How does Cred Forums feel about DC turning Shaggy into a hipster?

How does Cred Forums feel about DC turning Shaggy into a hipster?


He's the best character in that book and is one of the best versions of him desu

Is Scooby supposed to be some kind of cyborg?

Is he still an obvious stoner?

He is only a hipster visually.

Probably the best handled character on the book.

This is one of those comics that's really a lot better than it has any right to be.

Hrs not a hipster. He just gets along with dogs more than humans, so he doesn't know how to act or dress normal.

The fact these two things are indistinguishable says bad things about hipsters.

Considering that I live hipster garbage, Im absolutely enthraled

He doesn't act like a hipster, just looks like one.
Which is okay. Not great but okay.

In the story, Scooby is part of a military Smart Dog program, but since he was such a wimp was considered a failure.
He was kept around and him and Shaggy (the hired dog trainer) became best buds.


Why even call it Scooby if everything is totally different?

Can you give me a quick synopsis of the series?

This and the Flintstones are just too good

It's really repetitive. Every issue Daphne softens up a bit to Velma and then turns into a raging bitch and blaming everything on her a few pages later. Rinse and repeat

And it's taking forever to get any answers, I get that they want to stretch the mystery out as much as possible. But there's only so much they can do when the cast is just those five characters and they can't actually accomplish anything. At least introduce some supporting cast for them to interact with, or add in some flashbacks instead of constantly telling us the same shit.

Not really, but it shows he likes to indulge himself in Junk food.

They're building to introducing one of The Four as a Big Bad before they introduce the other two Velma's one of the four as the Bigger Big Bads to be addressed after the "Velma is a Big Bad?!" arc.

There is a secret science group of which Velma is part of. Scooby is one of the products of the facility of which Shaggy was hired as the trainer. Velma felt something was amiss and decided to blow the lid off the hush hush project so she contacts two bit tv show host and cameraman Daphne and Fred. After everything goes to hell, apparently a nannite swarm project designed to pacify Humans was unleashed on the world but was corrupted instead turning everyone into monsters. They y take the expirerimental armored vehicle Mystery Machine and try to figure out what happened and how can they reverse it if possible.

also Scrappy wants to kill Scooby for some reason

Clearly it's actually the Five and Velma is a secret member

The other members are related to Fred, Daphne and Shaggy which is why when they all entered that room they accidentally triggered the protocols that jumpstarted Apocalypse,

My theory is because he wanted to get back at him when Shaggy stepped in to protect him. Also nice quads.

Hadn't thought of that, good theory.

Shaggy was always a hipster. Hes probably the least changed char out of the group.

Shaggy was never a hipster he was a beatnik

They are both counter culture jobless dirtbags

How do they buy fedoras if they dont have any jobs?

meh welfare sheckles

The only reason Shaggy doesn't have a fedora is the same reason he is probably still Shaggy: He needs to eat. Fedoras are way too expensive, man, plus they like, are way too tight on the head, man or totally falling off your head while you're running away from uncool monsters and ghosts.


In the flashback where Shaggy met Scooby you can see some people who look like Fred, Daphne, and Velma in the background. Some anons were theorizing that the gang is The Four and some time travel/mindwipe shit may have happened to make them forget about it. Or it was just a pointless Easter egg.