again, I go to slow boards

What is the consensus from Cred Forums on Gary Johnson, or even Jill Stein?

Johnson is a shabbos goy and Stein is well (((Stein)))

People are going to vote for her just because she isn't Trump.

Yes. Quite. I don't have any considerable faith in the man but he is your best and only option. If Trump loses (and I don't see this happening unless the thing gets rigged) the United States are going to descend into chaos and you will have a civil war.

Trust the Slav. The Slav knows. I've seen all of this before.

>I don't have any considerable faith in the man but he is your best and only option

Why is the republican party so fucking shit, anyway? All they seem to have is weirdos like Ted Cruz and Sarah Pallin and complete losers like Jeb Bush.

Why do you dislike semities but want to vote for Trump even though his daughter is semite, and if I remember right, he has several other semite family members

Thank you. I did my little bit. Started way back in 2006, and I see it paid off. Lots of younger Anons have seen through the bullshit and they're beautifully defiant in the face of overwhelming odds. I like them, I like them a lot. Truth conquers all.

I gotta run folks. Sorry.

We did it boys.

>A Croatian pedophile known for his long-winded racist rants. He brings prepared speeches and loves to soapbox about the downfall of Western society and global decency, in particular how homosexuals are evil. Frequently appears in Ruby Gloom threads, or at least used to; he threw the hissy fit to end all hissy fits when he learnt from a woman who'd worked on that Ruby and her friends were probably all in their 20's, thereby deflating his boner. The only worthwhile contribution he made was introducing Cred Forums to 'Serenity', a hilariously preachy "American Christian Manga" with no relation whatsoever to the kickass sci-fi movie by Joss Whedon.

thank you for not replying to me

Even Matt considers Pepe the character and Pepe the meme to be completely seperate


don't talk shit
boy's club is great

On one hand I want to say confirmation bias.
On the other hand I want Cred Forums and /r9k/ to do magic better than /x/ ever did

Because Israel is like an infected tooth. If you pull the tooth without care the abscess - aka Islam - will spread out and fatally infect the rest of the body. Only a hardcore idiot would consider a usable ally an enemy instead, kinda like how Obama screwed up relations with Russia.

Besides literally anyone is significantly less evil than Clinton, even if they're a black lesbian Jew tranny who worships the devil.

Have you read Marvel the last 8 months? I hadn't bought a Marvel comic since 2004 and even I've seen MODOK-Trump.



Which is the problem. Her and the Neoconservatives Globalist elite are chomping at the bit to start a war with Russia.

>on one hand
>on the other hand

Thank you for saying this correctly. Seeing 'on the one hand' was really triggering for me.

Both of you fuck off to /pol,Cred Forums and /r9k/

>Widely accepted as being "the nicest tripfag you will ever meet," he is frequently on Cred Forums and not as distant as most other tripfags in his position.

That list is not to be trusted

I got you, this is only a small sample. The most blatantly awful one was the KKK/Cobra strawmen enforcing border laws until Captain Falcon broke them up.
The next 8 years are going to be so painful.

>even I've seen MODOK-Trump.
Some people just can't take a joke

Trump being one of them

Eh it's a little deeper than that mang.

>Comics freaking out and putting Trump as a villain
>TV shows and movies freaking out and putting Trump as a villain
>Video games freaking out and putting Trump as a villain

It's gonna be 8 years of this

>Unbiased politically
Lol dude, comics have always reflected the political views of their authors, be it back in the 60's hey-day or now. People just became so accustomed to the stuff that was printed back then, its hard to see how much it tilted to one side.

And that's what people will see 60 years from now, the stuff everyone is biting their fingernails over being too liberal will just be another day, and we move on.

I just pray they throw in the Nazi Frog with the bathwater.

>it's a "basement virgins think they're politically omniscient regardless of lack of travels" episode

I'm tired of this stupidity

Rachel Madcow spent ten minutes literally yelling at a cartoon frog as a potential warning sign of an emerging Fourth Reich.
Strap yourselves in boys, it's only mid-September.

That would be an interesting turn for Deus Ex. Go from Globalist Illuminati to Nationalist being the villian.

And we'll likely get another Weekend at Bernie's with Hillary before or at the first Debate.

out my window cool and bright
fade so slowly into night

funny how things look the same, now that my friend pepe's changed

Pepe was a cooly that I used to know
Now he's down with the PLO
He's cold kickin it live with the KKK

Cooly was sportin' black tennis shoes
Dealing he was looking for something to use
With a pistole in his pocket and a bottle of booze
Well it could be me or it could be you
Oh feels like my whole life is rearranged

Oh Pepe you changed
Pepe, Pepe, Pepe, Pepe you
Oh how you changed
Oh you changed
Oh how you changed

I give you a hard time, didn't want to stay
Ya got outta jail just the very next day
Now it's plain to see
my friend Pepe is a Nazi
He was a Nazi yeah yeah yeah

