This movie could have entirely dropped Millar's registration plot line and structurally it would be no different...

This movie could have entirely dropped Millar's registration plot line and structurally it would be no different. The conflict ultimately boils down to Team "Believes Cap that Bucky is being framed" and Team "Believes Bucky is dangerous criminal".
It might even had been better if they had dropped the Accords.

It did its job well, it split audiences who 100% thought their prefered side was obviously right and the other side was clearly dumb

I went with the logic that if this was a proper Avengers film then you could do the "both sides are equally right" thing, but as it's a Captain America film, obviously the writers are on Cap's side. Tony's side makes a few good points, but ultimately they've got asshole Ross who is more interested in gaining control over these living superweapons than protecting civilians, and Tony who has a track record of very poor decision making and is just trying to assuage his guilt and projecting a lot of it onto his teammates (Ultron wasn't any of their faults, Tony).

Caps side is favored by the genre he exists in, which allows for a world where seven people can be trusted to decided the fate of the world and where governments are always infiltrated by secret cabals.

In the real world, Iron Mans point would clearly be the norm. Any super humans would obviously work for the military. Though they definitely wouldn't be under the U.N.'s direction like in the movie

but my post in the OP stands, that the Accords was hardly the point of conflict of this movie, it was whether or not trust Cap to deal with Bucky

>that the Accords was hardly the point of conflict of this movie, it was whether or not trust Cap to deal with Bucky
Without the accords the plot that 'grey' area that somewhat legitimized Tony and his team going after Bucky. Sure, it could have been done the same but the Accords reinforces their point.

>It might even had been better if they had dropped the Accords.

I agree, they turned Steve into an irrational fascist and pretty much a terrorist

Yea I agree fully. I often bring up to people how MMA fighters have to register themselves as a lethal weapon and have their hands cuffed on flights.

Now none of that is true, but you tell people and they often believe it. It's an urban legend many people buy into. These are MMA fighters, not super heroes.

Nvm didn't finish reading. I'm going to bed.

>Don't be fucking retarded.
>didn't read the whole post

who's the retard?

>I don't know what fascism is
And no fascism isn't the same as fighting crime in other countries.

I literally dont know anyone who thought Tony was right. I can't believe Cred Forums is THIS casual.

the accords add extra gravity to the situation since it results in both sides knowing that however the chips fall will set a major precedence for how they get treated for the rest of their careers

He was right, though. I think Steve appeals to emotions better

Enforcing your ideas using force, thinking that the values of your people and your own are special and above all others, disregard of the rights of anyone that isnt in line with your thinking, disdain for the decognition of human rights, Identification of scapegoats as a unifying cause (muh hydra), obsession with national security, obssessed with punishment, fuck off.

Steve is an interventionist fascist cunt on the movie. Ultimate Cap was a better cap than mcu's

Tony was an emotional wreck the entire movie. Creating Ultron, being reminded of the last time he saw his parents alive, the whole thing with Pepper, not to mention the war veteran PTSD crap he is apparently still going through.

The only one who should be signing the accord was Tony himself. Everyone else was fine even Scarlet who was nothing more than inexperienced in quick thinking.

Even Tony at the end of the movie didn't care anymore even though mind control has happened multiple times before, he just wants his.

It's the equivalent of a father or brother lashing out at the suspect in court during proceedings for killing-ma-wife/daughter/sister.

Pretty sure everyone agreed the Accords was retarded as fuck

But moooommmmmmm

Are MCU fans this stupid?
They didnt save the world from anything they didnt help to create. Not a single time.

>the avengers created Loki

The fact that people is still discussing who is right kind of proves the movie did its job.

>thor failed to stop loki in his own movie
>thor failed to retrieve loki
>without stark's tower there was no invasion
>without Fury, Steve and Stark stopping Thor from taking loki to asgard there was no invasion
>without Fury building weapons there was no invasion

Nah, it's just a bunch of idiots that masturbate to Evans that can't understand why interventionism is bad. OP is right the Accords were not needed, in fact all you needed for the movie was black panther and bucky and have steve fighting tchalla alone.

>without stark's tower there was no invasion
Are you implying the tower was made FOR the avengers?

>without Fury building weapons there was no invasion
Thats a SHIELD(and technically, true for any government) thing.

Avengers were also part of SHIELD but the invasion wasnt necessarily their fault

>Are you implying the tower was made FOR the avengers?

No, i said it was thanks to Tony's Tower the invasion was possible.

There's no excuses you can make for them, they didnt save the earth from anything they didnt help create

>failing to stop something is the same as creating it.

>I still don't know what fascism is

>No, i said it was thanks to Tony's Tower the invasion was possible
How the fuck is that Tony's fault? That's like saying if some one stole my car and ran someone over its my fault they got killed. You're an idiot.

War crime, crime against humanity and funding terrorism by getting millions of Americans addicted to drugs are the sign of a robust president who isn't soft on Communism, user.

Yeah, that's ultron