Finishing Starlin's new epic

Finishing Starlin's new epic
Thanos Annual Thanos vs. Hulk The Infinity Revelation The Infinity Relativity Infinity Entity
The Infinity Finale

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>these classic costumes
I love it










>the original GOTG cameo
Shame about what happened to Yondu




This is gonna be good

Be right back, gotta piss


Sorry, got a phone call.







>Thanos could have been rescued

I love that The End is canon











>Starlin exploring the aftermath of Hickman's Avengers run
This is all I ever wanted

The Warlock wank is insane





























Wow, what a nice twist

Oh shit














That was great.

Gonna take a break and be back later with the Finale


Man, Starlin is just the grandmaster of his craft.

Which is bigger Starlin's Warlock wank? Or his Thanos wank?

I always liked this guy. :)

...holy shit

is that tentacle beard guy Shuma Gorath?


It's Eon

Is that Eson the searcher? Why is her there instead of the Celestial TOAA or scathan.

>Starlin's Bar
Yaaaay continuity.


Did not see that coming.

Most writers are ignoring Humphries' run and that Rooker Yondu was suppose to be Yondu's ancestor.

But eitheir way he isn't coming back.

Oh my God, this is genius.

"Magic was too hard, so I just used my infinite extra-reality senses to find some guys whose technology was basically as good as magic and way easier to use."

Holy crap, Mephisto has a tablet.

Mephisto has become Tumblr.

My mind is broken.

This is fantastic user, thanks a ton for the Epic Storytime.

In good ol' times we'd get Strange helping Warlock, but alas, he's Tony Stark 2.0 now and who the fuck would want help from such a person

>no survivors

the best twists are those that make SO MUCH SENSE


that Epoch reaction face

Where's Molecule Man in all of this? This series seems to just fail in the scope it's trying to cover without having the Richards' family's bullshit being all over this, given that you know, they are now the SUPREME (tm) beings of the multiverse.


Molecule Man fucked off after Secret Wars. He decided he never wanted anything to do with any reality ever again.

well being a literally universe-destroying bomb isn't the greatest thing in the world

A real story for a change. Really good, and the Mephisto twist was genius.
Why we can't have more comics like this?

>Where's Molecule Man in all of this?

I always liked Molecule Man. I like to think he's off somewhere, shacked up with his fat, happy wife, as content as a barnacle on a rock.

I always loved this guy's design. Back when I was doing body painting work, I did a couple of designs inspired by it:

>Where's Molecule Man in all of this?
Hanging out in his little pocket dimension at the edge of reality while eating pizza, watching reruns of 80s sitcoms, and drinking vintage sodas. Occasionally he'll invite an abstract over to hang out and shoot the shit but he's kind of a loner.

>Why we can't have more comics like this?
Because good comics don't sell.

Look at Visions, and Superior Foes. People hate good books. I don't understand.

>shacked up with his fat, happy wife, a
Sadly, he didn't get Vulcana.

Here's the thing you have to understand. It's not that people hate good books, it's that people generally don't care about the quality of a book. They read A-Listers and whatever franchise/character/team they're invested in, usually as a result of some nostalgia they have for them from their childhood or exposure through some non-comic medium.

The types of people that care more about quality than recognizability usually don't bother with the Big 2 in the first place. Then of the ones that do care about quality and also care about the Big 2, the majority of them will just pirate instead of actually buying.

So the number of comic consumers that:
>Buy comics instead of exclusively pirating and/or trade-waiting
>Care more about Quality than Recognizability
>Care about the Big 2 enough to check out their fringe titles
Is an extremely small subset of overall comic buyers. Big enough that they can keep a book on life support, but not big enough that those books will ever sell particularly well.

Just look at Rebirth. Everyone is salivating over it and were calling DCYou a horrible failure, yet DCYou had a bunch of fantastic stand-out books while Rebirth is mostly mediocre pandering schlock. The reason is because DCYou focused on lesser known characters whereas Rebirth is just "A-LISTERS! A-LISTERS! DOUBLE-SHIPPING FOR TWICE THE A-LISTERS! You like Harley Quinn? Here, have 10 Harley Quinn books with a side of DCEU/DCCW synergy!"

bump for the conclusion!

Who did? Is she single now? :O

She's been single for decades.

Here it comes














When the fuck does this take place?



Considering the ending A now non existing timeline where the grass hopper king fucked everyone up


I mean, I get that part. I'm just confused when in 616 this is supposed to be happening. I read somewhere that it was during the eight month gap, but Thor still has his hammer. Did Jane die? I'm probably putting too much thought into it.




Probably, she could have been killed and Thor could have picked it afterwards and with things fixed she would have never died and thus have never lost the hammer.


That'd make sense, There's no Fantastic Four characters so this has to be after Secret Wars, right?


Well the problem there is Doom has his mask, Unless he is just wearing it to be cool.

Ah shit, I don't see this ending well.