Hooked on crack just hte other day
Now he's down with the CIA
We got covert operations in Vietnam
Played a hitman, assasin like the law's long arm

He went down to protect his country
Eat mexican food and make lots of money
Come back up north, and drive a big white car
And take himself a plane down to Nicaragua
Well it feels like I'm the only one to blame

Oh Pepe you changed
Pepe, Pepe, Pepe, Pepe you
Oh you changed
Oh you changed
Oh how you changed

I give you a hard time
I didn't want to stay
Ya got outta jail just the very next day
Now it's plain to see
My friend Pepe is a Nazi

He was a Nazi yeah yeah yeah

Out my window cool and bright
Fade so slowly into night
Funny how things look the same
Now that my friend Pepe's changed

Pepe is a frog of peace.

i lik n
ewsdo u

>mfw all the Pepephobics in the media right now
It's a small minority giving Pepe a bad name. #notallPepes

what is this pepe



>hillary will destroy America by going to war with russia, iran, and syria
>but at least I won't have to hear about the election anymore

Well they've tried to tie Trump to those groups by having David Duke voice support for Trump. But most people are "David who?" and Trump has just ignored the story after the second time he turned down the guys support.

All of Cred Forums IS Cred Forums

Wow, it's almost as if you can tell if there's likely to be a war soon by looking at the state of international politics and how countries are acting towards each other! CRAZY!

>all of Cred Forums is literally laughing at Cred Forums
>all of Cred Forums

You like comics about anthropomorphic monsters jerking off in the shower?

[color=red][b]Shut the fuck up[/b][/color]

halo iz dis fud halper?

Camp of the Saints is happening in disturbing chapter by chapter detail, right down to the Latin Pope thinking with his heart not his brain.

Well i was going to vote for Bernie, then Hillary, but now Im voting for Donald.

Does this mean Pepe is finally dead as a meme?

>tfw you like Boy's Club and no one knows what it is despite Pepe being a meme
Feels bad man.

Eh, it was decent.

>And people wrote non-fictional works about a massive conflict which would upheave and irrevocably damage the European powers before WW1 happened
World wars aren't a new concept and it was obvious at a time that a big war was going to come sooner or later
>Immigration is going to collapse our society
A popular right wing point but one that is never proven or has any data to prove it.

Boy's Club is dumb, gross, furry garbage. Prove me wrong.

oh user, it's just getting started

Mass Immigration is a great historic killer of countries and peoples, the current situation in Europe is proving a classic example.

source on the translations?

It's not really furry because they're more muppet monsters than anthros. It's dumb and gross but not in an edgy or tryhard way and that made it stand out a bit from other underground comics. I'm not gonna argue for Boy's Club being high art like Fantagraphics might be doing, but it's fun and enjoyable.

How do you explain America? Or Australia?

coolface started being used by normies and Cred Forums quickly pushed it away and angrily shamed anyone who posted it. pepe gets used by normies and goes mainstream but Cred Forums loves it more than ever. Can someone please explain?

Hi Europe.

There's only one Pope, why are you specifying that?

Because retards spam dank memes, even in the middle of an election.

The fact that those are giant countries that are still barely settled unlike the small European nations.

This entire thread is a fucking trip

>a sizeable % of population in any way nowadays

Got any examples? Because nobody in current Europe has collapsed because of mass immigration

There's a pope for the Eastern Orthodoxy.

Why hasn't kaziklu been rangebanned yet? He's a pedophile that pretends to be morally superior after posting about how much he wants to fuck little girls.

>he wasn't masked

Says you.

We call him Patriarch and he doesn't have any power really.

Isn't that book about India taking over France? Also did it really predict American drone strikes causing the mass immigration? I mean I guess we were already fucking around in there by the 70's.

Cosmic absolute, regular reality
breath of a image/concept, syntony of civilizations
confused descendants of rebel cells
I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it
if you are a star, show yourself, I will stop
oooh oooh

shadilay shadilay my freedom
shadilay shadilay oh no
shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality
shadilay shadilay oh no
(you) fly into my life, no it's not finished
I will stop
set my sails, in the sky or at the bottom of the sea

metallic harmony, CONCRETE/REAL REALITY
electronic videoclip, praise of civilizations
confused descendants of rebel cells
I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it
if you are a star, show yourself, I will stop
oooh oooh

shadilay shadilay my freedom
shadilay shadilay oh no
shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality
shadilay shadilay oh no
(you) fly into my life, no it's not finished
I will stop
set my sails, in the sky or at the bottom of the sea


I remember a time where memes were not in real life. When they were actual inside jokes between internet communities and didn't have to make sense.

Real life was a mistake.

Thanks to autistic measures taken by /r9k/, Pepe never really was used too much by normies and continued to be mostly a Cred Forums/reddit thing.

Cred Forums now loves Pepe more than ever because the dumb memes are being acknowledged by presidential candidates. It's pretty farcical and goes to show how amazing this election season has been

>Pepe never really was used too much by normies and continued to be mostly a Cred Forums/reddit thing.
What both sites fail to understand is that when you spam the memes as much as they do they are bound to found their ways to "normies"

I'm trying to come up with some other possible context the musician would have written a sing like this, but I cant.

It's literally about kek cruising through the universe, asking for the descendants of rebel cells, humans, if they're stars, to reveal themselves and he will stop for them.

I'm trying really hard to think of fucking anything else the person who wrote this could've been writing about but I just can't come up with anything, it's too fucking specific despite the vagueness of the lyrics.

I mean fuck, I know it's easy enough to call it a coincidence and move on, but come on, come the fuck on, this is going to keep people awake at night. How is this possible? How the flying fuck is it so perfectly fitting despite being made years and years before any context could have been given?

Is anyone else just not a little bit concerned? Am I the only one who cant let go of the fact that a song from 20 years ago is specifically talking about hermetic meme magic about a frog and it has the name and the digits and the everything?

It's just too much to just be a coincidence, it's not a coincidence, there's no fucking way this could be a coincidence

God damnit what the fuck I'm actually having a religious crisis here, I always believed in god but he never showed himself in sign or anything, and meanwhile this fucking egyptian cult has given me more proof to start believing the book of the dead more than the bible.

Didn't /r9k/ had a fit years ago when Katy Perry used Pepe in twitter? I'm almost sure that was what started the rare pepes market.

>Didn't /r9k/ had a fit years ago when Katy Perry used Pepe in twitter?

I could've sworn that was only a year ago

Where has the time gone
This video gives the basics better than I can.

Pepe has become THE memetic standard-bearer for global white nationalism. At this point, because normalfags have not co-opted his symbolism, his propagation in the mainstream inevitably serves to further disseminate that political message. Thus, Cred Forums, which has grown into a critical nexus for the global white nationalist movement, continues to love Pepe--more than ever, as you have noted.

In other words, Pepe's popularity endures because his utility in normiespace has remained consistent with what he stands for in memespace. He has yet to be corrupted. Needless to say, that fact in and of itself reinforces his mythology, making him that much more popular.

In any case, the Pepe Ascendancy is so incredibly absurd that it defies fictionalization. Humanities Doctorates will yet be forged on his anvil.

>Mass Immigration is a great historic killer of countries and peoples
Give three examples. And not a 'current' one which has yet to actually occur.

>I'm not gonna argue for Boy's Club being high art like Fantagraphics might be doing, but it's fun and enjoyable.
Funny how Fanta currently publishes Boys' Club.

If it's any consolation, as someone who has actually done some research into the subject to talk about meme magic in a story, there's precedent.

You know napoleon, the French guy who conquered most of Europe and even after being sent to an island in defeat to rot, he somehow worked a way to turn himself into such a huge meme that history would always remember him?

Yeah, read some of the stuff he wrote.
The dude literally learned meme magic from his travels in Egypt. He was already a great propagandist before that, but the dude literally used old memes at the time to create a persona people loved and a kind of confirmation bias that he had divine right. He even used propaganda the British made to mock him against them to turn himself into boney, a boogeyman of sorts. But it was the shit he did when he was stuck on that island that really cemented him in history.

It's not a coincidence that he was the guy who kickstarter egyptology. It's not a coincidence that he set his sights there in the first place.

And you want to take a guess which mythology kek is from?


Modern magic is what happened when the French frog and the Egyptian frog had a baby.

Western Roman Empire.
Native Americans.

Meme Magic and the success of it is making me increasingly believe in the occult. There is just too much outlandish things happening for me to rationalize it as confirmation bias anymore.


And the first 40 seconds alone was enough for me to discredit the whole thing

That's impressive


Roman Empire
Pre Norman Britain
Boer Southern Africa

>those double digits

Oh god



>he thinks the Roman Empire died because of miss immigration
Why do people forget that Attila existed? And Rome had far more problems with corruption then what immigrations ever did.
>Pre Norman Britain
>Boer Southern Africa
Are you literally saying that a military invasion is the same as mass immigration?

All alt-right 'sources' are always youtube videos. That's the exact fucking thing as sjw using a tumblr post as their sources. How can they be so retarded?

What discredits it?

>Napoleon invented meme magic
That's just crazy enough to make sense

Mongol invasion of China
Aryan invasion of India

>Normans didn't colonise Great Britain
>Blacks migrating on mass to the cape counts as a military invasion

>Why do people forget that Attila existed? And Rome had far more problems with corruption then what immigrations ever did.


Speaking of alt-right

What exactly makes them alternative? Because when I think alt-right I think someone who would say
>Why yes we do welcome immigrations do our lands, but they have to stop any cultural identity that they have to their previous country.
But as it stands the "alt-right" is just a standard right wing movement
The language, the fact that he opens with "floodgate for immigrations to live off the welfare nation" immediate tells me that it's a heavy right wing biased video which I have no interest in.