Shit, you're right. Maybe he fucked up his face again. I really need to stop worrying where this alternate timeline fits in.






This is a nice spread.





Remember that "If you need another Teleporter, get Nightcrawler" line from Hulk vs. Thanos?


Really good foreshadowing.

Warlock wank is bigger




That was awesome









Oh fuck!















What about the rest of the universes?

>captain universe is there
>just being used to ferry around thanos and kurt




Man are they a sight for sore eyes. I miss them so much






This is great.






Holy shit this book is incredible





I guess Joe Kelly didn't get the memo



That helps the timeline I guess


>everyone the Beyonders killed is back
Good, good.









>immediately straddles him
What a slut

Dude they're gonna bone

This whole run was fucking fantastic.

Out of everyone on earth, how did Venom survive?

Is this collected somewhere?? I need to buy it

Thanks to everyone who read, hope you loved it as much as I did.

So what about the Thanos that got left outside of the universe with Reed, and only just returned and no longer in love with death?

That was a fun ride. Thanks for sharing.

>the survivors
>Thor, Gladiator, Black Bolt. captain universe, Silver surfer, Hyperion, Doom, and fucking Venom

Everybody else is way above his tier.

Hulk vs Thanos and Infinity Entity are collected in Trade Paperbacks.
Infinity Revelation/Relativity/Finale are each OGNs.

Three OGNs and two trades.

I know.
Also, where is Starbrand?
If anyone could survive it would be that dork.


I love that Eternity has seemingly cemented into Marvel's cosmology but I wish Starlin would use Oblivion as well.

Oblivion wouldn't be there, why would he want to prevent the end of everything?

That's the kind of shit that exists for.

finally, Thanos as he SHOULD BE.

and most importantly NO DRAWING HIS FUCKING EYES.


For as good as the Infinity Gauntlet was, it did more damage to his character than MCU synergy ever could.

It'd be cool if one day this bunch did something other than get one-shotted by the latest omnipotent asshole that comes around.

Adam Warlock is Thanos' best friend, if not his only real friend, isn't he.

Thank you so much OP. It was nice to be able to read a good cosmic story again.

Also, as a big Venom fan, it makes me smile that he was one of the survivors somehow, even if he does get his spine ripped out a few pages later. It was great to see Thanos being Thanos, the Guardians acting like their old selves and whatnot. I just wish Richard Rider had had a cameo somewhere.

>Sadly, he didn't get Vulcana.


What happened?

>venom getting his head ripped off
Shit man, that's brutal.

Not to detract from this enjoyable story, but wasn't this basically just Marvel: The End repackaged?

It seems to hit all the same beats, right down to Thanos and Warlock floating in an empty space after everything went to shit, only with their roles reversed.

I guess there is some merit in retelling the story in better fashion, but it seems kind shall I say, redundant in the grand scheme of things.

Of course, Starlin did the same thing with Infinity Gauntlet retelling the same basic story as his Thanos gets the Cosmic Cube story all those years ago, so I suppose it's just what he does.

Thanks for the storytime! That was quite the read. I missed that level of cosmic storytelling.

The only thing that would make Death hotter would be her doing this in her chibi form

I'm really curious what would have happened if the alternate Thanos was the one to absorb his universe instead of Warlock.


Holy shit, great storytime, user!

That's really good, Starlin hasn't lost a step.

>Adam Warlock is Thanos' best friend, if not his only real friend, isn't he.

Yes he is, and it is a difficult and precious relationship for both of them.

>Not to detract from this enjoyable story, but wasn't this basically just Marvel: The End repackaged?

All stories are the same story, when you dig deep enough. This was yet another telling of the Hero's Journey.

And yes, we love it every time. Humans EVOLVED telling each other stories about a fire. This is right down in our fiber.

Starlin is a master at it, that's for damn sure.

Ughh why? You don't let a cutie like Volcana go

Yes and I love their relationship.

Gamora and Adam are probably the only two that Thanos gives a fuck about other than Lady Death.

Same Thanos. Death is different.

My only gripe is that death wants Thanos dick. I want my thanos to doing crazy universe event feats while death keeps ignoring him

think about it this way
death died, and her husbando just got her back. that deserves at least a little thanks





it's before Secret Wars. Annihilus attack messed up everything, even causing Agent Loki to not evolve in the God of Stories but revert.

the Illuminati might have died or are still focused on the end of the multiverse.

...I want a miniseries about Thanos the Extremely-Reasonable-To-Deal-With Titan.

Warlock probably time-skipped to after Secret Wars, making a secondary Thanos for the events.

And there are probably two Thanos, at this point: Death's Husband and Oblivion's Gay Lover.

She left him years and years ago.

not really... while Cosmic Cycles are a thing, Thanos and Warlock keep evolving through those cycles and recurrences.

It's called character development... over the years, Thanos evolved, as character and as cosmic being, enough to actually getting a Good End as Death's Husband