Fucking Genghis Khan by himself replaced 15% of China's genetic diversity with solely his seed.

>Why do people forget that Attila existed? And Rome had far more problems with corruption then what immigrations ever did.

The Visigoths called, they said you're an idiot.

The alt right as a movement doesn't exist and is just used as a catch all term by the media to describe any right wing views that deviate from neo conservatism

>But as it stands the "alt-right" is just a standard right wing movement
To put it mildly, that's a matter of perspective.

Is an american term because the right (Republicans) is strongly linked with religion, and they want to move not only away from that but also from the 'government' control that both sides push. Despite that they seem to be very prideful of being American.

Basically atheist libertarians with strong nationalism.

So you close your eyes and refuse to hear out the opposite sides opinions, so certain you are right you refuse to be challenged.

Refugees hit Greece and Italy and stay there until the EU sorts them out, migrants move north towards richer countries such as Germany or the UK because it is common knowledge they have the most generous welfare system. This is reported on the ground by people who just go round Calais with a camera asking peoples motivations.

>Normans didn't colonise Great Britain
They didn't, Romans did.
>Blacks migrating on mass to the cape counts as a military invasion
I forgot that the Boer were Dutch, thought they were some ethnic group in Africa. But the Boer South Africa got fucked over by the Netherlands and UK as well

>But as it stands the "alt-right" is just a standard right wing movement
There is no standard right wing anymore. The right wing is fracuring. "Alt-right" is just the fascist-leaning side, but the Libertarians are still there, seething about it, and Cruz, who represents the religious right, refused to endorse Trump in the end.

So it's America fucking things up again
I can hear the other sides opinion, you just have to present it well and informative. Something which that video won't do

> falling for stale bait
Come on guys, he wasn't even subtle.

you realize that "white supremacists" don't exist and are literally just cia fake groups to create fake news stories to smear anti-government movements, right?

read up on cia leaks over the decades. this is literally all documented.

saged btw because this thread should be deleted since it's off topic

>it's a heavy right wing biased video which I have no interest in
Listening to both sides of a debate is important for rationalising your own thoughts, as literally everything has an agenda the author is trying to push.

If the Right hadn't abandoned the people to Globalist cabals then Trump wouldn't have the vocal support he does.

>They didn't, Romans did.
>implying places can only be colonised once

this is some weak bait lad

Hence the debates. If Hillary can make it through the first one even. Moderator may have to allow for Bathroom breaks and Naptime.

You didn't even give it beyond 40 seconds, so you clearly aren't very interested in hearing anything that challenges your echo chamber.

Would you prefer smoke signals? Cave drawings? Some nice Braille? The rising argument against the migrant crisis is that many of the millions of people coming will not work as there aren't enough jobs or even have no intention to work in the first place. If that triggers you to the point you can't entertain the nation then just sit in your corner and sulk.

I just want to talk about cartoons, why does this site have to attract so many white supremacists???? :^(

I don't know if you're shitposting, but if the political climate of Cred Forums presently causes you discomfort, I wouldn't count on it improving any time soon.

And now people finding out their nations have no say in the matter due to how much nation autonomy was ceded to the EU (something that started as/supposed to be and economic alliance) and that's all starting to fall apart.

I don't like talking about politics, but hear me out.

The biggest problem is the traffickers. They are the ones that spread the lies like in Germany you'll receive 300 euros per month as soon as you get there and that you can bring your family as well no problem.

They get a shit ton of money to transport people that are not necessarily escaping war, and they are the ones that tell them to pretend to be Syrian and throw away their papers.

This is what the traffickers did (and still do in a smaller scale) in the US-Mexican border. But since there was a crackdown on them by the US border officials, now a days most illegal immigrants in the US are people that over stay their visas. Of course, this ''refugees'' will never get euro visas the legal way.

This is what the EU should do, while they continue to actually separate the people from Syria (which is easy, you just need translators that know the difference between arabic accents) and send the rest of them back. If they don't want to leave keep them in a barely working asylum houses with minimum help, because unless they came from Zimbawee, their conditions were better and will eventually ask to go back.

Just what the hell do you people think is happening in Germany?

I live there, for fucks sake and while the refugee situation is a burden, especially on small communities and immigrant crime is a hot topic it's not like the country is collapsing, as much as some far right terrorist groups try to claim it is.

If anything I'm afraid that we might have a massacre of the immigrant population on our hand if these groups gain more and more power. But even then, it isn't immigrants that are destroying this country it's our reaction to them.

The fact that even internationally that kind of propaganda is catching on is deeply worrying.

Well some nations might have it a little better ;)

hence brexit

Christ, I'm going to have to go to fucking Toonzone aren't I?

Every country changes user. Germany was once Gaul land then Roman

I live in Germany as well. And fuck do I feel safe here. Even walking trough the streets full of arab shops. It saddens me to hear people saying they won't go to the Oktoberfest this year because of all the fear instigated by the media.

It doesn't sadden me. The Oktoberfest is an overly expensive tourist trap anyway.

So.. are immigrants okay?

what gifts did you get for eid, mohammed?

I like it :^( but I suppose I'm a tourist.

Some are okay, some are fucking assholes and organized immigrant crime is a real issue in larger cities but anyone who thinks that they are a danger to the very existence of the country needs a reality check.

Shit user I don't even know what that is, but you'll probably be better off there than here.

Ironically, for one who has professed a desire to escape the white nationalism of Cred Forums, Kek has lavished you with considerable blessings (which is to say your consecutive dubs).

And the other referendums and alliances coming later this year opposing more EU power grabs and policies.

Brexit showed it was possible and now others want to follow suit.

And the more people like Obama wag their finger at them telling them "don't you do that or I'll send you to the back of the line."

Only seems to galvanize support for the people to make their own decisions about their nations and not let outsiders set the terms.

You had 2000 sexual assaults at New Years, covered up by the Press and Police to prevent a backlash which only made it worse when the truth came out. The response from the mayor being for women to dress more modestly to deter attackers, a policy of concessions and giving in.

You have had one year and one million migrants, this figure will repeat for the next decade. Give it ten and we will see how stable your country is.

You are dead right with Human Traffickers being the biggest problem. They don't give a shit about customs or quarantine of potential disease or introduced species, solely about stuffing as many people on a boat on a whim and dumping them on a foreign government too soft to ship them back. This situation is untenable in the long-term, something has got to give, but Merkel just doesn't have the will to do it. So she ensures that her replacement will be a radical enforcing far harsher measures that could have been avoided had direct action been taken earlier.

I don't want bloodshed on either side in Europe, I just don't think turning your eyes to a coming clash of civilizations is going to make the problem go away.


Fuck it guys, don't mix internet stuff with real life. What the fuck is wrong with some people? No one knows what a secret club is anymore.

That's the whole internet at this point user.

>There are now heavy political discussions on all boards

Cred Forums really IS becoming the dominant force on Cred Forums!

We were never a secret club m8, we have a common xenophobic outlook shared between all boards towards users who don't assimilate to chan-culture, but moments when the MSM loses its shit over cartoon frogs are to be celebrated, not seen as MUH COVER IS BLOWN.
Come on, it is pretty fucking funny.

>you just need translators that know the difference between arabic accents
I don't disagree with the rest of your post but I don't think this will work. I've lived in england since I was 3 years old but because my parents were american and I went to a school full of american expats for a few years, I've still got a relatively strong american accent.
So in your scenario, someone who's spent their whole life in syria but didn't get an accent there wouldn't be allowed to immigrate.

Depends on what you mean by soon. It's going to improve come November, once they're made into a laughingstock, but that's still a long time from now.

Look I don't listen to that kind of crap for the same reason I don't listen the SJW, your presentation of whatever point you are trying to make is so awful that I don't care what you have to say.
>If that triggers you
Yeah we will see how well that job argument holds up as more and more people enter pension.

>You had 2000 sexual assaults at New Years, covered up by the Press and Police to prevent a backlash

Why are people pushing this narrative? The police? Fair enough, they might have been reluctant to give out information because it's a testament of their own incompetence. And they did screw up majorly, a mass of sexual assaults at big new years party on a public place is only possible if the police was going out of their way to ignore any emergency calls while they were happening and it puzzles me to this day how it could have happened.

But the media? Are you for real? The media in Germany jumped on it like a pack of hungry vultures as soon as they caught wind of it! We didn't hear the end of it for months. They most certainly didn't cover anything up. Why would they? It's not like every media outlet in Germany answered to some sort of centralized authority dictating what they can or cannot report.

Sufficiently advanced terrorism is indistinguishable from magic.

gave me a chuckle

The news was broken on mainstream sites one week after the event m8, after it became clear that the pictures of crying women and that one bouncer who recounted shielding dozens of pedestrians in the bar as a mob spew insults at him.

That's what happened when you're blessed by the meme god. Praise Kek!

Better yet people who think that they wouldn't be there had it not been for mass immigration needs a bigger reality check.

What's the solution though? We can't forcibly kick everyone out

This is a very niche scenario user. Even if they didn't get a Syrian accent or learn the slang (not all Arabs speak the same) Actual Syrians don't have the necessity of 'losing' their ID papers like other 'refugees' do.

arrest the traffickers. The issue is that they're all in italy and greece and those countries are lazy and incompetent as fuck

t. italian

I am hardly confident of that. Cred Forums survived 2012. It survived the Cred Forumsocaust. Naturally, one can make the case that with the (perceived) standard-bearer of their cause publicly defeated in the most important and visible political contest in the world, they would be mortally wounded. But I do not think that's really a credible outcome. The underlying rage will remain and continue to fester as it has for years, because if nothing else there is nowhere else for it to go. Cred Forums is the bedrock at the bottom of the hole. And if nothing else Trump has made it so that hole is not quite so deep as it once was.

>Spawn killing trump no media attention
>Trump is spider-gwen, no media attention

>Green shitposter frog?

You mean after there were official sources to confirm what had happen? Sure, as long as there is no concrete source noone wanted to jump the gun, especially seeing how there was and still is a propaganda campaign about alleged immigrant crime. But as soon as it was clear that these things had actually happened it was reported on with exhausting thoroughness. Claiming there was an attempt by the media to cover it up strikes me as extremely naive.

>there aren't enough jobs
Lump of labour fallacy.

Stop fucking taking them for one, safe zones in Syria would be a hell of a lot more efficient and safer alternative than relying on People Smugglers.
Prosecute People Smugglers with an absolute zero-tolerance, these are scum who lie to desperate people whilst taking their last bits of wealth.
This current situation is untenable, the slums must be broken up. Emphasize integration and learning the native language and basic customs so children have a better time fitting in.

The biggest problems have been numbers and time. One Million in One Year is an idiotic number, regardless of which nations they come from. It suits the Davos men wanting a cheap laborforce but in every other way is a negative for a nation.

/new/ was a place for active politician discussion, Cred Forums is literally a containment board for the mentally ill

Hey guys

I'm not American but I want to see Trump lose only because the meltdown in Cred Forums will be delicious. It will be like Episode 7 was in Cred Forums but to the power of 10.

>we're not collapsing at this very second
>that means we will never collapse if we keep going the same direction

They've pretty much renewed their spirit after Brexit. All those collage of liberal tears is enough to sustain them until the lefties collect Cred Forums tears once again.

What's episode 7?

God almighty...

>fear instigated by the media.
You mean the media that only announces criminals as being "German"?

Now consider that Trump is most likely going to win (If you think this isn't the case you haven't been paying attention at all), and the ramifications of that on board relationships after November.
You're not getting a defeated Cred Forums, you're getting an empowered Cred Forums with a new god and victory under its belt.
Hiroshimoot save us.

I miss when Pepe and Wojak were just different kinds of sad robots. Pepe was bitter and angry, Wojak was sad and meek, Pepe wanted success and pleasure, Wojak wanted peace and contentment, but they both got along and shared in each others misery. It was just a small joke on /r9k/ back when that board still had a slightly interesting community.

Then /r9k/ got upset about 'normies' stealing their memes and started the whole POO POO PEE PEE thing to try to discourage its use, which obviously completely backfired as it surged in popularity and /r9k/ was flooded with everything they hate. Then Cred Forums got a hold of it and started this autistic cult, which will probably turn into a world religion in the next few years seeing as memes pretty much dominate all modern culture.

Star Wars The Force Awakens my dude



TFA wasn't good in any case. I don't give a fuck whether or not there are black troopers or female leads, it's the dogshit story.

it started on Cred Forums with a certain book. And its spiraled out from there.

If Trump wins won't Cred Forums turn against him, seeing as Cred Forums is pretty much dedicated to hating whatever is popular?

Anything looks good after the prequels, it gets points just for not shitting the bed.
I know it was mediocre because I can barely remember anything about it.

Wouldn't the worldwide meltdown from liberals be more delicious? And that's how liberals are guaranteed to react. You don't know how Cred Forums is going to react if Trump loses, it could be something you didn't expect at all.

See earlier in the thread my man, Trump may be in office but the entire entertainment industry will be having a 24/7 fit.
Cred Forums didn't turn against Nige even after Brexit won, the international order is still the big "evil empire" to the rebel.

>Cred Forums is literally a containment board for the mentally ill
I hesitate to be quite so broad in characterizing Cred Forums, but I agree with the political sentiment. In any case, Cred Forums's importance to the global white nationalist movement will persist, I believe.

Without a doubt. It will be an almost unimaginable sight to behold. Historic to the site, certainly.

Although on the off-chance that Trump does win, I will similarly enjoy the inverse. The greatest memeing of all time. And then I will never come back.

No Scott, Trump is still the underdog. But yes, it would be the end of the site as we know it.

No, the media that announces criminals as "südländisch" which is a blanket term for "vaguely brown but we don't know where they're actually from"

We'd have to keep going that direction for a very long time and handle it very badly for it to lead to a collapse. The refugee situation is what it is, the result of an urgent global crisis that needed the European governments to act quickly and perhaps in a manner that wasn't exactly well managed. It could have been done a lot better if we had prepared as soon as it became clear that the war in Syria was going to escalate but at that point we assumed everything would be fine. Everything wasn't fine and decisions had to be made quickly, some of them painful.

I doubt it's anyones intention to keep the current situation as it is.

It wasn't about that, I don't care at all about Star Wars. It was about seeing Cred Forums lose their collective minds since they were so sure the movie will suck and will bomb. They were refreshing the RT page over and over because every reviewer was giving it a positive review.

It was a good day.

If Hofer wins the upcoming Austrian election then Cred Forums's meltdown will be significantly less severe than some posters think.

that's a funny way to spell wojak user.

About that underdog...

Yeah, as another German, it's so weird to see regular Germany outside my door, and then read about meme Germany on these boards, where apparently everything is on fire and nobody is safe. It's baffling.

Normies meltdowns are not as good. It's just twitter winning. Brexit was eh.

What happens if hilary dies from illness? Does her VP get all the votes? Does Trump win?

But shitting the bed is exactly what it did. Removed all sense of triumph from ROTJ.

If it was set much later it wouldn't bug me so much but the OT heroes were shat on to prop up the new cast. Villains had no reason to exist, felt like a deus ex machina but evil just so there can be more movies..

You vote for parties or people in the US? I assume you must vote for a party, so yes, her VP will become president.

Before the election? I'm guessing the DNC will nominate someone else, probably sanders.
After the election and if she wins?

Fucking KAINE runs. Trump wins because dems lies about their candidates health and also many states are past the due by date.
Pretty poor way to win, Trump will likely just do it just by making Hillary another JEB! at the debates.

I don't know. What kind of person is her VP? I literally know nothing about him. Could he compete with Trump? Is he at least more charismatic than Hillary?

>You don't know how Cred Forums is going to react if Trump loses
Cred Forums (i.e., the majority of its regular userbase) will be devastated if Trump loses. There is nothing uncertain about this.

The LA Times poll has consistently produced more favorable results for Trump than the majority. Fox I shouldn't even have to mention.

I'm not saying that a bunch of subsequent polls won't show Trump+, especially after Clinton's shit-pudding month. And Clinton's lead has certainly weakened a lot. But your screenshot is not great evidence.

>probably sanders
Do you honestly think the DNC is ever going to give Sanders anything? Not a chance.

Oh I agree, also felt like Abrams needed to ONE UP everything. Hence bigger Death Star and bigger Alderaan. A whole section of the galaxy is just blown up now?

I hope that it just stabilized the universe again so the next stories can be their own thing.

I can't imagine Clinton's chances improving if her target continues to be Pepe the Nazi Frog.

Cred Forums used meme magic to kill Lemmy.
Cred Forums used meme magic to nominate Trump.

How the fuck have we not used meme magic to bring Superman to Earth?

>And now people finding out their nations have no say in the matter due to how much nation autonomy was ceded to the EU (something that started as/supposed to be and economic alliance) and that's all starting to fall apart.

People believe this. In a world where the Brits went to war in Iraq and the French are bombing countries in Africa without the EU giving two shits.

Now try and have the Texan national guard start strafing Mexican border towns in order to fight drug runners as a test case regarding the freedom afforded to the members of that Union.

>Brexit showed it was possible and now others want to follow suit.
Leaving has always been an option to any member from the start. The EU isn't the US.

>angrily shamed anyone who posted it.
only on the fast boards. posting cool face in science "troll physic" threads will not get you lynched.

>Does her VP get all the votes?
I'm not sure how you think the voting process works, but Kaine would assume the nomination and select a new VP.

Frankly I almost believe this is the best think that could possibly happen to the Democrats. Kaine is personally quite popular, and pro-life.

Indeed, that remains to be seen.

>Leaving has always been an option to any member from the start. The EU isn't the US

You say that but as the Brexit vote showed threats to those that consider that option likely keep people from pushing for it.

Till it was showed they could.

How strong is Cred Forumss meme magic?
/x/ discovered it but their tulpas were weak.
Cred Forums had the first recorded success and interaction after years of prayer to break through the demiurge layers
Cred Forums had the most sudden and random event
Cred Forums has had the most powerful and obvious
Can Cred Forums make their heroes come true?

And with the media constantly implying that one candicate being a known baby-eater clearly means that the other candidate isn't being honest about her baby-eating habits.

I'm still waiting for Cred Forums to use their meme magic. although they might have used it on No man's sky without even noticing it.

maybe she only juices babies instead of eating them whole.

Cred Forums is a press A QTE. They actually trigger it a bit.

>How strong is Cred Forumss meme magic?
Cred Forums can't meme magic for shit. We're on par with /x/ in the failure department

There's soul sucking Stan Lee

Are they responsible for the TORTANIC?
Maybe Cred Forums is a self-fulfilling prophecy, they believe a game will tank when it comes out so it tanks when it comes out. That's why they don't like video games.

Nah. No Mans Sky being bad is something literally everyone should have seen coming. Same goes for Mighty No. 9. They just weren't shaping up to be any good.

Now, Final Fantasy XV... that one could go either way.

least /x/ leads people to commit things. Damn Cred Forums won't even leave their room.


What does Cred Forums even want?
Besides a second season of Clone High and more Symbiotic Titan.
Maybe we should ask Cred Forums for advice on how it's done...
Or is that too much of a Faustian deal?

I have no idea what you're even trying to say.

Leaving always was an option, the Brits brought it up whenever they wanted some more cash or an excemption from something everybody else in the EU agreed on.

The issues that drove the Leave-campaign all originated in Downing Street rather in Brussel as well, so they're 100% not going to be solved by the British EU exit.

Cred Forums is too busy shitposting about hypercrisis being a thing to pull anything off. It's the equivalent of that guy who's like "OH I TOTALLY HAVE A PLAYSTATION 27" but in reality has his brothers hand-me-down Atari 5200

Meme magic requires concentrated effort and a lack of distractions. Meme magic is literally chaos magic on a global scale.

The first step is to learn.

"Condensed Chaos" - Phil Hine

"Pop Magic!" - Grant Morrison

"Postmodern Magic" - Patrick Dunn

"Prime Chaos" - Phil Hine (fw. Grant Morrison)

>/x/ discovered it but their tulpas were weak.
What about the slenderman stabbings in 2014?
technically it was YouTube who did /x/'s job by educating kids about slendy but it's still /x/'s fault.

/vp/ used meme magic to cause an earthquake in real life hoenn with their collective groudonposting

It was his damned fan fiction that he'd likely written decades ago. Star Trek was basically him putting his resume out there showing he could handle the job.

Overall it was a rather meh humdrum movie that needed a hell lot more Poe and while I could see the New Republic falling into the same holes as the Old Republic did in its Twilight we needed a lot more setup.

the coming of Snoke tossing Benny aside for Rey in the next film is going to be a fun moment though.

Got any documentation on that?

You could attribute that more to the Goons where Slendy originated than /x/.

I wanted more fucking pilot banter, fuck I didn't care a fig for Rey or Darth Vader fan with the wild hair.

its funnier because Marvel's CEO has donated hundreds of thousands to Trump and his campaign.

No but I can timeline it.
>April 12: Corocoro leaks, which promised a "big inside scoop" on sun and moon, but instead we get pic related
>April 12-13th: /vp/ posts many many edits of groudon (a ground-type legendary who created continents) going "wow! it's fucking nothing!":
>April 14th-16th: an earthquake happens in the part of japan that Hoenn is based on and kills 49 people (which is where groudon can be found in the games):

Well, that's interesting. Hopefully somebody can pull up threads on it, but I am aware of how much Nothing the initial Sun/Moon "leaks" were.

I found one:

Guess nobody told that to Slott.

Agree with you that traffickers are the problem. Only thing is it that if you continue to help refugees in a concentrated area, say the 'jungle' in Calais, the only people who are benefiting are the traffickers. So everyone is suffering in the long run except the traffickers.

Thanks, Daddy-O.

>Cred Forums killed lemmy and caused the boston bombing

Shit, I forgot about the Boston Bombing.

At this point it's only a matter of time before Marvel introduces Thanump and Baron Trumo.

Pic related. I think the OP is asking for dadrock bands.

/new/ was a lot better than Cred Forums but boy, you've gotta be joking if you think it still wasn't a cesspool.

None of this is new, they turned Nixon into the Secret Leader and had him commit suicide in front of Cap.

>implying Thanump isn't a GOAT idea
>implying Trump being president of the Marvel universe wouldn't be hilarious

>We are going to build a wall, and GALACTUS is going to pay for it
>skrulls, they're bringing crime, war, they're body-snatchers and some, like Super-Skrull, are good people depending on whose writing

>Cred Forums is triggered that Cred Forums managed to hijack presidental elections

What happened?

Cred Forums is filled with tumblr. I'm not a huge fan of Cred Forums either but still.

Jealousy we will never be famous for anything special or do anything cool.
What do we have to look forward to?


Like seriously, Cred Forums. Presidental election for 2016 has become about trading rarest Pepes, and you're mad about Cred Forums?

Its fucking Goober's Gate all over again. Everything about this scene is laughable, but instead you decide to be butthurt about it.

We have harnessed the memes Jack, now there is no going back.

Coptic Pope.

>He doesn't own a pet frog named pepe
>he doesn't have a little kek altar in its living habitat that shifts through random double digits every half hour and activating an automatic feeding mechanism every time it gets doubles
>he doesn't train it to become his dubs powered familiar
>he doesn't read it passages from the book of the dead
>he doesn't eventually kill it, cook it, eat it ritualistic ally to harness the meme essence, and then raise another frog in the same way
>he doesn't use the leftover frog bones as alchemic components

>about trading rarest Pepes

Oh shit, rare white supremacist pepe value has gone up sky high! Does anyone have any? Will trade this US Vietnam war veteran pepe.

Cred Forums coined the word Brony just before the Small Horse Monster fandom exploded all over the internet.

Didn't we crash a plane? with no survivors. Or was that Cred Forums?

I like to think Cred Forums was involved in Cred Forums and Cred Forums happennings but our one true heroic magical meme deed is yet to happen.

Cred Forums killed someone once. Over a leaked episode of Korra.